[Suggestion] Faction Spies/Teamkiller Accounts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aekir, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Aekir

    Seriously, DBG, something needs to be done about SWRM, TPU and GOON sending people on mule accounts to be disruptive. Today, playing as a MAX, somehow I got killed by friendly C4 and Roadkills just as much as actual enemy combatants.

    People jumping factions just to be disruptive, or "trolls" as they call themselves, are rapidly making this game no longer worth playing.
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  2. XanIves

    For the first five minutes after switching characters, all damage the player does to allies and allied vehicles is instead reflected back. Not only that, each player he would have teamkilled adds another death to his own K/D.

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  3. Aekir

    Except that if you go AFK for five minutes, it's completely ineffectual. Not done.
  4. XanIves

    It's not a perfect solution, but it prevents someone from getting killed by someone, immediately switching chars, and going to where they last saw the person and killing them. This would force people who wanted to tactically tk to stay logged in on their alt, instead of being able to swap over only long enough to TK then log off.

    There's no way to stop spies/tking unless PS2 goes singleplayer or makes everyone the same faction VS ai opponents. The best you can do to combat them is to make it more difficult for them to TK while not impairing a normal player too much. Disabling TKing period? Broken. Disabling TKing for a certain period of time after logging in? People would have no fear of harming friendlies for however long the effect lasted, and would confer a combat advantage to those who just logged in.

    You need to look at the habits of the normal player, vs the habits of a faction hopping TKer, and find the differences in playstyle that allows them to be identified.

    Normal players? Log on, play for a few hours, kill loads of enemies, and tk a few allies along the way.
    TKer? Log on, immediately kill allies, log off.

    Maybe instead of game time as the limiter, you could make it: If you don't kill five enemies for each ally you TK, then damage gets reflected back to you. That way, it forces someone who is faction hopping to play the normal game, which slows them down and reduces the effect they can have on the battlefield when it comes to TKing. Obviously the enemy kills would need to come before the TK, so players logging on would have to go find a fight, kill 5 enemies, and then be "allowed" to TK one single ally. Which wastes the TKer's time.

    According to the average alert statistics for emerald in the last 2 months, there are on average 26 enemy kills for each teamkill commited by a player, so this suggested system wouldn't harm the normal player that much, and if it does, so what? Anyone who accidentally triggers this system should really be mildly punished, as that level of teamkilling is frankly unacceptable to come from any player.
  5. cobaltlightning

    As with Aekir, yes and no.

    Make it 15 minutes instead, and instead of messing with their KDR, Within those 15 minutes, give a 50% increase to grief points gained.
    Would make their weapons lock come much faster, at least.
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  6. XanIves

    Yeah, but grief points don't stop you from blowing up an allied sunderer, it only prevents you from blowing up TWO allied sunderers
  7. IroncladBomber

    Since when are SWRM TKers? GOON and TPU, yes. But SWRM is pretty good, so is JSOC. I thought USAC was the bad NC Outfit.
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  8. thed1rt

    There is some ******** way to clear your team kill lockout so if some guy is a HUGE ****** he can have people follow you and keep you perma dead once he finds you. Im not sure how to clear your teamkill lockout but ive seen people do it. Something with squad stuff.
  9. Problem Officer

    Back to square one again? Ok.
    At least don't forget that someone can activate griefing punishments on you by getting themselves hit on purpose.
  10. thed1rt

    Team killing seemed handled enough to have fun with the game.
  11. Taemien

    Teamkilling is a side-effect of a FPS being F2P. Simple as that. There's NOTHING that can be done about it. Only a Planetside 3 with a retail box can fix (or rather mitigate it, as for some, money is no object) this.

    Account Lock Timer for switching Faction: Countered by Multiboxing*
    IP Block: Screws over roommates, families, dorms, and barracks, easily bypassed by IP-Spoofing or tethered internet from a smatphone
    MAC Block: Easier than IP's to spoof.
    TK-Timers: Countered by Multiboxing*

    Nothing can be done. Game should have been B2P from the start with agressive action taken from the beginning. Just a fact of Planetside 2 you have to live with.

    *Multiboxing is a term used when accessing a game with multiple computers (boxes). Many TKers don't even have to log off their main to do the 4th faction TK described by the OP. They just login and play with their normal account and use an alt account on a laptop to do the dirty deed. This way if action is taken against their alt account, it doesn't follow back to their normal account.

    You know what made it worse? The 100 cert bonus from BR 2-15. Now its easier than ever to get disposable accounts the tools like C4 to do their work. A Ban sets them back like an hour.

    This could be mitigated by BR requirements on C4 and other TKing tools. But that hurts newer players.

    So hurt newer players, to slow down TKers? Tough decision.
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  12. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Agree with Op, tking is getting worse and worse, to the point that I'm avoiding classes that require you to be near friendlies (engy, medic, max etc) and playing infil behind enemy lines. Has to be something wrong with a game where you fear friendlies more than enemies.

    My solution is obvious - no faction switching within two hours. Checked against daybreak account/psn and ip. Yes, it would be possible to get around this but it's more hassle and most faction swappers won't bother. Wouldn't be a 100% reduction in faction switching but a 50-95% reduction is pretty worthwhile surely.
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  13. Taemien

    You've never played a MMO before have you? Its not a hassle to bypass those restrictions. Its actually easier to multibox than it is to log out and back in on a single account:


    All your suggestion would do is SCREW people out of playing with friends for two hours. Sometimes we play alts while waiting for outfit members and buddies to get on. For what benefit? Force these TKer's to bypass the restriction and become HARDER to punish them?

    Let them use their normal accounts. Then it hurts when they get banned. Forcing them to use alt accounts means they don't give a sh-t.

    Think people, Think.
  14. Ryme_Intrinseca

    I can imagine that lots of people would have a gaming PC and a general use laptop because there is a distinct use for each one. But it's only a small minority of PS4 users that have two PS4s, because there's not really any reason to have two apart from griefing or padding. So a faction switching cooldown period on PS4 would cut off the vast majority of faction switching TKers. PC doesn't need to have the same thing if it wouldn't work so well there.
  15. Taemien

    PS4 users are pretty easy to deal with. If a PSN is banned, don't they need to buy another PS4? If that's the case, report them. Use the website to report. I can confirm this works.
  16. Ryme_Intrinseca

    I think you can have as many PSN accounts as you like on one console, though Sony can ban your actual console. But I don't think they would do that for mere TKing, it's more for harassment, racism, etc.

    You can report using help.daybreak and I have used that to get people banned that I see repeatedly TKing. But probably it's just a PSN ban, in which case it's a bit pointless for BR2 faction switchers that are probably playing an alt PSNs anyway.

    No report-based system is really going to address this issue, as by the very nature of faction switching you don't care if the char/PSN gets banned. There has to be a proactive system, i.e. disable faction switching. As I say, this doesn't have to apply to PC, but on PS4 it would help the game a lot.
  17. TheLegendaryRedX

    I suggested a similar idea to Daybreak over a year ago. If it was me it'll be no faction switching for a year....As soon things go sour people immediately jump ship and join the opposing faction, or join your faction and start team killing top players, start suicide bombing vital sunderers, or whatever else that could be vital for the team at that specific moment.

    At least other people are noticing this severe problem especially for PlayStation Players.
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  18. Diggsano

    How about that every teamkill you make, counts as death in your k/d?

    Why do we even have firendly fire?
    I would make friendly fire only on grenades and rocket launchers but it happens too much that you are killed 100% by own faction with other weapons
  19. EPIC389

    I'd like to see a system similar to the one in World of tanks

    If you gain a set amount of grief points, after the next one you will be a fourth faction. Everyone can kill you and get experience with no penalty. This 'fourth faction' will take a week, yes a week to remove.

    If you keep doing grief points your entire account gets banned.

    We need harsher penalties. The reason people get away with this is because they don't get punished for this
  20. Invictorum

    ... Im part of GOON. While we teamkill NC a fair bit (We don't brake for blue) we never go to alt accounts to team kill TR or VS. We do it the old fashioned way, and ram a Vanguard up their rears.