ZOE needs to be toned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Holomang, May 26, 2013.

  1. AxiomInsanity87

    I identify as a go kart

    You are so ableist and need to be detained lol.
  2. ObsidianSoul

    Remove ZOE and give me back my certs. Like most everything in Vanu these days, it's a joke.
  3. TheRunDown

    I often find players on Miller where the "take extra damage" when ZoE is active doesn't work.
    I've taken on ZoE players in my TR max with dual Mercies with nothing but landing headshots on them, and they either out damage me or run away, where as they should be dying in half the time before they ran away..

    So I'm quite sure there's a bug there since the last update, either that or players have found a bug again to stop the extra damage.

    I've even noticed ZoE MAXs can out DPS dual Burster Anchor max.. when killing ESFs.. I feel this is a CoF thing, as in the ZoE has better CoF than the Bursters.. either that or the damage multiplier is applying to ZoE Bursters..

    But my honest opinion about ZoE is that it shouldn't work with NS weapons.. should just do that clicking sound like you would get when you try to change to main weapon as Stalker Cloaker..
  4. Vixxing

    Thats strange since ZoE only work up to 15m... you really have to lowsniff burstermax then...