Does anyone else think the Harrasser Vulcan is a bit OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS1, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Slandebande

    Why if I may ask? It's not like the Magriders primary weapon is going to be of much use at the ranges the GK is really effective at, unless you are skilled enough to not need a GK to begin with.
    The only real thing the GK has going for it in my opinion is that it is easier to use for inexperienced people. The thing about having super-long range is that fighting at such ranges, no primary weapons are going to be able to keep up, meaning you are left with GK-ish DPS, which isn't really a threat.
    Furthermore, even if the primary cannons hit, defending yourself from enemies at such ranges is trivial. No competent player should die to a single tank 300+m away. Therefore, another aspect about being effective at very long ranges is that you aren't going to be able to take out competent enemies, and you most likely aren't going to be helping with Sundies either, since they won't be exposed to you (and if they were, they are stationary, so you should be able to hit with any weapon).
    Once you get to shorter ranges, the inherent weakness of the GK starts becoming apparent (at least to competent players), namely that it heavily relies on sustained fire to achieve its DPS (decent RPM, low reload time etc), which is a weakness that is easy to exploit. It is only further excerbated by the GK typically being mounted on the Prowler, which has the same inherent weakness.
  2. Moridin6


    feels: Maybe a Bit

    reality: prob not
  3. Insignus

    The thing with the Vulcan is that while it does give the TR Harasser a pretty hefty punch, the Aphelion and Boombox do give a comparable effect, and the Vulcan requires a fairly steady hand, as the accuracy cone can get pretty wide when you're driving at full speed trying to circle around a tank.

    If you find yourself in a rut getting killed by them as MBT, best I can suggest for you to do is get a top turret that has a good counter to light armor. Also, using side armor and turning your tank to present sides to both your MBT target and the harasser can extend your lifespan slightly.

    Your best bet, however, is to have a buddy, especially a viper lightning, repair sundy with m20s, or another MBT.
  4. Pinkpuff

    I'd happily trade you the Gatekeeper for the Saron or Aphelion all day every day. Especially for Harassers.
  5. ChickenPotPie

    I think its more rage inducing than OP, specially when just starting out with a vehicle.... but that can be said about anything when just starting out. Only real advice I can give you is have better situational awareness and remember [ and ] play with the zoom levels on the minimap, usually they get spotted early so you know theres one in the area... unless you are trying to cap an area alone :p
  6. Metrack12

    LOL, then he devs would take the Canister and make it shoot blue pellets instead of blue.But really this weapon need a total redesign ad make it a gauss/rail weapon, instead of a godam shotgun.Or make the CoF reset faster or having one standard like that Vulcan or idk