Heavy Fix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by CartoonFace, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. CartoonFace

    Hi everyone, i'm 100% serious when i say this, remove heavy class from the game. I mean lets face it there is 0 anti heavy equipment in this game for heavy, all they have to do is activate their i win shield and done, untouched from any small arms damage. Like infiltrator for instance all you have to do is buy a cheap black light and that's it infiltrator's aren't infiltrators unless they choose laser sighting which no one ever does besides infiltrator when in stalker mode for pistols and if you play this game you can figure the rest out yourself. I personally rarely use heavy because its not my thing i like stealth or helping out and if you were wondering give Engineer rocket and heavy gun. You see the guns are fine but dat i win shield just ruins this game for me i'm not sure how of you feel about this but i'm guessing 90% of you are heavy heads due to it being so easy to win and exploiting it like i did yesterday when i rage out because all i saw was heavy then i went heavy and oh my god was it easy to stay alive and thought this is breaking the game for me personally. I know this will get hate i also know that im wasting time even writing this but i thought i would share my feelings with you the community. Thank you for reading and happy gaming :)
  2. Eternaloptimist

    I main engie or medic but started out playing a lot of HA. Since the nerf to shields they seem pretty balanced to me. The over-shield is certainly an advantage in 1v1 fights if it is activated but there are drawbacks:
    • It glows like a great big beacon
    • It doesn't last forever but has told everyone where you are while it does
    • It does take damage or it only lasts a set time (depending on shield)
    • It slows your movement speed (not much, I grant you)
    • The resist shield does not stack with nanoweave armour so as soon as it expires HA is weaker than a nano equipped enemy
    HA is fine by me as is.............A claymore does the job quite nicely. So does a BASR headshot or a quick burst of pistols to the cranium, an AV mana turret, even a sustained close range burst from my carbine or AR. I only ever landed a sticky 'nade on a Max so I don't know about that.
    I think they appear over powered because there are often so many of them. I wonder if there would be many nerf calls against ARs or auto nano heals if people faced large numbers of medics in battle.
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  3. Gutseen

  4. Steza

    I just go LA jump up high and burst shot a few rounds into their heads, the shield makes them slow and a easy target for head shots also good to just use standard tactics sun to your back if they play on pretty mode they wont see where its coming from.
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  5. Halkesh

    If you are fighting an enemy while they have an advantage on you, you're doing it wrong.

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  6. IceMobsterrr

    Just make knife damage ignore the heavy shield. It is absurd how when you come behind them, shoot them and then knife and the HA doesn't die.