CONNERY TR POP %50 break a record this time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lokear, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. lokear


    Welcome to nc and vs experience be unable to go out spawn
    This situation has been going on for a few months.
    TR population increases this time It will last for 4 hours Even longer

    before i find %45 thought :eek: This is because the game does not balance the system caused by
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  2. Ryme_Intrinseca

    50% pop on one continent doesn't prove anything. TR were warpgated on ceres at one point yesterday, it happens
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  3. Krinsee

    Multipule times on emerald we have had 50% pop on the off cont, and most of the time it is the empire that is low on the world pop %.

    If your going to show cont pop imbalances, you need to show world pop at the same time as well.
  4. starlinvf

    Yeah, and come back when you someone has 50% world pop with a 1500+ total population. I remember when Waterson saw 51% TR with something like 2000 world pop and gating the other 2 factions on Indar. The fighting was fierce that day...... many Aircraft fell not 500m from the bubble.
  5. FateJH

    The only thing you can prove is that, at the time of screenshot, there aren't a lot of non-TR on Indar.

    Connery this morning, huh? Judging by TheRebelScum population tracker, a six hour interval between midnight last night and 6AM this morning, the TR did have moments of a <=70 player population advantage online. Connery is in "two continents unlock" mode and there aren't enough people to hit the queue locks. If we check PS2Maps for the evidence leftovers of this overpop, we do see that Indar is TR-locked, as is Hossin; but, VS currently have the overpop on Amerish at 51% (time checked: 8AM EST) and TR are close with the NC. I guess that means another record broken?

    It means populations on each server shifts based on the time of day.

    The TR do have a very slightly higher population across the board (very slightly) but that does mean that some servers have lower TR population compared to the other factions.
  6. JohnGalt36

    This is seriously every time I log on to Connery. It's almost always 40%+ TR server pop, I can't bring myself to play for more than an hour at a time. The Chinese influx of TR players is killing Connery. Many of the remaining decent outfits are looking to move to Emerald.

    I just wish Daybreak would let us transfer our characters if we have to deal with hordes of high ping zerg ****ters.
  7. SteelMantis

    All that pop advantage and they still are barely out of their warpgate. :D
  8. RainbowDash9

    whats wrong with having more enemies to shoot? lol just dont run straight at them like a ******
  9. Armcross

    Target rich environment.
  10. SpeedFreakPS1

    They are 2.5x VS population ATM on Connery. Logged in, saw that and logged off.
    I have cancelled my all access membership until they figure this out since it isn't worth it.
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  11. Armcross

    Really that is your reaction, admit you lose? Planetside 2 isn't like other FPS. Taking advantage of your zerg and managing your under pop troops is part of the large map game play.
  12. Blackbird

    Connery prime time first 2 years NC had the biggest POP . VS had HUGE POP around 3AM EST .. This went on for A LONG TIME .

    Whats really bad is even when there isn't a alert the VS and NC wont fight each other . Now every faction " claims " this of the other . Fact is Im in top 20 time played on Connery and it happens a lot .

    As for a over pop by a enemy faction ...I LOVE it . I get more kills then than any other time . I put my characters directly in front of the enemy ZERG its time to get certs .

    Connery has turned into a yell chat cry session
    TR is ZERGing
    TR is Over POPed
    TR has the Gatekeeper
  13. RainbowDash9

    i think this entire generation of gamers are a bunch of ******* who cant handle using their brain in a game
  14. Alphie_SN

    What @Blackbird said. I have played on Connery since release and I am used to getting overpop'd for like the past three years... Recently I have noticed that during certain times of the day, TR has a large pop. But come early morning, 2-3am est, VS take the lead and there is hardly any TR pop. Its all what time you play. OP needs to grow some balls, just have fun and quit whining. Do like us old TR do and spawn a couple of bases back, sneak in, find a good spot and wreak havoc on the zerg.
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  15. Alphie_SN

    Yep. Most players I see are perfectly happy being the "tip of the spear". Then whine and complain that they are overpop, they have no chance or the game isn't fair. Its up to the player to think outside the box, create some angles, use the map to your advantage and work to be successful. Sadly, that requires patience and the experience, which can only be acquired by a certain amount of maturity. Something that the whiners lack.
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  16. DeadAlive99

    TR overpop on Connery is very real, almost throughout the whole day. I have a rotating schedule so I have experienced it around the clock, although there are exceptions here and there.

    I think it was yesterday, I was stunned to see all 3 factions virtually equal pop for awhile.

    Having said that, most of the time I tend to agree with the 'target rich' argument, however, it can be a problem because you can get rolled very easily, and especially if you like flying or ground vehicles, you can bleed resources very fast, because hiding from bad overpop isn't really an option for vehicles.

    The thing is, the objective of the game is to move forward and capture territory, and when overpop is bad, you just can't do it. For those interested in a fair shot at capturing territory, overpop can ruin the game.
  17. SpeedFreakPS1

    Yes this is exactly the problem, to advance against overpop you need armor and air and when the overpop is 2x+ the armor against you will more than likely stop you in your tracks. In the case of the TR, no matter the population, there is no shortage of gatekeepers spamming anything that moves while locked down on some distant mountain. So when they have a large population it is literally raining gatekeeper spam to the point where infantry gets locked down.
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  18. orangejedi829

    At this very moment, TR has 52% on Emerald. Playing either of the other factions is literally just playing Spawn Room Simulator.
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