Balancing TR pop on Connery

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS1, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. ArcKnight

    i have an NC toon on Connery, maybe I'll join you guys one day
  2. apcr01

    No balance changes or queue will fix overpop problem.

    Good rewards for playing against overpopulated faction that what could solve the problem.
    20% xp bonus for playing against 75% of server is nothing. It should be 200% bonus to make any affect.
  3. Darkwulf

    Its already going to be fixed next path. 10% overpop is the worst you will ever have to deal with. 10% is nothing if you ask me. Just shoot more bullets.
  4. SpeedFreakPS1

    This morning TR reached 3x VS population for a period
  5. Taemien

    That's because the VS is dying out.

    As I said before, they have failed to justify their existence on Connery. Now the rat's are fleeing the sinking ship. Many are rerolling either to NC or off the server. Smart move if you ask me.
  6. SpeedFreakPS1

    I put enough time into the VS
    My time is limited, I already put more time into this game than I really should have so I won't be doing the same with another char. I have a NC character that I play occasionally but won't be leveling that char or any other to the point of my current VS which is 90. I will keep playing my VS char until the point comes where the game becomes too frustrating or unplayable at which point I will quit.

    The reason for my post was to raise awareness of the situation not saying something must be done about it.

    My VS character is the same as my name here.
  7. Taemien

    You have cancer or something? Time is only limited by mortality, either of the player or of the game itself. Both periods are long enough to start a new character. I started a new character in November, and its almost about caught up to my original. And I play maybe 3-4 hours a week. On average.

    And sorry to say, there's nothing that can be done. There's an active effort by the players to kill off the VS on Connery. We WANT it to be a 2 faction server. That's why I have said, that the VS have failed to justify their existance.

    This isn't a balance issue, its a player introduced one. In PVP games such as this one, sometimes a faction or group of players is targeted. Once they are, they are hounded and interrupted until they pay the extortion, quit, or switch to another group. In most games this is called griefing and PKing. But in PS2, its extermination.

    Just like in other MMOs, VS has few options:

    1. Get farmed, and accept a degraded play experience on the server.
    2. Get coordinated and fight back, make it even (this isn't happening).
    3. Go extinct, basically reroll to another faction, or off the server.

    Because the policy most companies have with PVP situations such as this is, "Conflicts that can be settled through PVP must be done so through PVP."

    As I said, this isn't a balance issue. This is a conflict between players. TR sees blood in the water. NC is scooping up the scraps. But make no mistake.. NC will be next unless the VS joins them.
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    RUMBLE here
    hello to ALL i am leader and founder of THE WILD CARDS i love being out manned out gunned out popped that is fine by me makes for a very rich target environment. And makes US that play VANU a much better player all around and my outfit fights the great fight everyday. YOU CAN TALK TRASH and all other stuff too but that means your talking about us and about my outfit bad news or good news IS GREAT NEWS. we have great players/members that know there stuff and know what to do about you all and we still kick *** everywhere we go so with all your BS op weapons and tanks and your BS shotguns. i believe that we have the best players and tactics and statetgies to counter all of you. we over come and adapt to any situation and we are organized so be advised.
  9. Insignus

    I doubt you are the leader of the wild cards. If you were, that would cause me to instantly lose a huge amount of respect for your outfit, which I view as one of the more coordinated VS factions. The diction alone and the blatantly pointless necromancy of this thread is very disappointing.
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  10. Piraten Hovnoret

    On ps4 it's al tr atm.
    Did say that that will happen because of the different input divices.
    When playing with a analog stick you want HRF and big magazine due to the fact that it's harder to hit stuff.
    On PC kbm you want no bulet droop and acurisy.

    So balancing stuff out of ONLY PC experience/data does not always work on the ps4

    A axemple: the "nerf" of the basalisk. On ps4 it has become the best gun on sundies now. Slower rate of fire but more damage and better bullet spread it has become the noob tube the every one and ther mom can use good with w controler
  11. FieldMarshall

    Didnt they add faction population queues a while back to help with this?

    Unless there are less than 150 people in the continent, wouldnt the faction pop queue deny more TR from joining a continent that has overpop,
    and eventually balance the continent pop to around 33% per empire?

    Guess it either doesent work very well or maybe i missed something.
  12. Piraten Hovnoret

    It's removed from ps4 ( broke the login for some reason )
    Idk about PC

    It's really ******** that popbalance comes this late into the game
    And why the F is it set at 10% it should be more like 5%

    With the new defence offence option the overpoped faction swarm wherever some one puts down one of dose request.
    The randoms that are oblivious and ( Insta action etc ) get thrown into wherever there is w request.

    I have tried it on al factions
    On tr it's just instant popincrese pretty mutch The same on nc ( genudine) on vs it's quite dead and very very few extra spawns happens.
  13. SpeedFreakPS1

    It's because the devs. brought down the nerf stick beyond what they should have on the VS turning them into the most blah faction that a new player will find it is better to play TR then NC before VS.
  14. Beerbeerbeer

    Best way to fix anything in this game is to abuse it and break it until it garners their attention, which means just play TR. I think it will take more than half the server on TR before they even bother to brainstorm, but that number is attainable if more people just log in and play their TR character exclusively for a while.

    Otherwise, this will limp along until it slowly bleeds players. So play TR. Experience bonuses that feel like absolutely nothing isn't worth the pain.
  15. Piraten Hovnoret

    I rather slit my throat before I play TR. on ps4 it has always been the noob tube. It's weapons, high rtf and huge magazines with gaykeeper and Vulcan that al are point and klick weapons perfect for controler game play. Pray and spray is always what 99% of what players on console prefer.

    Give the track 5 a 5 bulet nerf
    Give the Vulcan smaller klip
    Give ta gaykeeper KICK ( I know the harasser has kick but it's a joke kick )
    In fact go throw al of tr guns and give them smaller klips

    This is on ps4 idk about PC but on console it's al about high rate of fire and mag size with little or non kick. (You play with a controller)

    Tr has been since the beata the most overpowerd and overpoped faction on ps4. The new defence and offence rec has made it worse, now some one puts one of those things down and it just floods with red noobs.
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  16. SpeedFreakPS1

    lol sounds like PS4 is not that much different from the PC version
  17. WTSherman

    So now we're back to claiming TR is the faction that mysteriously attracts better players? The cycle continues.

    Funny how the VS suddenly forget how to play when their stuff gets nerfed, and the TR suddenly become "the skilled faction" when they get some buffs and the Gatekeeper. But surely these things can't be linked, I'm surprised someone hasn't tried to base an argument on that Game Theory video about the color red making people subconsciously play better.
  18. AxiomInsanity87

    In World Of Gangkcraft, i was in arguably the best EU guild and we hated alliance so much that we'd go around killing pve heroes so much that they'd res at a graveyard and our boys would kill them there too, forcing them to logout. We had no remorse for alliance shtters anywhere. The lower the level, the quicker the rubbish got taken out.
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    If vs weren't space ***** with camp appeal then more people would play them. Their arsenal is childsplay too, and their esf and mbt.

    They need an overhaul instead of punishing the majority for not picking that which they dislike.
  20. Azzblazter

    Now the Gatekeeper has drop and and Aphelion was buff'd....wait for it....pop is fine!