Wrel has officially joined the Daybreak team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shaengar, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Gustavo M

    "Hey, guys. Wrel here."

    "Today I'm gonna explain... how to turn yourself into a game dev!"

    "First...get yourself a nice voice. It doesn't need to be smoothing. Just calm does the trick and it makes teens horny as ****."

    "Second... make a bunch of video reviews like you are a some sort of (game you are playing) guru."

    "Third...wait!Yeah, that's right!Just wait!The likeness to turn yourself into a dev depends of the amount of fanboys(horny teens) you have and the likeness of (game you are playing) to "die"(read; to be completely ruined and unplayable)!"

    "That's it!Have fun!"
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    Good, here's what I want:
    • Buff TRAP, Phaseshift, Railjack
    • Mandatory rule that for every single NS weapon added, an ES weapon must be added as well for each faction
    • 1x and 2x optics on AMP, Mag-Scatter, Spiker, as well as general stat improvements on these sidearms
    • 10% firing rate reduction on all NS infantry weapons
      • they are versatile, reliable, accurate, and reload quickly - these should be their only traits
    • Coaxial machine guns on all 3 MBT platforms (basilisk or cobalt, user selectable)
    • Move the goddamn A point out of towers
    • Remove the small, limpy-ar$e outposts from lattice
    • Add empire specific Scout Rifles (and Sniper Rifle for TR)
    • Buff all splash damage against infantry, and introduce deployable Trophy systems
    • Make Squad Logistics System default built-in on all Valkyries, and remove it from the Utility slot
    All things said, bringing a player actively into the dev-team is a potentially very dangerous thing to pull off. In faction-based games a system of periodically electing community representatives is more reliable and constructive on the long run. I hope they know what they are doing.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Which is ******* hilarious.
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  4. Surt

    I think he got always an independet opinion. Nice step.
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  5. SpartanPsycho

    Congratulate someone for being picked because they never have taken a controversial stance on anything, and who's dream is to post bland videos of the same thing over and over again. Someone who has engaged in illegal activity, on technicality, and openly admits it, because he wanted exposure for his videos.

    You're one to talk about hate, since calling people shi*tters is your average statement.

    Pathetic attempt, overwhelming response.
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  6. SpartanPsycho

    Wisdomcube IS RIGHT, which is what matters.

    In my experience, having someone who's right is better in the long-term. I don't have to use them as my spokesperson, but they can put out good labor and ideas from the back and come out to receive credit.

    I have a rep as getting crap done and if you get in the way I'll walk over you.

    That's what employers want.
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  7. Dualice

    Wait, what? Referring to Wrel here?
  8. SpartanPsycho

    I'm assuming that this is sarcasm. Higby traitor!

    Wrel is representative of the casual players.


    He's not really good, he's not a vehicle player, he's a middle of the road person who follows the herd.

    I want someone who has a pair of balls and who's representative of the majority of the playerbase, not the utubes the reddits and the forums.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    And then people wonder why the world is falling apart.

    Feelz over Reals.
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  10. SpartanPsycho

    He claimed in a video about the building of his channel that he sent email to people, much like a telemarketer.

    He "wasn't supposed to do that" but "it didn't matter" because "he already got" want he wanted.

    IDK if it's legal or not, which is why I say its a technicality, but if you contact someone who's shut you off, that is harassment and legal action may be taken in a civil suit OR, if a police report is filed, an actually important suit.

    Again, what he did was TECHNICALLY illegal in the right circumstances, and it certainly was unethical and showed a lack of professionalism.

    Which would surprisingly damaged his resume for daybreak......
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  11. SpartanPsycho

    Another reason why I'll survive over 90% of the populace!

    I will kill to survive. No feelz. Me and my own are more important than the yuppie trying to horn in on me.
  12. SpartanPsycho

    Hopefully he is merely that, or a player experience person, and not a balancer or creative director.
  13. SpartanPsycho

    That's what I think...a face to placate the masses, not someone actually important.

    I hope...
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    Go look at his reddit comments.
  15. SpartanPsycho

    Wth a NS auto pistol wth about ES?????
  16. Abraham with Cheese

    Jeez, all this hate for Wrel, just because he got picked over people who have been begging to be picked. As a note from someone who has been passed over for many jobs I believed I was a "perfect" candidate for...

    It happens. You don't get picked. Someone else will for reasons some people can't seem to accept.

    In reference to this game, maybe you're toxic on the forums. Maybe you insult other players or belittle them while playing. Maybe you don't have the skills the bosses want, or mindset to work as a team, or the ability to think critically outside of your own little world.

    Maybe they have charisma, charm, and the will to do what is best for the game, not their KDR stat-padding.

    Or maybe, just maybe, they're a more likable person.

    In the end, I say good for Wrel. I congratulate him, and hope he can help to bring a brighter future to Planetside 2.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    "we can all use a laugh"

    With that statement you immediately put me down.

    Do me a favor and do this:

    Look up how many Steam Games,Indie Games, Free Online Games & Mobile Games there are.

    Now consider how many are being worked on or have failed for what ever reason during the development and didn't get released.

    There is so many things going on beneath the surface.

    He really doesn't give constructive criticism really.

    Also I don't repeat the same, but others do.

    Do you understand how nuclear level disastrous that is for game development?

    If you have skills & Experience in something, you know how to think critically & give better feedback then someone who has no ******* clue what they are getting into.

    The irony of that statement.

    I would love to show my skill, but even if I make the game better people would still hate me.

    This statement tells me you have no idea what actual constructive criticism is.
  18. FateJH

    The main thing I've gathered from this thread is that hiring anyone from this playerbase is potentially dangerous because we all have exquisite grudges and idiosyncrasies that set each other off easily. Others just don't get along with others very well, or don't a respectabe amount of coherency in their expression.

    In that respect, it feels like Wrel is the only person who could be put into this position and we'd not tear each others' throats out. Be they good or bad from your perspective, when is the last time you heard (intense) vitriole against his opinions, or him in general?

    Not only are there quite a few of your threads where at least half of it is you repeating the same three points plan you detailed in your OP regardless of the content to which you are responding but you make multiple threads that outline roughly the same basic arguments within a relatively short span of forum time.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Emeraldps2 & various talks from groups on there TS's etc over the years.

    They plan on tearing him apart if he doesn't work with them. They also call him the "new Higby".
  20. Scr1nRusher

    Stop.......being a sheep.

    Wrel is not a god nor a perfect human being.

    I've seen things like this go either 2 ways.

    1) Good, but they will end up needing help. Sometimes they don't stay around for long.

    2) "The Titanic into the Iceberg."
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