Idea for NC MBT/Harasser weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by brruno, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. brruno

    Well, since the developers refuse to give NC a "vulcan like" weapon because they say its has TR traits ( even though they gave one to VS) , and all we got was the Mjonir ( witch is great fo CQC but bad at everything else) i have a suggestion to make:
    >> Do the same thing you did with TR , take the Max weapon and adapt it .
    Take the Raven ( don't forget the MAX has 2 of them ) and :
    - Reduce the damage ( from 335 to something around 150~250)
    - double to triple the fire rate ( depending on the reduction of damage)
    - Maybe increase the muzzle velocity ( and if so just a bit ) , keeping the laser guidance..

    and voilá , a new gun. A new gun with NC traits, but and that would have versatility like the other but while beeing different of the others..
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  2. Savadrin

    Because Raven MAXes aren't broken enough, we need raven Harassers?

    Has anyone ever even tried the ******* enforcer on NC?
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  3. oberchingus

    What's this ******* enforcer you speak of? Is it a special edition Enforcer?

    In other news, the Meow Meow is a spectacular weapon system.
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  4. Liewec123

    give me GK or Saron over Enforcer any day of the week!
    what is drop? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

    enforcer is like hurling rocks at the target.
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  5. Ven Moonwall

    While I main NC, I do play the other factions. I have to agree with brruno. Somewhat.

    While I do agree that it is INCREDIBLY stupid and ridiculous that NONE of the NC's Empire Specific MBT/Harasser weapons have more range than a potato; I believe a laser guided weapon mounted on an MBT/Harasser may not prove very effective. Say for instance you are gunning it on a harasser and suddenly you come under fire from a tank (MBT or Lightning). Your driver will most likely panic smash the turbo and launch the vehicle across the terrain, jolting and bouncing the little buggy with each bump. You will have a horrifyingly hard time guiding those rockets on to target if you are bouncing, flipping, and flying across the ground.

    I would say take the falcons. While they are not laser guided they can be very effective and in my opinion they would be much more suited for mounting on a vehicle.
    Do a similar ratio based reduction to their damage, increase to the fire rate, and muzzle velocity. Then BAM! An actual good range NC Specific weapon...

    Please DBC, dont crush what little hope I have left of the NC getting a decent range weapon. I am tired of the shotgun joke ;-;
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  6. Savadrin

    That's the one where I pee and my Harasser even leaks a little oil after the second shot, because I realize it's probably a good gunner and he's got an advantage I can barely hope to survive already :D
  7. Savadrin


    Rocks clearly OP. :D
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  8. Liewec123

  9. Slandebande

    Wait, are you saying that the Vulcan is effective at anything other than CQC?? :eek: Since when?

    Here is a hint: Practice using the Halberd, it is superior to the ES options in most situations if you are a good gunner. It might be harder to use than the GK, but I can assure you, once you get it down, you are SO much more effective.

    Maybe get a good gunner and use a Halberd like everyone else? :D It is superior to those options in the right hands, especially the GK, which I'm not a fan of unless you want to specifically cater to a bad gunner. And if I plan on only getting bad gunners, I would prefer a Walker on my tank anyways! Give me a Halberd over a Saron/Enforcer/GK any day of the week :cool:
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  10. Movoza

    Sorry, but the GK has good DPS, short to very long range, high velocity, low drop and consistent damage gun.
    The Saron has a good velocity, ok DPS with possible magdump, no drop, short to long range and relatively good consistency in damage.
    The Enforcer has good DPS, medium drop, good velocity, short to long range (although only just) and ok consistent damage.
    The Halberd has high drop, ok velocity, ok DPS, short to medium range and with inconsistent damage, as a miss will seriously screw with your DPS. The drop and lesser velocity make this weapon harfer to use, as well as the lack of opportunity to correct aiming during a clip in contrast to the other weapons, making any miss much more horrible.

    The Halberd can be a personal favourite, everything points to the ES AV to be generally better.

    On topic: although the weapon is interesting and it will certainly have a great many uses, the weapon should seriously be capped in range. Also, how will you explain an extra ES weapon to the other factions? Will this weapon replace the Mjolnir?
  11. Pikachu

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  12. sIcGER

    umm - just wanted to throw in my point of view

    Enforcer has high drop
    Halberd has medium drop

    beside sundies i almost never pull vehicles, but when i am gunning a vanguard, i prefer the halberd over enforcer, its the opposite when gunning a harry (what happens pretty rarely tbh)
  13. Savadrin

    The MBT Halberd handles MUCH better than the Halberd-H, imho. At least I should say I have much better success with it, but that's perhaps due to several factors.

    I'm not quite sure why anyone is still on this Vulcan OP and NC weapons suck train. The Aphelion is better than the Vulcan hands down IMO, and who complains - but I base my assessments on having a competent gunner because honestly if you don't then there's really no point comparing anyway. You're just going to die unless you get lucky, or the drivers are imbalanced as well. But the Mjolnir has great damage at the same range the Vulcan does, which is hugging distance. Sure, we can shoot a Gal at 100m and work it over, but that's really about it. Anything smaller and the hilarious CoF basically invalidates your life.

    At Vulcan range, the Enforcer-H is absolutely devastating, to a Harasser anyway. I'm not clear on the MBT variant but I know I see it on my death screen periodically. But in truth the MBT variant is less relevant in most cases because even a 1/2 Vanguard can take a Harasser with the shield and AP 1v1.

    What this boils down to is that people want easy weapons, not good ones. I wish more folks would just come to admit that and move on.
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  14. JohnGalt36

    I really enjoy the Mjolnir. I think people just don't know how to use it.
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  15. Slandebande

    You got a few things confused here I think, namely using the Words "ok" and "good" in either wrong, or too vague ways:
    • The DPS of the GK is actually bad compared to the other options. At long range, the Halberd/Enforcer do significantly more damage, whereas the Saron deals an equivalent amount. The Saron of course (as you mentioned) gets increasingly more effective as the range decreases. It isn't only magdumping that increases it's DPS, larger targets or being closer enables you to fire before the bloom resets completely.
    • Of course the short-range options are FAR superior in their effective ranges (Vulcan/Aphelion/Mjolnir). So regarding DPS the only one that is comparable is the Saron (and only at specific ranges), all the other weapons are superior.
    • The DPS goes as follows (Enforcer --> Halberd --> Saron/GK) for long range, and (Saron/Enforcer --> Halberd --> GK) for shorter ranges. I'm not 100% sure whether the Saron or Enforcer has higher DPS in short range these days, but I think the Saron does. The GK is definitely last. The short range weapons of course outperform all of the above at their effective ranges, so I left them out for simplicities sake.
    • What the GK really has going for it is the velocity and the accuracy (small CoF, small bloom and no recoil), meaning it is easier to use compared to the other options. This is something I would personally like changed (but not by nerfing the weapon per se, just make it harder to use).
    Which is why I specifically advised the guy i was responding to, to actually practice using the weapon. No one is born being able to use the Halberd effectively, but I can promise you, with practice, it will far outperform the GK (unless all the Prowler does is sit at 400m being useless). There are many reasons as to why I think the Halberd is superior, and I can name a few (if you want more, or in-depth explanations, feel free to ask):
    • High alpha damage which has several effects. To name a few:
      • 1-shot potential against infantry, MANA-AV turrets etc
      • Superior potential to "surprise" the enemy with large amounts of damage (good enemies will react to taking damage, meaning you need to be able to deal as much damage as possible to their weak sides if given the opportunity. The GK wouldn't get many shots into the rear in such a case.
        • The high alpha also has a higher chance of "surprising" the enemy with a burst, which can for instance set them on fire before they realize it. With the GK it happens at a slower, more reliable pace so it is easier to expect and prepare for.
    • Well-designed for PS2 tank warfare for several reasons:
      • Can take advantage of any brief mistake the enemy makes (like turning their rear armor towards you for a split second)
        • If you get a flank on an enemy, it can unload all the alpha into their rear armor
      • Can engage targets effectively that are moving in/out of cover repeatedly (peak-a-boo tactics) without losing DPS (the GK would be losing massive amounts of DPS against such enemies).
        • Many targets you are chasing will try to break your line of sight as much as possible, once more reducing the effectiveness of the sustained fire from the GK. The Halberd can take advantage of even a very short timeframe of line of sight.
      • Can engage targets that move from cover to cover quickly without losing DPS (once again the GK would lose out on massive amounts of DPS here)
    • The NS-nature of the weapon means the visual signs and sounds the weapon makes is less likely to attract attention from enemies.
    • It meshes well with the most effective AV Defensive slot on MBTs, Vehicle Stealth. If you use a Halberd, you only show up on the minimap very briefly whilst shooting (½ a second) whereas with the GK you are constantly visible on the minimap whilst shooting.
    I agree with this sentiment, especially since i've seen that the Enforcer was changed a while back (had it's effective range lowered) due to the devs wanting the Halberd to be the long-range option, and the Enforcer to be the shorter range, higher DPS option. Then they introduced the GK which skewed it all, which I found pretty weird.

    What extra ES weapon? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about here, and I didn't mention it in my post either. I'm confused :confused:
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  16. asmodraxus

    DPS of the GK is bad compared to the Saron at point blank range (its lower by about 30) however move out to 200m+ and the GK's DPS is the SAME (with a very limited CoF and limited drop).

    Sarons DPS is half (it takes 0.5 seconds for the CONE OF FIRE) to reset. In fact the Halberd is generally the better weapon system on the Mag at ranged combat as it's DPS in the hands of a good gunner is actually higher.

    Enforcer has to deal with the insane levels of drop the projectile has, to limit the DPS at range (ie by making it harder to hit the target consistently).

    GK on a Prowler has what to limit its DPS at range? CoF? nope, drop? nope.
  17. brruno

    "Easy mode" is TR style , not NC ..

    The vulcan is goot at CQC and average/usable at medium/long range
    The Mjonir is good at CQC but bad/horrible at medium/long range

    No matter how got you are, at the long range an enemy can just dodge a shot from the Halberd, you cant dodge the GK ..
    and you cant even use the GK as AA

    These days everytime i play is with a tank or harasser , taking times as pilot/gunner with a friend. A play booth TC and NC, use regularly Halberd , Enforcer, Mjonir, Vulcan and GK ; depending on the situation. But while i'm i take the vulcan with "ease of mind" that even is the conditions change it will still be usefull , only take the Mjonir when pretty certain there will plenty of CQC ..
    And btw, never use the walker ; limits to much the AV power..
  18. Savadrin

    The Vulcan is most certainly not usable OR average at long range. Just stop right there. It's barely passable at mid range except on Gals or sunderers, because the CoF means you'll hit a tiny fraction of your shots.
  19. Slandebande

    Isn't that more or less what I wrote? Also, the limited drop kinda goes for the Saron as well :p

    Ah I thought it was the bloom that required time to reset, but I guess blooming is just an increase of the CoF, which kinda makes it the same deal (although initial CoF is also a factor, just not much of a factor regarding the Saron due to point blank accuracy on the first shot). My point about being able to fire before the CoF completely resets (<½ second) still stands though, especially against targets such as fully exposed Sunderers at medium range, but it does require a bit of experience of course.

    And yes, I agree the Halberd is a much better weapon unless you plan on doing close-range work only (CLOSE RANGE???
    ), or supremely long-range sniping (which I don't think is effective). I'm a fan of the Halberd not just because of the DPS, but for multiple factors (including the ones listed in my previous post). Halberd OP? :D

    I don't find it THAT hard to use, since the projectile velocity is actually rather high (at least compared to the Halberd). It was actually changed to work the way it does now in order to make the Halberd the long-range, lower DPS option though, whilst the Enforcer was the shorter-range, higher DPS version. It does require experience to use effectively at range though (but so does the Halberd).

    Aye the GK is very easy to use, even for rookie gunners. However, the people claiming even rookies will have near 100% accuracy are spewing pure bullsheet, especially against moving targets at range. I'm not saying they aren't more effective than what they would be using the other options, which is also why I'm in favor of making the GK harder to use. But nerfing it? That would just make it even more useless for actual experienced gunners, which is not something I'm in favor for. Just make it harder to use for the rookies (I've listed several suggestions to go about doing it in other posts, but I can cross-reference them into here if need be of course).

    They are both horrible at long range, and both bad at medium range. Yes, you can hit with SOME of the bullets at medium range (which I would determine as something like 100-250m of distance when it comes to tanks), but due to missing with many of the bullets AND damage drop-off, it isn't really a threat. The enemy can simply jump out and out-repair the DPS easily.

    It is also perfectly doable to dodge the GK, especially at long-range (250m+), just by moving in an erratic pattern. Also, it isn't always neccesary to actually dodge the GK, since it relies on sustained fire. When going up against a GK (and especially Prowlers using Anchor) be sure to take cover while you are reloading. That's all it takes, and you completely ruin the GK's damage potential, since it only gets to fire as often as the Halberd/main cannons, while doing much less damage / shot. Works like a charm against Prowlers as well, due to them relying on a steady stream of shells to achieve their superior DPS.

    None of the AV weapons are usable as AA, (or at least, they aren't effective).

    First of all, using the weapons on a MBT and on a Harasser are completely different things. The Vulcan is alright on Harassers (at least in some terrain), but pretty bad on a Prowler (in almost every terrain) for instance. I would prefer the Aphelion over the Vulcan due to the increased ranged capabilities for instance. Of course you won't be able to use it with "ease of mind" in mind, but it IS more versatile (and thus more effective).

    If I really wanted to go CQC I would prefer the Mjolnir due to the INSANE DPS it produces at such ranges.

    I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much :cool: I'd take the Walker over rookie gunners in many situations, since the rookie gunners are actually going to get me killed faster for numerous reasons. But then again, I'm a fan of Stealth gameplay, not just sitting with the friendly zerg doing nothing. Taking a rookie gunner out into the "wild" is very risky, as chances are they are going to fire at anything, anytime they see a potential target, meaning everyone around us knows we are there, making it impossible to sneak up on even remotely competent enemies. I'll keep taking my Walker at times, thank you.
  20. KXOPH

    Pathetic NC forget the normal rail guns, and the fact that someone from the developers listen to your suggestion and improve our weapons! There are only 2 fractions VS and TR. Forget about the fact that ever get decent weapons and weapons TR VS. Oh about the new HMGs (Which is not so long ago, we showed Wrell) for Max NC do not even think you will get a heavy NS shotgun as absurd as it may sound so it will be)))))))))))))))

    It's because of the whining VS and TR players we got this sh*t
    because they did not like it that the NC will have a weapon similar in mechanics, weapons and TR VS. It thus NC would become equal in forces on the battlefield, but not beneficial to developers just to keep you on the bottom that would VS and TR could properly mock you :D

    Although initially we have to get their hands on it!

    Well, now the maximum that should not count, so that, that this skin will be used for new AA shotguns MAX NC (How does this stupid sounds but believe it will be so:p ), in which the shells will fly at all in different directions, will wild fall trajectory of the bullet, oh but the main feature, they will do more damage to the CQC :D

    P.S Next update will be put into the game for a fraction of a shotgun knife NC)))))))