[Suggestion] Protect new players asap.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naaahhhhh, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. Naaahhhhh

    I was playing the last two days for the first time on koltyr on ps4 and before that i never thought that team killing is a serious problem but...it is (at least on koltyr).
    There was several times a guy that just stand in the spawn room and team killing new players.
    There was one guy getting into a sundy and start slaughtering new players with the basilisk that spawned there (I watch this **** for 30 seconds than destroyed the sundy and replaced it with a locked one)
    These trolls aren't a serious problem for an advenced player but for new players that hardly get what is going on in this game it is extreme frustrating to get teamkilled on purpose (my gf told me so because I start playing with her on ceres and she is new to the game).
    And here is why we as experienced players should worry about this: This type of behavior expels the new player base which we need to keep this game going. If there are no new players the game will die. And I dont belive that anyone of us want this.
    Hear are two easy solutions:
    1) After the fifth team kill in 10 minutes you get moved in the VR room for 15 ingame minutes (only on koltyr).
    2) Disable frindly fire (only on koltyr).
    Maybe we could settle the differences between TR, VS and NC because every new player of every faction need this protection against trolls that want to ruin this game.
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  2. Insignus

    I think disabling friendly fire on Kolytr has both advantages and disadvantages:

    New Players are more delicate, and getting them a positive experience early on is the key to getting them hooked in the game.
    Team killing rampantly obviously does mess up that experience.

    FF is a major component of the game (I.E. learning not to spam grenades or buzz-saw your team-mates heads off).
    Having negative friendly fire experiences is actually the best way to encourage people to be more careful themselves.
    I know that I became much more careful with grenades when someone popped me with a team-flash nade and got the whole point room killed. No amount of "OH MY GAWD SORRY!" made up for that one.

    That said, your suggestions about shorter time-outs is definitely valid.

    I think another way to protect new players would be to give regular players a way to know if a player is actually new, and not just someone's lowbie alt. For that reason, until a player reaches 15 with their first character, their name should appear in Blue to their team-mates only. This will let players know that yes, a player may be a little slow in getting on-board with the Gal-drop, but that they warrant an extra talking to, not an immediate reflex kick from the squad.

    I don't remember my Koltyr experience that much, to be honest, as I jumped in pretty quickly to meet some friends.
    First vehicle I pulled: Valkyrie.

    Fun times.
  3. MrMinistry30

    I think that's a good idea but when players leave koltyr for the first time a big fat sign like "YOU ARE LEAVING KOLTYR, FRIENDLY FIRE IS NOW ACTIVATED" (or something similar) should make it very clear that FF is a bad thing and has consequences etc...
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  4. DeadlyOmen

    I remember my very first PS2 experience.

    I drop-podded into a crossfire hurricane, and lasted about .001 seconds. I was like... wtf? But I also became determined to figure it out.

    Koltyr is a great example of unintended consequences. Maybe it's good for new players...I don't know. Evidently, it's good for grievers.

    How we ever got to a point in gaming where players need their bottom rubbed...it's a shame.
  5. JKomm

    Friendly Fire seems to be a reoccurring topic lately, and for good reason, this however is something that needs to be addressed. Koltyr should be a comfortable place for new players to learn the game, if they get frustrated there, then they will never stick around in the long run.

    Each time FF is brought up I say the same thing... there needs to be more effects. Negative experience is bad since there are accidents as well as people who intentionally make you kill them, locking someone into VR could also be bad as well. If you want to deal with grievers, you gotta annoy them. Weapons lock isn't enough, I think two other effects should be put into effect.

    1) Concussion Status Effect: Constant friendly fire permits your empire to activating a deterrent mechanism in your helmet which causes the same effects as a concussion grenade, slowing movement speed and dramatically reducing sensitivity. This lasts for an abnormal amount of time comparatively. (This effect works in vehicles as well)

    2) Personal Shield Deactivation: When weapons lock wasn't enough, your empire is given remote access to your equipment, capable of turning your shielding off leaving you extremely vulnerable to all damage... due to the nature of the crime, this effect lasts 10 minutes and persists through death. This is for repeat offenders who kill even after weapon lock has worn off.

    3(Bonus effect): Repeat offenders are marked on the map and HUD with a special icon indicating they are a team killer, when players have this special mark, no grief points are awarded for dealing damage to them.

    I think these are great ways to help stop friendly fire incidents, be it accidental or intentional, without negatively impacting the player in terms of things they have previously gained(i.e. no loss of certs and/or experience), also due to the annoying nature of these effects, it makes players learn more caution as opposed to just being weapon's locked... as that has never been a proper deterrent.
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  6. Eternaloptimist

    I think a TK in a spawn room should get an immediate, lengthy weapon lock.

    Outside of spawn rooms is difficult due to accidents will happen but more than one in a given period of time should have the same effect.

    I'm talking about an account-wide lock so faction switchers can't just log in, kill a few people then log back to their other faction account, as well as stopping the malicious brain donors who like to just turn up and kill one new player after another.

    The idea of reverse xp i.e. you lose points for each tk to the same degree as you would gain xp for killing enemies, has some merit.
  7. FieldMarshall

    What if you ease people into friendly fire gradually.

    At BR1-10 you deal/take 0% friendly damage, BR11 you deal/take 10% friendly damage, BR12 you deal/take 20% friendly damage etc.
    all the way up to BR19 with 90% damage and ending with 100% (normal) damage at BR20.

    Or what if you lost xp/certs equal to a normal kill when you teamkilled something.
    Or even a penalty to xp/cert gain for a while after several teamkills in a row.

    Also please disable friendly fire inside spawnrooms. It would (in my opinion) fix more problems than it would cause.
  8. zaspacer

    PS2 is like a restaurant where no employee is at the entrance to meet/seat new customers. And there are sketchy non-employees there at the entrance who want to mug/violate/harass customers. If you're a regular and/or you can handle the sketchy non-employees, maybe you go there. But for everyone else, it's pretty bad.

    But SOE/DBG/Sigil have a long history of completely no relating to, understanding, or caring about the New Player experience. Management is oblivious and workers can't be bothered (or don't have the authority).
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    This isn't a terrible idea. The numbers might need some reworking, though.
  10. DeadlyOmen

    Varying levels of FF is an AWFUL idea.

    How do the bullets know to deal less damage?
  11. Khallixtus

    I believe there were two good suggestions stated above.

    1) Less Friendly-Fire damage. My only spin on the idea is that on Koltyr, FF isn't removed, just reduced. This is so that people don't accidentally (or otherwise) mow down their teammates, but still learn early on that its a real thing and that it is bad. Koltyr is meant for easing new players into the game, and this would help.

    2) Highlight Teamkillers. It may sound silly, but the biggest advantage is that those people who TK repeatedly will realize that everyone else knows they TK. This both means people are on guard and aware that they may try something dodgy and that some people will decide to hand out some justice and kill them. This would happen after there have been a large number of TKs of course.

    If the newer players are having these problems, then changes do need to be implemented. New players are how you get increasing numbers of players (duh), which means more people using their product, which means more money, so there are bonuses towards both the company and the community if their experience is improved.
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  12. SproitPower

    I don't know what it is (I'm new to ps2 btw) but I can't use my sniper rifle anymore I think it's a weapon lock but I'm not sure can anyone help. It's there for almost a day
  13. Eternaloptimist

    Not a bad idea for habitual TKers but it won't have any drawback for faction switchers. I'd go for an xp/cert penalty myself (and a special penalty that is medieval in it's severity for anyone who TKs with explosives or knife in a spawn room)
  14. Problem Officer

    Lock all weapons inside spawnrooms. >:')

    The problem with punishing is that teamkillers can't be automatically differentiated from players getting teamkilled on purpose.
    The more teamkilling is punished, the more power is given to griefers that will use that system against others.
    It's impossible to prevent someone from simply running in front of a Heavy that's aiming their rocket launcher, standing on friendly mines or C4, or running into vehicles to get run over and screw over the other player that was doing nothing wrong.
  15. VelesCRO

    Very good idea,and faster weapon lock.
  16. Kubor

    This game is crying out for new players. Anything that can be done to encourage newbies to try out the game via Koltyr and have a positive experience can only be a good thing. In the last 10 days I have taken 2 brand new young players to Koltyr. Both got farmed mercilessly by people that should know better and neither of them is even remotely interested in revisiting the game ever again.

    The other thing I'd like to see is no KDR tracking until a player is at least BR15. I know that lots of people say not to worry about kills v deaths, but modern games put so much importance on solo scores that peer pressure alone makes new players either afraid to die, or quit when they get 10 deaths to every 1 kill when they first start. The modern insistence on placing positive individual kill ratio over and above team score is absolutely destroying the chances of recruitment outstripping the number of players that are losing interest in the game.
  17. Akashar

    That's the superior idea IMO, while keeping the buzzing sound and the picture. This way, you can play all you want with nades and all, but every time your action would have damaged your teammates, you would know it. And then you would get a warning when leaving koltyr that you can now kill or be killed by teammates. It would give you time to adjust to the game without being punished too roughly at the start. And guys in sundys like your one would have the same effect on people that they would in the warpgate, so they would even stop. And I'm speaking of no FF, ever. Like, C4 or anything would not even scrap paint on a vehicle.
  18. Septus

    I think this one would be great, others are reasonable too. I would also like the ability to not report TKs. As in when your pilot smashes into a tree and he gets a tk, there should be an option that shows up in notifications to take away their grief points. This is a bigger issue when they are driving a vehicle you pulled, as they get a final warning sometimes because they killed you, potentially other occupants, and the vehicle.

    There could also be an option to punish them extra, giving them extra grief points if you know they did on purpose.

    On a different topic to help newbs, how about letting certain vets into koltyr that have registered as mentors, they can lead mentor squads and helps newbs learn the game. There should be major bonuses for doing this, also why were mentor squads never added? they were talked about a long time ago. You should be able to do these squads on normals continents too, only br 20 or maybe 30 and below can join as normal members, perhaps even auto placed in these upon log in or continent switch. Only 1 or 2 veterans per squad.