Reasons why the TR are OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diggsano, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Diggsano

    TR is Overpowered, in many facts they are superior and still demand a Nerf to VS AND NC.

    The average TR player will now reply on this thread to defend his Equipment because he wants it to stay as said OP status.
    There will be TR players who say that the said weapons are garbage to make it look less OP.

    All i can say is that the NC should receive BUFFs in Accuracy and recoil and the TR should get nerfed and all that comes from a player who played TR, NC and VS...
    I see the comparison between the Factions and i also see the Cons of each faction...
    i had played also NC for quite a while and see how hard they have it...
    Compared the NC with TR are the TR so much easier to play with

    NC- More Damage
    VS- Accuracy and some weapons with no bulletdrop
    TR- Higher Magazine Size and Higher Firerate

    NC lacks with their trait and TR have simply not earned the higher Magazine Size.

    Now the Equpment of TR:

    GK for short is one of the simpliest Weapons to use, has nearly no bulletdrop and makes massive damage even in far far away.
    GK is the Prowler secondary to go.
    GK is good versus infantry, vehicles and even against air.
    There are single Harassers with GK on top of Mountains just to "Snipe" down targets.

    Prowler can easy deploy with less than a second...there was a time where it was at least 2 seconds...
    Deployed Prowlers can reload faster and also shoot faster with a little bit of bulletdrop...
    The 2 Barrels of the Prowler makes them so easy to play... got a missed shot? no problem there is one in reserve.

    Now the glorious Skyknights can farm again.
    A Banshee can take out an ESF with just one when there are enemy ESF who disrupt your farming, you can easy farm the ESF

    This Pistol garanties you at least a winrate of 60% versus all enemies you will conquer at your famous journey trough the lands of Auraxis.
    You can even outdps Carbines and LMGs with that holy communism pistol.

    T4 AMP:
    A Pistol with the highest firerate in the whole game....srsly wtf

    Faction trait:
    Higher firerate in a client based game is just bad.....sometimes it feels like a TR soldier headshots you one time but it were 3 Bullets...

    40 Shots in ARs and Carbines Magazines while they have more firerate is simply the best trait you can get out of the 3 factions.

    But hey better nerf VS and NC because they are so OP.
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  2. Fryepod

    I'd say this is a fairly accurate statement. As just coming back to PlanetSide after probably a year of not playing I noticed TR is obviously winning the majority of conflicts even with lower server population, although NC kicked our SORRY ***** back the warp gate last night for the first time since I started playing. They utilized the one thing NC has over everyone, sniping.

    You know German troops steamrolled 90% of the city of Stalingrad but ran into a massive problem. Snipers hiding at every corner. Even with air support an armored division the constant sniping bogged them down until winter hit and the massive counter attack began.

    Balance wise, that's all I really noticed. TR's RoF dominates CQC, NC will snipe you to death and VR (when organized) has the most annoying air to surface capacity ever.

    But even without talking balance and stats/meta it really just seems to me that TR on at least both US East (For sure Emerald) is dominated by the gaming community AOD(R) in this case. I have many AoD friends from other games and have joined with them before and never once had a problem. The *problem* if you will is one massive 6000+ member unit (even if a small % are active) means they have the man power and organization to just continue a steam roll-zerg rush.
  3. Naaahhhhh

    Please do yourself a favour and accept that TR gets buffed and VS and NC gets nerfed.
    There is no reason behind it. DBG just likes TR. Stop worry about it.
  4. Sh4n4yn4y

    You know NC used to get all the toys? Didn't hear them complaining back then when they were Higby's (RIP) favourite.

    In vehicle gameplay, there's no doubt that TR has the advantage, but often the performance of our infantry weapons is lacking. Sure, we can put a lot of bullets down range, but how many actually hit? Go further than a few meters back and our high RoF low damage per bullet weapons to bugger all.

    Keep your shot centring good in CQC, and you'll probably win more often than not.
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  5. guerrillaman

    The tanks are massively inbalanced. For instance...

    Max dps

    Prowler gatekeeper+AP - 1860 dps

    Vanguard AP+halberd - 824 dps
  6. Naaahhhhh

    yep because tr has no accurate lmgs, carbines, assaultrilfes...etc. Nevermind. I have stoped thinking about nerfing and buffing. I just recognized that the most powerful weapon in PS2 is teamspeak.
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  7. D.M.B.-681

    Vanguard have shield though
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  8. Panhawran

    After daybreak take SOE they buff TR.
    Pistol revamp: TR got T4 AMP and TS2 Inquisitor
    NC got: NC08 Mag-Scatter
    VS: non, I forgot that VS have op Spiker with charge mode who no one use.
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  9. guerrillaman

    Yeah, vanguard vs prowler, fairly even fight. But thats not the problem. Its the dps against EVERYTHING else.
  10. FateJH

    How are you calculating that?
  11. freeAmerish

    LOL years to late for that.
    When there is a Desperado and half of players using a Commissioner.
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  12. guerrillaman

  13. JKomm

    I play both NC and TR, and I'll say this... I'd enjoy TR more with NC weaponry. Yes our weapons are the most difficult to use for new players, but they are the most rewarding when you learn how to handle them... we deserve a little more focus on the high damage quality of NC, leave spray and pray to TR because that's all they have ever been good at... even in their Prowler and Mosquito.

    The only buff needed is to NC's general intelligence and team work... players will completely disregard orders, they will zerg half the map that only has 1 defender, they will fail to protect the most vital facilities, and they will always scream about "Freedom" when they do it. I'm honestly sick of this mentality, I prefer the order... I prefer the unity. But, I also prefer my NC weapons and armour.
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  14. Haquim

    Yup. Definitely.

    By adding the doubled reloadspeed of the anchor mode and ignoring the fact that the tank just became stationary. Thats a "shoot me, I can't move" flag.
    If it doesn't get shut down immediately, there was either no fight to begin with or the enemy is just plain stupid.
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  15. Halkesh

    You, man, just said all the true about NC.
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  16. FriendlyPS4

    Buff/Nerf cycles usually fail. What is always a better option, is more options. NC needs more toys.

    In PS4 I find TR and VS as close to balance as you can get. NC is the step child. NC loses any chance of air superiority because the Reaver is a fat hitbox cow in the sky. The SAW is a godawful default weapon for rookie NC and this is coming from a player that Auraxiumed that junk. NC Harasser cheese is weak because NC do not have the superbly cheesy Harasser weapons of TR/VS.

    With all that said we are not playing against robots we are playing against HUMANS and if you nerf TR those humans don't have to keep playing the game. So instead of asking for something that will reduce the playerbase. Ask for more toys for NC. Simple.


    Till then a couple of workarounds for new heavy NC players on PS4:

    --Get the GD-22 its cheap.Kill streaks come with ease.
    --Save up for a Skyguard with auto repair. On PS4 two NC skyguards can scare off Harasser cheese and help clear the skies.

    A workaround for NC Engys is to go all-in on mines. F maxing out your repair kit first. Many have auto repair, so you are not as needed there. This is triage for the NC and you are needed for demolition.

    -- Get Utility Pouch so you can drop 5 mines, EVERYWHERE. To punish Harasser cheese. Don't crowd your mines spread them out far and wide. One mine can do a world a hurt. Giving the NC 5 real chances to effect the enemy.
  17. freeAmerish

    But they usually deny it, and compare about Alert winrate .
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  18. guerrillaman

    Yeah because engineers repairing their aircraft and vehicles, ants retrieving and depositing cortium, unmanned turrets mounted on construction sites and buildings, deployed surrenders, and players leaving their spawn rooms to recapture A point are all super threats to that lockdown prowler spam firing at 500+ meters... sure buddy.
  19. SixNineFour

    IMO, Gatekeeper, Aphelion and Mjolnir are all OP and out of line with other secondaries.
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  20. FriendlyPS4

    Mjolnir OP lol. Not on PS4. NC rarely have that on their vehicles.
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  21. Metrack12

    GK it's a little bit op,Aphelion idk.Mjolnir it's just a worst version of Fury which only cool thing it's more bullets and burst mode (and the burst isn't even that good lol).

    Statistically talking Mjolnir has the best DPS,but in practice it's a 'meh'