y they gotta kill galaxy gunships?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kevin33598, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. kevin33598

    those titans were awesome. If only Angel's Fall First had a larger playerbase
  2. Devilllike

    true but oh well now planetside is my top game :)
  3. kevin33598

    Waiting for CU or ChronEly to release myself, but to each their own.
  4. FeralBoy

    Oh I don't disagree with you there. Not only was I an Ace neutral pilot and also with the Empire, I was also a Master Shipwright.
    I miss everything about Space Flight in that game- making the blueprints, harvesting the resources, and crafting my own components. Then flying what I built. :)

    When I jumped ship and went to Bria and joined the Empire we actually had our guild meetings on a Y-8 lol. You had to wear official Empire Officer's uniform and /salute of course... :rolleyes: :D
  5. kevin33598

    Hell yeah, we used the Luxury Yacht because we were cheap and it was free.

    were you there on the final day? they let you take any ship into the atmospheric flight above cities and ****, it was awesome! I was on EU farstar, Medic/Mando
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  6. FeralBoy

    Unfortunately no. Damn that would have been awesome to finally get to fly over cities... I always felt my beloved TIE Bomber was unfulfilled in it's role by not being able to attack ground targets.

    P.S. The Sorro Suub Luxury Yacht was yet another storage area for all my looted ship components I would gather to RE lol...
  7. kevin33598

    Bro i brought my y-8 above eisley and dogfighted, you missed out a little im afraid D: best wait for emu
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  8. FeralBoy

    Hehe it sounds like it. Have you tried SWG Awakening? It's the full version of SWG Pre 1st CU, Pre NGE, and Pre JTL, and it's free. It's been up and running for awhile. Although it's just not the same for me without Space Flight... JTL was the only reason I played it anyway.
  9. thed1rt

    You know you can have your turret guy shoot the missles out of the air right? And 5 missles is like what... 30-40 seconds. Thats kind of a long time. Id be more scared of 2 esf with good nose gun aim than i would 2 esf wasting all their missles then having to run back to landing pad for more.
  10. guerrillaman

    I would certed differently. That's a bit frustrating. I just did it.
  11. Kristan

    Launching 10 tomcat missiles takes eternity. Even 5 if there's two ESFs. Not to mention that Galaxy Gunship most likely has Walker turret on top. It's gonna be faster to take it down with Locusts and equivalents since now it has no damage dropoff, which means it can be used on huge ranges against galaxies, further than tomcats range. But nooo! Tomcats are the problem here! Gosh... :rolleyes:
  12. FieldMarshall

    Would be cool if they made a proper (balanced) dedicated gunship instead of trying to balance a transport to do several things.
    I get that its easier/faster to just cram several things into one vehicle that is already there, but it also seems harder to balance properly.

    Like the sunderer. Its a battlebus, support vehicle, spawnpoint, troop transport.
    Seems like a nightmare to balance when there are so many things to consider.
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  13. SoljVS

    I'm loving all the rage about the galaxy nerf. I resubbed as soon as I saw the patch went through today.
  14. The Shady Engineer

    True, but at the same time they can fly over small fights on Amerish or Hossin and farm ground with virtual impunity. There are outfits who exclusively fly over 12-24's or even 1-12's in a battle gal and farm pubbies. You play on Emerald, you know who I'm talking about.

    Battle gals must be a nightmare to balance. In large fights with multiple sources of AA, they're cert pinatas because they have to get in close to use their weapons yet can't run away because they don't have the maneuvrability nor the afterburner speed boost ESFs get. Yet in small fights they're absolute cancer because you need multiple AA, more AA than said small fight population can muster to even DETER a battle gal let alone kill it. Hossin and Amerish also have an advantage in allowing the gal crew to fly behind a mountain to repair.

    Speaking of killing gals, they are very unpopular targets for Anti Air because they rarely net any kills. Its' huge health means it's practically impossible to instagib it with multiple simultaneous alpha strikes, so the crew can usually get an idea when their ship is going down. And because of built in safe-fall, the crew can bail out and redeploy at the first sign of danger.

    Quick edit: I think this change is good. Small numbers should have a fighting chance against Battle gals and this change should make them more weary instead of just parking it on a roof and rain down Bulldog fire.

    Also like someone else mention, this change should make ESF escort duty more valuable.
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