[Suggestion] NC needs a little buff maybe?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FlashDelta13, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. FlashDelta13

  2. Kanelbullen300

  3. FateJH

    In the head, mostly.
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  4. FLHuk

    VS Forum Defence mecha battle X formation GO!
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  5. Halkesh

    So by showing a screenshot were NC lose an alert while being underpoped (30% only) and eaten by both VS and TR, we should pity NC and buff them ?

    No thanks.
  6. CMDante

    "Please buff the most versatile faction with many best in class weapons"

    No thank you.
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  7. Hammerlock

    they need a buff in form of useful leadership and coordination
    they are running around like headless chicken most of the time
  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

  9. breeje

    on my server the NC just have beat the hell out of us, can we nerf them ?
  10. The Shady Engineer

    Yesterday TR got double teamed and warpgated on Amerish. A few days back VS only held one base on Hossin despite having 33% continent pop and was spared a complete warpgating because NC locked the continent before we capped Whispering Pass.

    Point is, this stuff happens to all factions and you just have to sorta deal with it. Good news is that chances are your faction is doing better on the other continent. It's a video game, there's no shame in leaving fights or even continents if you aren't having fun.
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  11. LaughingDead

    Well vs got nerfed for being too good, obviously the converse is true :p

    As to the OP, just play a different faction for a bit.
    I know it's ****** to not be able to play your main in fights you like, in fact I hate that the most in this game but you can always make the other two sides fight each other to put the pressure off the NC and join later. So you play with new weapons to you, different look, and still play enjoyable fights.
  12. Benton582

    Okay, here's what we actually need, and hopefully Briggs won't behead me for this.
    -NC really needs some great leadership. We are missing key factors: Map checking, Population(most of the time), Strategy, and lastly, activity.
    -NC has very bad guns, as in, for newbies. Not everyone knows burst fire Daybreak, you might as well give guns that actually equal to start, such as fast firing and less recoil, but bigger hip. Because seriously, this is kind of getting old.
    -Harassers Main gun, and MBT secondary. Here is where Daybreak really done screwed up. NC= Only TWO infantry weapons that ACTUALLY have long distance AV which are the Ravens and the Camera guided rocket. While the VS and TR have a HUGE amount of it, aka for MAXs and Infantry alike, while the NC literally have almost NOTHING to boot, and never did. Remember the Mjorlor? Yeah, that flopped so quickly, that no one even uses it. It is so bad at what it does, it barely even appears at ALL. Everyone wanted a railgun to equalize the playing field, but instead, we got a crappy grenade shotgun that gets outranked by EVERYTHING ELSE. And both VS and TR know this well. And you know you'd be lying if you didn't.
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  13. customer548

    What about NC Infantry players with a positive KD ? If NC weapons were so bad, those players shouldn't have a positive KD.
    What avout DEvs statistics highlighting NC incredibly high TK rate across servers ?
    What about those forum posts "Need Buff asap" as soon as NCs get warpgated on any server ? Why don't we see any TR or VS similar posts when TRs or VS are WPed ingame ?
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  14. Benton582

    1. For the first part, you don't really notice how MANY of NC have a positive to high KD, you really neglected to see the statistics, why are you talking about only a "select" population when you need to talk about the ENTIRE NC? Also, you didn't read the fine print on what I replied with on my opinion on weapons.
    2. Define TK rate, because I assume you mean teamkilling, which is because of newbies struggling to fire their low velocity and slow firing guns. Also because we lack most of the veterans because of a curve effect of NC SUCKING ALMOST EVEY ALERT MAYBE? And also being relatively boring to play, again, my opinion, I played NC for quite a while already.
    3. NC is the one often being out poped during prime time, and also in all around performance ingame. We don't see VS and TR complaining because of the success and balance as well as updates they often get. NC is also to most neglected faction, which is really stupid, since updates often mainly shine a light on TR or VS, but never NC itself. Have we EVEN ever got a good update specifically for NC? That's a big no right there, and both TR and VS know this, but neglect to even admit it most times.
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  15. customer548

    This kind of topic is so old. And each times shows up the same stuff "Weapons are b4d, opponents OP".
    As an infantry player in the 3 Factions, I don't understand why I don't see any hudge gap beetween NC and TR-VS Infantry weaponery.
    As an infantry player in the 3 Factions, why is my KD the same across the 3 Factions ? If NC weapons were so bad, it wouldn't be.
    As an infantry player in the 3 Factions, I just observe stupid Tking and stupid actions ruining experienced players' efforts when logging in as a NC.
    I just observe a small number of squads, a lack of classes synergy and a total lack of use of communication tools.
    I just observe uncerted and unrepaired amnos only sundies.
    I honestly don't care about pops and Alerts.
    By the way, I had a look about what happens on my server when an alert ends.
    When TR-VS are the winner, they are celebrating : "Nice teamwork" , "Good job" , "That was short" , "That was EZ", random "My Faction is da best", "Papa Vanu rules" or "Spandex rekt" .
    Look at what happens when NC win an Alert...Nothing, not a single comment...I mean, they don't care, I think that a large part of them don't even knew-understood-was interested in what was going on.

    And I'm out of this endless "weAp0ns Are br0ken - Need buff !!!! - Ennemies too OP OP OP - kant sh00t !! ". Have fun on PS2.
  16. JobiWan

    Last night I rage quit for the first time in ages, all due to the numerous insta-gib weapons that NC have.

    Two shotgun Maxes were instagibbing everything in sight. I went infil and tried to hack the vehicle terminal, got instagibbed by a giant flying shotgun attached to an aircraft (several times). Tried to sneak round and flank the enemy, got instagibbed by a giant shotgun attached to a Harasser.

    So, no.
  17. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Yes, nc are the instagib faction; it's so relaxing playing against tr and vs maxes by comparison. The cyclone has clear best in class status, and the wide selection of 167 and 200 damage autos give them incredible ranged power, while still having some of the best cqc weapons with the likes of the anchor, jackhammer, gd-7f and bandit.

    The default carbine and ar are fantastic and very easy to use so I don't really buy the argument about new players struggling with nc guns. Yes, there is the issue with the gauss saw and new players, so maybe there's a case for making the gd-22s the default, but I don't see any argument for an actual buff to nc weapons.
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  18. Eternaloptimist

    SAW is a hard weapon to master for new players but Mercenary and Gauss Rifle are top notch. It would make sense for some guide to new players (any faction actually) that says "start with engie or medic......the guns are good and the cert gain is huge". You could add for NC "then save up for a GD22S if you want to shoot well as an HA" if you like.

    The other thing that might help NC new players is to advise them not to let their guns get explosive diarhhoea and start spraying their neighbours when the battle hots up.

    NC infils who start with a BASR are in a pretty good place too, althought the recent ballistics computer and removal of scope sway on the SASRs has made things better for VS and TR, especially VS, as they have no bullet drop either (I'm not starting up that old argument again btw - been playing with the new VS SASR and it is a massive improvement for long range sniping).
  19. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Honestly if there was one weapon that should be buffed it should the the Mjolinir, but every other weapon is just fine. (is it odd that the auto-correct wants to make Mjiolinir into Mussolini? XD)
  20. rahte

    1. Yeap. Your ability to read ends up on "dmg up to 10 meters" line.
    2. It is imposible to will gunfight if you do 3/4 of DPS less than TR and VS players.... and even then...
    3. It is imposible to win a gunfight If you have higher bloom than TR and VS players.
    4. Mentioning 2 weapons which are actually worst than TR and VS counterparts do not change a thing.
    5. Yeap... Jackhammer is good up to 10 meters.... most rooms are larger than10 meters
    6. GD-22S is not CQC weapon and have DPS even lower than defoult SAW.
    7. Gauss SAW is bad not because it is hard to master. It is bad because it is bad weapon.