How you can tell that NC and VS are the baddies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ryme_Intrinseca, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Ryme_Intrinseca

    They put their hyphens in silly places!

    AC-X11 not ACX-11
    VX6-7 not VX-67
    H-V45 not HV-45
    Parsec VX3-A not VX-3A

    You have not seen the true face of evil until you've seen a planetmans holding a badly hyphenated gun :p
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  2. ColonelChingles

    You do know that the TR also run around with T1s, TORQ-9s, LC2s, TRAC-5s, ML-7s, M9s, and M-77Bs, right? :p

    The NC source their firearms from many different corporations, which makes sense because they're essentially a group of corporations. "AF", for example, is a common prefix that probably means "Auraxis Firearms". This means that you're going to see a number of different naming conventions, instead of a single "standard" one. In the latest US carbine competition, you had names like the XCR-L, M6-IC, ACR, SR-16E3, CM901, FNAC and HK416. There's no "standard" use of hyphens. Numbers and letter can get all jumbled together, or there may not be hyphens at all.

    Although each corporation will have a different naming system from each other, for the most part internally each corporation should have consistent names (though IRL these change too). Nicknames should appear after the model number.
    Genuine Dynamics: GD-#X (GD-7F, GD-23), Blitz GD-10 needs to have the model come first.
    New Conglomerate: NC#X (NC1, NC2, NC4, NC6A), weapons with "0" in them (NC05) or a hyphen (NC-9) should change
    Esamir Munitions: EM# (EM1, EM6)
    Auraxis Firearms: AF-#X (AF-4, AF-4A), though the AF-4A should probably be renamed because it bears no resemblance to the AF-4
    Liberty Arms: LA# (LA8, LA80)

    It probably wouldn't hurt to rename the NC ones so that they are at least somewhat consistent.

    The Parsec comes from the Parallax, which is the VX3. To show that it is a modification of the VX3, the Parsec is called the VX3-A. The "-A" represents a subsequent model, not unlike the M16A1 being based off of the M16.

    As for the others, VS firearms are a little more difficult to decipher. In theory, the VS should have much more uniform names for those firearms, being the result of collaborative research. But sometimes their designation for submachineguns (SX) is applied to sidearms. VX, VE, and VS are used all over the place so it's hard to figure out what those mean.

    I do agree that the names for firearms and weapons should be better thought out. I've pointed out before that the Lightning's weapons are all misnamed... "L" when used as a prefix for tank guns is an indication of calibre length, not simply the calibre. The Lightning's guns shouldn't be "L100", they should be called "L30 100mm". It's silly details like that which would make PS2 better.
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  3. Turekson

    We call this orthographical superiority.
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  4. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Yep, all of which are hyphenated in a consistent way (hyphen before model number) or not hyphenated at all.

    It is unlike it because it has the hyphen in there. That's the problem. M16-A1 would just be weird. So would F15-E rather than F-15E for a Strike Eagle.

    If you don't use a hyphen, you can't really go wrong (VX3A would be fine). But if you're going to use them, don't throw them around totally at random like the VS seem to.

    Look at the three examples of VS weapons I mentioned: in one case it separates two numbers, in another it separates two letters, and in another it separates a number and a letter. There's no way that's an actual numbering system, it's just devs throwing darts in a board :rolleyes:
  5. Eternaloptimist

    You don't even need to look at the BRRRRRT. One team wears purple spandex and helmets that look like the top off a sex toy. The other models their armour on cardboard boxes, then paints it blue and yellow (yellow ffs). The conclusion is obvious and the BRRRRRT is for their own good.
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  6. The Rogue Wolf

    You have not failed Noah Webster... you have only failed yourself.
  7. ColonelChingles

    Not really. Consider the ML-7 and M9, both of which are rocket launchers. It should either be that both are ML7 and M9, or both are ML-7 and M-9. The lack of consistent hyphenation is just as bad for the TR as it is for everyone else.

    The NC have an excuse that they are a group of corporations, each with their own naming system. But the TR are supposed to be a unified military and so such differences are inexcusable.

    To me it reads "VX3, variant A", which is what the hyphen indicates. That's a reasonable thing to do. It separates the original model from the variant.

    Is there any good reason why the "F" needs to be separated from the "15" by a hyphen? Probably not. All "F" tells me is that it's a fighter of some type, but the real data is "F15" which tells me which fighter it is. The "E" then tells me how that model has been modified, which is really two sets of data. Proper hyphenation should separate the sets of data so that it is easier to see at a glance what I'm dealing with.

    Now do the VS do it randomly? Yes, and I think there needs to be a game-wide renaming of weapons so that they are consistent with lore. But the TR are just as bad at it, really.

    All factions do that to some degree, even the TR. As I've pointed out, it's relatively ok for the NC to do it, but the TR and the VS ought to be a bit more organised.
  8. Ryme_Intrinseca

    No it isn't. TR clearly have a system, it's just that whoever put the names in the database 'forgot' to put the hyphen in there. It would be like if you had F-14A, F-15A, F16A. It's not ideal and I agree it should be fixed. But it's on a much lower level of messiness than the VS, which are not just forgetting hyphens, but throwing them around at random. Their equivalent would be F-14A, F1-5A, F16-A.
  9. ColonelChingles

    What's the difference between the forgetful TR clerk who leaves out hyphens and the forgetful VS clerk who throws extra hyphens in?

    They're both very incompetent.
  10. Ximaster

    TR are the baddies.