Does anybody like Amerish and Hossin?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jex =TE=, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. DrDoomNGloom

    Hossin is over flow for the free to play. When you are F2P the game constantly wants to put you in Hossin when you die in Indar or Amerish when server load is heavy.

    I constantly have to keep changing back to my original continent and can not use instant spawn or risk ending up on another continet.

    Hate Hossin and refuse to play, I will log in and tie up band with instead of playing Hossin.

    The map pretty much sucks but is a great place to work on pilot skills of closes terrain flying and tree dodging.
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  2. VelesCRO

    1.Hossin [but gave up of it cuase really rarelly you can find some balanced fights there,or its simplly empty]
    2.Amerish [feels like its missing something in the center]
    3.Indar [too much camp fights,to much AA turrets] [just started as mossy pilot and air game sucks cuz of them there]
    4.Esamir [too much camp fights,to much AA turrets]
    Hossin needs less of bases like Beta Construction site,it needs more closed rooms for fights on flaks,i would put some smaller towers left and right,so the fight isnt so centralized.
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  3. Halkesh

    I think Hossin is better than Indar.
    Why ? Because Indar is a zerg continent where both side struggle to cap the middle place. (Regent Rock, Quart ridge, the crown, etc). "Bring more people & nanite than the enemy" is the only available tactic here.

    Hossin could have some improvments though, rework impossible to cap bases like Cairn station won't hurt.
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  4. Jex =TE=

    Thanks everyone for your great replies :)

    The only thing I dislike about Amerish and Hossin are the mass of corridor-feeling mountains. It feels very enclosed which is why I prefer the other to maps. I equally like inf or tank combat but with those I like the freedom to flank and move about a little more. Other than that, I love the two maps but as some of you pointed out, population sizes are whacky.

    Recently my friends and I started coming back to PS2 so as old new players, this is how we decide where we're going to fight - the region that has the fairest populations - so 33/33/34. anything 50/30/20 we avoid like the plague and tbh - it's something that will stop us playing if it's the only option.

    I don't want to be slaughtered and I don't want to club seals - give me a challenge. Does anyone else feel this way and thinks something should be done to even out the populations?
  5. Halkesh

    About the massive mountain, yep it could have some improvements. But currently it's great for infantry ambush with a air transport.

    For population balance, dev already made some change in this direction. It don't work right now, but it's a start. If your faction have too much people in a continent, you'll have a queue on this continent. If you have the most population on both continent, you'll go in VR (that the con of this "improvement")
  6. DrDoomNGloom

    Those corridor feeling mountains lend themselves to small aircraft and vehicle battle. These maps have to not only meet inf and vehicle needs but also must encompass aircraft.

    Most of the small buzzers lend themselves to close terrain combat. Why do you think the scout radar is a feature?? Those canyons provide close quarter air corridors that when flown canyon runner style enable the pilot to evade and hide from most threats. You can lose G2A missals . avoid those nasty AA turrets and generally have safe air space shielded from threats.

    If you are a new pilot put you a scout radar on and rock through your battles running at speed and painting targets for your teamy's. Not only will you get exp for spotting but you will start to learn to out fly threats on the ground and avoid AA, keep low most AA will not shoot below the horizon, fly under not into their defense zones, you will not win that battle ever.

    Anyway learn to love that terrain from an aircraft before you make your final judgement.
  7. Sil4ntChaozz

    Hossin is my favorite cause infiltrator. Not sure about the names of the other ones but the snow open plains is good for sniping and some areas with good cover for infiltrator work, dislike the need a jetpack or get farmed walls though. The desert one with a crapload of bridges are good for bottlenecking vehicles, and some sniping.

    Amerish is the one with all the trees and mountains right? Good for getting sniped and everything is a little too spread out so that would be my least favorite at least until i get used to the layouts. All of them are good for learning to fly.
  8. Diilicious

    1. Amerish
    2. Hossin
    3. Esamir
    4. Indar

    I prefer Amerish the most because i like the setting of fertile grasslands, also I just have a better time there than on other maps for some reason.

    I dont really like hossin very much, mostly because nobody plays there so its a self defeating cycle. I think i would play there regardless if infantry c4 costed 3 times as much as it does on other continents, because im a tanker, and getting c4'd on indar or esamir, yea I was probably at fault, getting c4'd on hossin is just an inevitability, there is simply too much cover, and too many places for people to jump from. combined with the cripplingly limited movement options and dense fog its just more annoying than its worth to bother. sure if you run stealth and are clever you can be the most sneaky on hossin if you do it right, the best thing to do with this is to flank flanking magriders with muh vanguard, the genuine shock you see in them when they get a load of ap up the butt is funny every time)

    I really dont like esamir, most because its just too plain and dull, and really once youve been tanking for a long time its not really any different to any of the other maps for tanking, which is find out where the enemy is, get behind them, kill as much as possible before air eventually and inevitably kills you. repeat.

    Indar is just by far the worst continent, even after the update the fighting is ALWAYS in the same 4 places.
    1. The tri-base area Crown/Crossroads/Ti Alloys.
    2. Regent rock.
    3. Crimson bluff
    4. indar Excavation site.

    and it will stay there, literally all day and all night. the only way to cap these bases is to throw every man woman and child in your army at them. the map design where the north of the map meets the south, especially in the middle where the crown is bearing down on the base below it, is absolutely terrible. tanks sat on top just mauling everything down below, im sat there with my gunner and vanguard shooting at the tanks in question and they retreat, then just come back again a minute later and if they have more than one tank theres nothing we can do about it, flanking them is impossible because you wont be able to get up there without being destroyed (normally by the other enemy faction who are shelling the crown from Crossroads.) and NC have never heard of air power so.. the advance just stops completely dead. and even if they werent shelling down the mountain, trying to get sunderers up that tiny winding path when theres 40 LA's a second dropping down with C4. yea.. naaah..
    so you go try cap TI-alloys instead, sunderers getting shot from crown, Allatum, and if you go around to the front of the base, you'll be getting wrecked from Snake ravine and Crossroads too.. like LOL WAT.

    down at indar excavation site, its just a shooting gallery, almost nobody ever takes advantage of the huge hill that is near indar comm array, so I just sit on it with my van and just kill all (or do enough damage to make them easy to finish off) the offending tanks trying to cross nomans land.

    at Crimson bluff there is almost no point in even trying to cap this base, same with Regent Rock, there are 2 ways to cap these bases, the defenders dont realise they are being capped, or the attackers throw EVERYTHING they have at them. and thats it. for tanks its just a 'sit around and wait until you either 1. get flanked from behind (something im always looking out for but nobody else is) 2. get randomly c4'd by an ally you ran over by accident, despite appologising. 3. are destroyed by the swarm of air that always appears to save bases like these.
  9. DrDoomNGloom

    NC has heard of air support .................

    Thing is as a pilot I have to ask, ever heard of AA, reckon the crown or any other point has AA??

    Aircraft at the top of a mountain to make an attack huh??

    Seems to be where I made so much scrap metal yesterday with that max and twin bursters ................

    Yeah that is just what I want to see is you flying aro9und in that air space.

    Learn to fly and become proficient at it before hurling insults at the NC pilots.

    I call pilots in that air space points and will quickly clear a sky full of any faction.
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  10. CNR4806

    Amerish is my favorite continent. I actually like Indar, but I'm far too worn out from the Indarside days.

    I avoid Esamir and Hossin if at all possible. Horrible design and flow.
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  11. nehylen

    After Indar revamp i would vote: 1: Hossin; 2: Indar ; 3: Amerish; 4: Esamir,

    Nowadays i put Indar in second behind Hossin, as I like most of the changes implemented. Still some crappy stuff there, but it's much better than before when i avoided it as much as i could. Often enough, i prefered logging off to playing in NS Bullcrap offices, or the 4839823th 250v250 battle for TI alloys, or the Farm of the year contest on Scarred Mesa.
    I started playing shortly before Hossin was released, and very much regret those days of activity there, although I did need to buy a new graphics card because of that continent. Still my favourite to this day, i love the base design, the greenery, the fog. I only hate those ****** outposts, which there's way too much of.
    Amerish i like because its bases usually deal with growing pop better than most, except the one base i hate above all of them : S Subterranean Nanites Disaster.
    As for Esamir, feels like 6 hours long Bio lags fights are always there. Best moment being when the 3 Bio lags are holding all the population from the server by themselves.
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  12. Taemien

    Hossin is heads and tails better than Indar or Esamir. Its bases make you think about how to go about attacking or defending. There's unique ways to do so that you don't see copy and pasted on the other continents. Its also a continent where the LA actually can use its JJ's to its advantage instead of detriment.

    Amerish is a bit like that too, which is why its my 2nd favorite.

    Esamir is my third favorite due to how well vehicles can fight each other. It falls short when you get to a base though and walls stop everything.

    Indar is my least favorite due to the choke points that cut the continent in half. If it were a bit more open in the lanes you could attack. Indar could be a bit better. In fact they should consider opening the lanes, and removing the lattice for Indar. Then it truly would be a front based continent. To prevent ghost caps I'd make the control points require players to be on them, or they revert to neutral state with no one on them (doesn't apply to defenders).
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  13. DragenoidHighLord

    Indar honestly the top half on the map is interesting because its desert,but the other half is pretty good too,so its a 50 50 on indar.
    Esamir if i ever finish the objective directives i will pretty much love the continent,but its a not too bad one besdies a lot of camping bases.
    Amerish,feels like the standard continent,you can see some nice fights,gives ground some cover for air and its canyons tend to funnel zergs into a lovely bunch of certs.
    Hossin,i never get to play on it wel but there is time where i get to really like being on it where infantry combat i think flourishes the most then the rest.

    So indar is an air show,esamir is Battle of Kursk (Battle of Steel) Amerish ,is like northern Italy,tends to be rough around the alps and hard to take,but its also hard to defent sometimes,with the flat land being the south.

    I really don't care what kind of terrain it is on the continents,i will addapt and use it how ever i can to make my job (which is getting certs and winning fights) easier.It may suck that because there is terrain that allows the enemy to do various attacks from those angels,well doesn't mean you can't do them too right? (unless its a magrider)
    Yeah so,you give me terrain and i will shape it into a battle plan that serves me till the end .
  14. travbrad

    The game has a map for a reason. Getting around on Hossin/Amerish isn't that hard if you know the map well but I think a lot of people just never took the time to learn them. Indar/Esamir you can pretty much set a waypoint and go afk on cruise control and you'll get there. I much prefer having the cover/vegetation on Hossin/Amerish. I do kind of agree rolling hills instead of mountains would be cool, but either way it's a lot better than wide open areas with no cover like Indar/Esamir. Indar favors tank/air spam way too much IMO.

    I would rate the continents:

    and yes I realize I'm in the minority.

    Yeah that is one of the big problems with Indar. I probably wouldn't love it anyway, but the current lattice lanes make it so you are mostly playing at a handful of bases on Indar. It's a huge map but all the fights end up being at the same bases over and over.
  15. Khrin

    Amerish isn't too bad, but has probably the largest amount of overly easy to defend bases of any map.

    Hossin, aside from being too damn dark, gives yet more advantages to air and that is something the majority of players can't be done with.
  16. Bruiserdog

    Hossin - Nope, it hurts the eyes with eye piercing fog.
    Amerish - I am burnt out of this map, vehicle travel is like taking a Sunday Drive. Just a Lib farming dream.
    Indar - Good map.
    Esamir - My favorite map.
  17. VelesCRO

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  18. Partl

    MapDesign (the UI) simply sucks at PS2. I could concentrate at playing hossin for weeks, still running into "Mountain-walls" where i wouldnt expect em.

    The Mini-Map is even worse. Why not make stuff that is not at your lvl fade out a bit, this way we could figure... this is on 1st floor, 2nd floor etc.

    My suggestion for the world map... give it a option of setting an A-point and an B-point, showing you the fastest way getting from A to B - shouldnt be that hard at all.

    The bad performance at crappy rigs like mine is a downer too.

    Hossin - great for Infantry, stealth etc., but crappy performance, and too many mountains for a swamp-planet
    Amerish - besides some problems with long range between a few bases, loving it
    Indar - Its where the big fights are found, but i agree at having way too many phalax-turrets there; But the revamp was a good idea
    Esamir - Great for big Tank/Air-battles, but infantry just aint got enough cover, and sometimes, a base is locked down for hours
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  19. BetAstraal

    i just hate esamir - too bright, too flat
    the rest are great for me
  20. Who Garou

    I like both Amerish and Hossin.

    Esamir ... I don't like Esamir - it hurts my eyes.

    I don't get to play on Hossin as much as I like because a lot of my Outfit members hate it.
    When I play atls I head to Hossin.

    I have serious never heard anyone say that they hated Amerish more.
    I have heard saying that they like Indar and Esamir better, but never that they hated Amerish.

    Seriously, Hossin has a lot going for it. I guess some people just hate jungle warfare.
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