[Suggestion] ANT Deployabules not unlock across factions when used SC WHY?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by conquer, May 5, 2016.

  1. conquer

    • if you ment to make the deployabules from the ant to link across classes it dosn't and this is the main problem as there the same no matter what class you are like with the hurasser ect why are the ants deplotabules not transfered accross ????? if this was the case i wouldn't have a problem
    • conquer305
      Saturday at 15:35

      anything you buy with station cash apart from empire specific weapons/verticals are meant to be accessible from all sides that meant to be the point of using station cash and the ant deployabules to unlock them i mean should too and thats what i used
    • Tom "Exerege" T.
      Saturday at 22:41


      Daybreak Cash unlocks still have faction restrictions. While there are items that unlock for all factions when bought with DBC, many items are only available for the faction on which they were bought. This is intended by design and has always been such. Once again, we are unable to exchange or refund purchases. Please be as careful as possible when making unlocks as they are permanent and irreversible. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you in the meantime and should you have any future questions or concerns please feel free to contact us again.
      Thank you for playing PlanetSide 2!
      Tom "Exerege" T.
      Daybreak Game Company
    • conquer305
      Monday at 17:54

      i under stand that some do (one all empires have) and ones that don't (empire specific guns virecals ungrades ect)
      as the ant is not a empire spacific verical all unlocks should cross factions like all over do there isnt anything that you can buy with sc that dosnt cross over and the ant deployabules should do too
    • Nick "Kaibler" B.
      Yesterday at 07:43


      I understand that you have questions regarding the faction-specific nature of the construction items. I am sorry to report that in-game CS cannot speak on behalf of the development team and design decisions such as faction limitations are beyond our sphere of influence, so we cannot necessarily explain why these features are implemented the way that they are.

      If you believe that these items should not be faction-specific then I would suggest that you post this feedback on our official forums so that you have a chance to get your voice heard. Our development team checks the forums often and it is possible that if there is a lot of feedback on a certain issue, they may find a way to improve the changes:
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  2. SW0V

    Yeah... I was pretty pissed off when I discovered that after buying all of the pieces that: 1. They came in a discounted pack 2. They don't unlock cross faction.

    Edit: Seriously DGC... $30 per faction. If you play all 3 factions that's $90 for one small aspect of a game? All of your micro-transaction prices are ludicrous.
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  3. conquer

    there is alot more the the thread but it more me being pissed off too
  4. conquer

    the icing on the cake is the Ant's veical cosmetics and guns counted for all factions but not the deployabules that are the same in all faction and as you say it cost alot to unlock with sc i understand certs but not the sc need to be put right
  5. freeAmerish

    Yes that isn´t a balanced price for deploying a few buildings.

    I mean if you have enough time to play you could buy 5000 DBcash for 45$/43€ and buy 10 one week booster(and
    at sale even more also cash). So you could walk around for 5 weeks with +100% XP maybe on top one month membership for 14.99$/12.99€.
  6. conquer

    true but thats not the point things brougt with sc on vericals that are used by all factions should unlock across all factions
  7. Money

    gotta agree with him. Pretty higby of DBC to make people repurchase these items for each empire that they play
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  8. DeadAlive99

    I'm very surprised to learn this, and I agree, they should unlock across all factions. If this was deliberate, then it was not the best decision. We all want the company to make money, but there are many ways to do that. This isn't a necessity.
  9. DeadAlive99

    Oh, btw, that rep said the Devs read these forums........I'm not sure if that's true or not, but we do know they follow the Reddit site and routinely respond to some threads. I recommend you post this issue here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/ And you may get an Dev actual response.
  10. Liewec123

    agreed, i bought most of them with SC before i read the fine print "NC use only"...
    its pretty cheap if they expect us to spend afortune to unlock the same thing three times over...

  11. Pelojian

    ANT is a NS vehicle of course unlocking the bundle should unlock on all factions. at least the cosmetics are mostly common pool though.

    It could be worse they could have made everything ES.

    I don't spend SC on stuff i can buy for certs but i sympathize with you.
  12. Mezinov

    I think the marketplace needs a general overhaul in this regard. Having "NC Only" on an item that is identical across all 3 factions and is an NS item just reeks of money grab - which turns people off a sale. You see this ALOT with the NS Air vehicle weapons, which has stopped me from buying any of them. Which is a shame, because I probably would have bought a couple and I don't even really fly that much.

    I get the Finance Bros logic behind it, I really do. NS items take less work to make than 3 unique ES items. They also sell alot more of them for cash dollars because of the goodwill NS weapons have (that is, unlocking on all 3 factions). So they can, quite frankly there is no other word for it, abuse this by making NS items "faction specific" in realms of the game they expect lots of money to be spent.

    This is why we see NS items labeled "NC Use Only" or "TR Use Only"; because they think they can get away with charging three times for it.

    And, they can. Nobody has really complained up until this point, even though most new NS vehicle things have been this way for ages.
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  13. Pelojian

    It's getting better regarding cosmetics but still the same for DB bought equipment :( . look at the sunderer APC bumper it's mutli-faction and each faction has it's own coloring on it, then look at the sunderer havoc shield it's faction specific, costs the same but to unlock on all factions costs 3x as much.

    all cosmetics on NS vehicles should be NS unless they are asymmetrical cosmetics and not a simple faction color slapped on the basic model and texture.
  14. Mezinov

    I am not sure the Player Studio stuff counts the same - as if I remember correctly the content creator gets to determine if there are faction/class limitations on the item.

    So, the APC versus Havoc could literally be the APCs creator didn't specify factions, or specified NS, while the Havocs creator put NC/TR/VS which got interpreted as one for each.
  15. Pelojian

    Havoc shield was made by SOE/DBG actually.
  16. zaspacer

    I don't think the Base Construction Components should be Faction Specific Unlock:

    1) they have the same names and same look, and it's confusing people and going to continue to create bad purchasing experiences for players. It intuitively seems to many people that these Construction Components are Account Wide Unlocks and people are going to keep buying it mistakenly and getting upset. Even just adding some variation on the cosmetic and giving each a Faction oriented name, would go a long way to help people see that these are different items and make them think they will not all Unlock Account Wide. Also, the items as cosmetically and functionally the same, comes across as cheap and a "money grab", which is what many players are wary of and paranoid about anyway: it's feeding their mania.

    2) it limits the ability of players to swap Factions. Both in (1) what they can do as each Faction, and (2) their motivation to switch out of a Faction they need to grind Unlocks in. The ability to swap factions is now an important component to being able to play with Faction Caps and help balance Populations.

    3) this cost permutation severely limits the ability for DBG to expand the Constructable Objects tree and make and sell many, many more Construction Components. There is a HUGE world of possibilities with making new Components: additional different ability basic structures, variations on current structures, super structures that are buildable only if players build certain configurations (multiple specific components, certain amount of cortium, certain HIVE level, etc.), tech trees, additional components (similar to Certlines within a Weapon) that can be added to already built Components, ES Components, etc. Having to unlock each Component within each Faction is not only a cost permutation nightmare, it limits the ability of the players to be able to buy into a progressively built out Components menu.

    4) it motivates old players to use Certs instead of SC. There is less incentive to use SC to unlock the Components, and players not using SC means DBG is not making money.

    5) this is an even bigger factor in affecting new players and the raising the Cert/SC Mountain they have to climb. Many MMOs GIVE new players free Levels or make easy XP Zones for them, because they know they need to get new players geared up to be able to access the current stuff being marketed. Locking new player out of content does not make them want to play, and it does not make them want to pay for the new stuff being marketed.
  17. breeje

  18. GoTDirt fromMAG

    I'm sorry to hear that this is the route that they've gone. I hope that DBG changes their course on this promptly.

    Since DBG unfortunately initiated it this way, I would hope they would declare a reversal on this, with the caveat, of a short heads-up like with what was done on non-empire specific vehicle weapons (a long time ago), where if one were to purchase with SC a duplicate item on multiple factions before the change was made, that those duplicate weapons would be returned in "certs" once the change was made to have those NS items unlock account wide.

    Please do not rush this to the PS4 until you sort this out.
  19. Crayv

    Not having a faction emblem on it threw me off. Anything that is not account wide should have a faction emblem on it to give you a heads up.
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