[Suggestion] Faction Spies/Teamkiller Accounts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aekir, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Cyrax Servius

    Unfortunately I think most of the problem is derived from the under 16 squeaker crowd. And they probably make up the matrix of most of the auto recruit large outfits of lemmings.
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  2. Aekir

    At least you admit it.
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  3. TorakkIT

    true that, i remember being a PS1 user while the game needed a box for the installer(dvd) with an activation code inside (no chance to resell it), a monthly subscription fee and you also had a one faction per server rule (right now is an impossible rule to apply since on ps4 we have one server per region after the merges), needless to say that i got Tkilled in 2 years well.. 50 maybe 100 times, 99% of them involuntary and most of the times cause of the flails/orbital strikes lol, the 1% i got a revenge TK was cause it was my first time in the game ever and the tutorial was even worst back then(almost non existant) and I TKilled 2/3 allies without knowing they were allies in my first 5 minutes of PS eheheh..
    oh and the game also had a budget back in the days :(
  4. Skooma Lord

    A simple fix In my opinion is that after we log into our character for at least 10 min or so we cant go on another character on the same world for about 15 min.
  5. Doppler817

    BTW, I play on PS4.

    What I see too often:
    -Excessive TKing in NC spawn rooms, by Sunderer Turret (intentional) TKing
    -TKers camping in spawnrooms/in Sunderer Turrets

    I don't really like NC much; I prefer TR, but why is most teamkilling on that faction? It's not just new players, though. It's every third person. 30% NC on server? 10% is TKers. Some people seem as if they get in a party with their friends and TK. I literally was just in a game where some guy called Quentin123468 (or something like that) was teamkilling, so I fired back and killed him after a few times. Usually he would kill me. Then, his friends come on and started wiping out our spawn room on Koltyr Tech Plant Outpost (Don't judge, barely play this crappy, TK-infested game). We lost all control points thanks to their TK and the lack of Sunderers in that location. Then, I spawned at a Sunderer to attack, rather than defend. The gunner started teamkilling us, and that's when I decided that, even after my 2-month hiatus since uninstalling it in February, this game is cancer because of the TKing. I also believe this is one reason why NC never wins. After all this hassle, I am uninstalling this game. Goodbye. You don't have to miss me.
  6. WTSherman

    The weird thing about the whole "NC TKs the most" thing is this: NC actually TKs the least.

    Someone ran the numbers a while back, and it turned out the factions' TK rates went VS>TR>NC. Though it was only a difference of about 2%-3% between any of them.
  7. Hegeteus

    If I remember correctly grief points stick between sessions, which is why I think a grief point multiplier on session start is really a good idea, given that said character is used primarily for griefing. However, getting griefpoints and reports excessively should have further consequences and somehow work to detect those who mix the griefing up with regular play to cover

    I suppose it's impossible to prevent this from happening altogether and it shouldn't bring inconveniences to normal players just because few players are morons. As long as there are critical sunderers, explosives and idiots this will keep happening...
  8. The Rogue Wolf

    If anybody still has access to the numbers, I'd love to know how many NEW players (first character, BR < 20) end up TKing in the NC as opposed to the other two empires.
  9. Graubeorn

    I don't agree. I want them identified, their whole account (not just their current char) locked. 1 hr, 24 hr, 1 week and the 4th time it happens "forever". I even want their IPs logged, so they can't log in with another account. And I want the bans publicly broadcast, so everybody knows who these ****heels are (and so their outfits can kick them for bringing on bad karma). There could even be a public list available for "teamkills", overall and per time logged in.

    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for anyone to go trolling and destroying the game for others, and there should be no mercy. I don't care what pills anyone has forgotten in take, it just isn't acceptable. The same applies to cheating, which lately has become a really noticeable problem, in my opinion currently even affecting the metaplay (i.e. alert wins and continent locks). It also feels that TK'ing and other forms of cheating are at least partly connected, since they tend to occur "together".
  10. XanIves

    Sure, as long as you can definitively tell with 100% certainty that someone is intentionally TKing. If you can devise a method for perfectly identifying chronic TKers with zero false positives, then that sounds fine.

    The problem is that to decide if someone is doing this on purpose, is to look at their behavior over a large period of time. If you see them TKing regularly over the course of 1 or more months, then you can see if theyre doing it on purpose or not, and then ban them if necessary. The problem though, is that you have to let them teamkill over and over during that period of time before you can figure out their intentions, which is the entire problem that the OP posted. The problem isn't a single person TKing over and over, it's a single user in a platoon being told to go kill a sundy with his alt, with this action being repeated over and over with different users in that platoon. With the random people you get in platoons reguarly, you could order for dozens of sunderers to be killed every day, while each individual user only has a single sunderer kill on his record due to the sheer number of players these outfits can call upon. Now, that user may get another few allied sunderer in the coming weeks, if the outfit decides to consistently use this strategy, but if the user plays enough normally on the account he is TKing on, then his teamkilling statistics would blend in with all of the other players who have accidentally TKed.

    Not to mention that spoofing your IP is pathetically easy, and would only stop lazy Chronic TKers.

    TL ; DR You cannot identify a Chronic TKer without first letting them TK over and over and over so you can know without a doubt that they are doing it maliciously. And if that person only intentionally TKs, say, once a week/month, his actions would be masked by the normal accidental TKs of his fellow soldiers, and he would be immpossible to identify.