Lets talk about those matrix juke moves and chain headshots....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by entity009, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. GuhMaster2512

    One thing some of the hardcore infantry players do is something called the "medkit shuffle." The idea is when you take damage from someone who flanked you, you do a jumping 180 to get back towards cover and use a medkit while in mid air so you don't lose your momentum. Then as you are sprinting you turn your mouse left and right for a about 1/2 second and press the A and D keys in the same direction you are facing. Due to clientside, this warps you character into unnatural animations and throws off hit detection.

    You can kind of see it in this video:

  2. JKomm

    Which is essentially a "screw you" to even some highly skilled players... medkits in general need a change, being able to be used literally mid-fight is quite unrealistic and unbalanced... being able to spam them also ruins the fun of the game as someone with medkits can run away and spam them over and over to get the hell out of dodge. Couple that with the Heavy Assault shield most players use during this sequence and intentionally rigging hit detection/animation to your advantage and you can see how it becomes unfair very quickly. But these are super try hard players we are talking about, they can't adapt or change, they find one good thing and keep to it... if you threaten to change that good thing they will either A) Threaten to quit the game, or B) Insult your skill and inability to counter their deliberate actions to cause shoddy hit detection.
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  3. DeadlyOmen

    Wow. We live in the dark ages of gaming.
  4. Juunro

    It is mostly lag- quite a few of the 'best players in the world!' are artificially throttling their outbound ping, which messes with the games hit detection very badly. They have been doing this for years, and will continue to do this. It's why you run into Russians or BR's that seem to teleport through all your bullets. And DBG has shown absolutely no ability or willingness to kick for it. And it will continue to get worse as they consolidate servers and we get ever more people using tin-can phones from the ***-end of nowhere placed onto US servers.
  5. Who Garou

    Hacking/cheating with movement and aim-bots is nothing new to Planetside 2.
    in the chat window.
    You will see that they are both listed as reportable and the DEVs even give you "last killer" so you can just click on it and it will put your last killer into the box.

    And the DEVs do ban people for hacking/cheating, but players have to report them in order for the DEVs to look into what they are doing.
  6. FateJH

    Do you mean that last guy in the video who dies on the air pad?
    Watching the video is painful on my eyes. Not for the content, but the way he keeps throwing his view around like that.
  7. Valthis78

    The amounts of self delusion are just ridiculous. "I can't do that so X must be cheating because there is no way someone is just better than me"
  8. Daigons

    Finally someone who can explain this situation. How can someone in a 10 second window while sitting on top of a tech plant kill 8 different ground level players with headshots while using a AI Mana Turret? I'm looking forward toward your non-delusional reply.
  9. Valthis78

    That would be in a different category than whats been discussed in this topic. But on a side note chaining headshots with AI mana turret is very easy considering it has 0 CoF on first shot and no recoil. Also i would tend to believe the claim of 8 kills in 10 seconds may be a bit of exaggeration by someone who refuses to accept there are players that are just better than they are.
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  10. Rebelgb

    Hey look a cheater. Stop being so obvious.
  11. JKomm

    While there are always better players, that does not mean these players are better in their own right. Doesn't matter what game you play, a lot of the "top" players run scripts and/or use exploits(Both major and minor) to their advantage in an attempt to gain every possible advantage over their opponent. More often than not you can see these players frantically trying to justify the use of such methods for false skills, some claiming that exploits are features and if they weren't allowed it wouldn't be there... on the other hand it's damn near impossible to fix a hit detection exploit one uses via a movement pattern.

    The only thing I can gather from you trying to dissolve the topic at hand saying, "These are simply better players" is that you may in fact be one of the people who uses said exploits to your advantage and want to appear in the right.
  12. Valthis78

    Actually I stopped playing on the PC and for the record my lifetime k/d was less than 1. And alot of the things you are attributing to people running scripts are done on the ps4. Care to explain how that would be possible? No you would rather just keep believing that everyone is cheating so your ego can rest easy.
  13. JKomm

    You have poor reading comprehension it seems... as you can plainly see in my post I said scripts AND/OR exploits. Exploits can be done in-game without any third party tools, meaning they will of course also be present on the PS4 environment. There are major exploits done via movement alone which causes hit detection to become extremely unreliable against the one doing them. These players are what I'd classify as "try hards" not cheaters or hackers, because cheaters use third party tools for the purposes of wall hacking, aimbotting, and other blatant level advantages. Scripts on the other hand are minor and do not directly alter the game, but they do impact your skill level by means of pressing a single button to achieve multiple actions... these are somewhat akin to a macro, which if I recall are banned in PlanetSide 2.
  14. Gundem

    I actually recall a dev saying that as long as your macro does not move the mouse and requires manual input, it's fine.
  15. Valthis78

    So your saying that anyone who doesn't stand still while getting shot at is a "tryhard" using an "exploit"? Threads like this do nothing but provide false ammunition for all the tinfoil hat wearing morons that can't just accept the fact they are not as good as they want to think they are. If all these people would just stop crying cheater and think about what really happened and how they could do better they might actually improve. But no that would involve effort and that is too much to ask.
  16. KoRneY

    A bunch of these comments sound like nerds who literally cannot comprehend that someone can outright destroy them. Once you stop denying you're not as good as you think you are you might get better. Stay humble.
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  17. JKomm

    I am neither claiming to be a good or bad player, but I have been online gaming on PC for over a decade now, I understand the mechanics of games and know when they can be exploited, I also know when a player is or is not cheating... it's quite easy to tell with time. When I die to someone I don't call hacks for some sort of egotistical reason, I evaluate the situation, I consider lag, I watch their movements and my aim seeing if they match up. I can guarantee you 100% there are exploits in Planetside 2 where if you move in a correct manner it can create issues with hit registration which ultimately leads to the exploiter coming out victorious.

    I'm not saying if you move you are a "tryhard", it's when you intentionally exploit or script to gain an advantage, these players have an understanding of the mechanics to a degree where they can reliably make things.. well unreliable.

    As for your final statement... most players don't actually believe their killer is cheating, it's more-or-less a frustration response... not a reaction to personal performance issues. These players, including myself, do improve from situations instead of shrugging it off that the other player was cheating. If you think they don't then that is a personal issue you have.
  18. TheFlamingLemon

    Yeah, the one dodging all my bullets.
  19. Shockfc

    I've never met anyone that runs a "script". I have met people that can move their mouse back and forth while also using the keyboard. Tough skill, takes a while to really master.
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  20. Valthis78

    Better warn them to be careful, apparently that is an "exploit" now.