alpha tester comes back. still crap game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElysianDawn, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. ElysianDawn

    this game was way better in alpha and beta. ( i was there ) i left sortly after release due to how crap it real release wase in comparrison to alpha/beta. not to mention how they fcompletely ruined aircraft. but nefing out damage to fake and at same time buffing the flak.... making it so 2 shots can kill us.... this game was great. not it nothing but trash sorry. i cant beleive i paid to be a founder for this game. and this game taught me not to pay for no ones porjects no more. this is a good game. but you deal with it in the worse way. i bet i could do better... 1st i would make everything equal again. and not make esf pilot feel like flying pugs into a slaugher pen.
  2. ElysianDawn

    im tired of how poorly this game has been run. and how **** they treat us vets
  3. ElysianDawn

    first thing to fix game would be to get rid of the scripts to allow hacking

    Dont even deny like other game devs. any moron can youtube search and see people very month at min posting them hacking in ps2.

    2nd help would be to do what a much lower income company than sSOE did ( jagex ) where they got court oreders to shut down bot sites involved with there game. its funny how a company that has less than soe acctually cares about there consumers. i bet i could goodle right now Planetside2 hacks. and get a full google page on programs.

    so come on...
  4. ElysianDawn

    higby almost got the idea. but seem he isnt with soe no more
  5. Insignus

    Wait. So you only played in alpha and beta. Then came back for 10 minutes, and are tired of what they did to the game?

    I get the ESF Flak meta argument where everyone is salty about ESF/FLAK, but two hits is just wholly inaccurate. You have to sit still for at least 7-10 seconds as an ESF to get nuked by a single skyguard in a single mag. I mean mean absolutely still, at extremely close range.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

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  7. Insignus

    This is actually a stream of consciousness from a guy who just moved back to his hometown after 5 years and discovered his favorite favorite massage parlor has been turned into a strip club
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  8. Sinful Raevyn

    I'm having fun... soooooo....

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  9. XanIves

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  10. Slandebande

    First of all, no one is likely to take you serious if you cannot even take the time to gather your opinions in a single post. If you think of something new, try editing it in, instead of writing a new "reply". Otherwise you are just going to come off like someone that cannot even keep a train of thought going for 2 seconds.

    Furthermore, your posts give me the impression that you haven't bothered spending ANY time on them at all, with all the silly mistakes being made. You cannot defend yourself by not being a native speaker, since you have no issues using the correct spelling / grammar in many places. If you won't even spend a minimal amount of time checking your own posts, what makes you think that we could care even the slightest about reading what you had to write? Couple it with the fact that your arguments are spread out over numerous posts, it really doesn't give off a good impression. I wouldn't be surprised if you mostly got trolling responses, but you "asked" for it, so-to-speak.

    Are you seriously arguing that aircraft were too weak at release o_O? Already there I'm tempted to call out "obvious troll" since aircraft on release were crazily strong, and one of the sole reasons people left the game in droves. You having played in Alpha/beta doesn't change anything about that, it's simply a fact. Lib weapons (especially the Dalton) was a weapon of mass destruction, capable of killing an entire squad with a single shot, and don't even get me started on ESF weapons. Rocket pods could 1-clip a tank from ANY angle, and the noseguns actually did good damage against ground vehicles. Do you really think that was a good, healthy, balanced state of the game :confused: ?

    Aye I'm sure you thought it was great when you could roflstomp noobs who had no idea what they were doing using your blatantly OP aircraft-weaponry. Now you actually have to invest a slight amount of effort to do something, but I guess that's too much to ask eh? :rolleyes:

    You are of course entitled to your subjective opinion. Although, I hate to break it to you, but the game was terribly balanced in that state. I'm sure you thought it was better though, since you could kill anyone using your blatantly OP weapons right? :)

    Feel free to make your own game, from what I've gotten from your posts to far, it wouldn't be a game for me that's for sure.

    Ah right, you want to be on the top of the food-chain with no one being able to do anything to you except if you massively fudge up. Sounds like a fun, balanced state of the game o_O

    You call yourself a vet when you only played in Alpha/Beta and shortly on release? Hmm.

    Right, troll confirmed :D Nothing to see here lads, move along.
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  11. Kristan

    Beta tester here. Go F yourself. :D
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  12. Liewec123

    let me know when your MMOFPS is released, i'll come and try it, its gonna be free right?
  13. Towie

    You said basically the same thing back in 2013 -

    If the devs changed the ESF balance before official release, they would have done it for a good reason - did you expect that to change; back to the 'good ole days' where i'm guessing ESFs dominated with impunity ?

    I can imagine many Liberator vets feeling salty too, most people can remember when they utterly dominated any small-mid battle and made everyone else's life a misery. But I don't see them coming here to lament - maybe, just maybe, they know that it wasn't quite fair...
  14. Taemien

    I'm going to take the OP at his word, and isn't trolling. But I'm also going to interpret his experience.

    Any new player to PS2 is going to face.. alot of death. Death from obscure things. Probably even suicide a few times trying to figure out where they can go. This likely happened to the OP in the Beta (he wasn't an Alpha tester, that's a lie or misunderstanding on his part).

    So he quit.

    Then comes back in 3 years. But hasn't got 3 years experience. So in short, he dies, alot.

    Then makes a post about it. So yeah.. your unadaptable match based shooter player is going to fail hard. And then whine about it. Which is what we got.

    Some players can't handle PVP.
  15. UberNoob1337101

    ... forumside... forumside never changes...

    To be a Planetman in these times is to be like one in 40000. It is to live in the most vitriolic and jaded regimes on the internet. Forget the promises of good discussions and forum moderation, for so many have been seduced by ****-posting. Forget the power of nice, reasonable discussions and non-ranty posters, for in the grim dark future of Forumside 20K, there is only stupid. There is no peace in Forumside, only an eternity of NERF/BUFF threads, crazy rants, wars of the Air game and troll threads, and the laughter of the trolling gods...

    (btw, that sig's just legendary)
  16. Iridar51

    Ugh, that reminded me of those "good old days". The fact that air is so much nerfed right now made the game a lot more enjoyable.

    There are still good pilots that can make you wish disposable keyboards were a thing, but it least they're far and between, as it takes a special breed of crazy to survive the skyknightside.
  17. stalkish

    Lol that name.

    ElysianDawn - sounds like a failed Scf-Fi channel show...

    EDIT: o...i just searched it
  18. DeadlyOmen

  19. The Rogue Wolf

    ...two shots from flak can kill an ESF, you say?

    ...really? o_O

    Well, I have to congratulate you. It's seldom I see anyone destroy their credibility so quickly.
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