The largest killstreak ever in Planetside 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sinist, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. RoMoronik666

    I shot a man in Rashnu just to watch him die.
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  2. Torok

    if you do that now at Ty alloys you would probably get shot by Av turrets from The Crown, from Rashnu, from the hills, from the mountains, from Vanu Archives, from Crossroads watchtower, from Impact Site, from Scarred mesa lookout, from the orbitant moons, from the EARTH, just the usual pesky spots where engies usually nest with their av turrets

    leave allatum alone!
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  3. Grayson

    Here is your prize!
    Be proud, that you have achieved a video game.
  4. Sinist

    And the rockets and missiles will be INVISIBLE and give zero warning until they hit. You will get too vague of a direction to pinpoint where in the hell they came from, and your tank willl probably explode before you could eject, nevermind find cover.
  5. TintaBux

    Nice hacking, far to obvious, SOE please ban these guys for god sakes.

    You keep letting cheaters stay in the game, oh no, I know hes br100 so you cant touch him, spent money on game etc.
  6. Torok

    u mad bro, it's called Ty alloys and Prowler with He rounds, in a game update where the radius was abnormal and each shot of the prowler dealt 1000 indirect damage, there was no phoenix/lancer nor Av turret.
    now back to your lair troll,

  7. OddChelsea

    No there were AV turrets. The ESRLs weren't out yet though. Sinist isn't a hacker imo but he did do some insane farming with the old HE OProwler. I call it getting OverProwlered.
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  8. Sharmanti

    100+ ish with the prowler.

    40+ ish with infiltrator as infantry


    20-30 ish with LA
  9. DFDelta

    My personal best one was about 60 kills as a LA in Crossroads Watchtower.

    Best one I've seen myself was my brother as a shotgun Infiltrator during beta with ~100 kills in a small 20 vs 20 battle in a biolab.
    Mines + Nova produced a lot of tears that night.
  10. S0LAR15

    A guy in my outfit, got over a two thousand back in November (back when the Liberator Zephyr was crazy as ****) on a single life, 4 - 5 hours. Those were the times when you had hundreds of people spawning on sunderers in big battles, no flak AA, lockons were no where near common, and you could shoot ESFs so easy with the zephyr.

    Tbh the only killstreaks that really get respect are infantry ones, non MAX, especially not NC-MAX-in-a-biolab. The regular classes and nothing more.
  11. Zerlu

    Nice, I've gotten into the low teens as infantry a few times, always feels nice to rattle off a kill streak. I can't imagine getting hundreds though 0.o
  12. Vixxing

    Had 100ish killstreaks sniping... (earned my certs trolling around Alloys when i was rather new)
  13. hostilechild

    Lemmings, lemmings i tell you.

    Sometimes i find it amazing they will keep running out and dieing, just hoping for a kill. Went over 100+ with a Hackmax pre nerf at towers/biolabs. Post nerf my best is 58 at a tower, again they just kept running out the 2 spawn doors towards A right into my face, knowing i am there, over and over. Half were probably pissed of infantry with c4 hoping my max fire bugged and they could reap the menace exp.

    I don't find the 750 streak in the prowler amazing at all, i do find it amazing he found spots with that many stupid people over and over. Just like with hackmax, wasn't me just lemmings.

    LA/HA mid 20s is my best and very rare, typically by flanking ridges shooting down on bases, and those with LA were post JJ nerf to see what the fuss was about.
  14. Crazy Airborne


    I usually get around 75-100 kills without dying in my mossie a couple times a month.

    and then when prowlers were OP,

    52 kills in 18 minutes

    and i think this is the best certs per hour ive gotten

  15. Sinist

    So noone has a larger killstreak?

    I was kind of curious if anyone out there had video's or screenshots of some larger one's. Maybe this is the largest confirmed killstreak ever.

  16. X3Killjaeden

    i have a pretty large one...

    Oh you meant killstreak... No sorry, i don't spam helpless infantry over hours. I hunt spammers, thats where the fun is at. I love ending someones "oh so great" spamstreak.
  17. SQPD

    I got 36 kills with a stock Lightning defending Howling Pass Checkpoint. We were under attack by Vanu and I used my lightning as self-propelled artillery by getting behind a rock and taking advantage of the gun's high elevation and the originally Vanu ground at Howling Pass switched hands in 21 minutes because I beat back the Vanus so efficiently. Imagine what the Vanu Sunderer driver was thinking... He probably got like 100 certs off of deploying his Sunderer and me farming his soldiers. I got only 134 certs though...
  18. BloodyG

    IT'S OVER 700!!!11

    Never gonna happen for me, no tool's for this kind of archivment (or stream of zombies runnin in the mg lol).
    But a 20-25 Kills run on a dayli base is enough for me, or i gonna cert the Lib next to get to an MLG Pro skillor level.:D
  19. Frazzle

    He hasn't been laid either.
  20. Daemonn

    What if I just... OH GOD ZOMBIE