[Vehicle] Prowler = new PPA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. PasitheeVS

    I think the title says it all.

    The Prowler became the new pre-nerf PPA.
    That's due to a combination of the Gatekeeper being 500m/s fast and 100% accurate
    and the front gun, fully certed with fully certed anchor, shoots twice with 1.01 sec reload time at 390m/s.
    With the firerate of 120rpm, it's 1.51 sec per 2-shot or 0.7505 sec per shot.
    (The Magrider for example needs 3.25sec per shot - fully certed.)
    With low Bulletdrop and high speed, it can farm infantry from insane ranges.

    I think the OProwler needs a n*** uhm... I mean "adjustment", the equalization of the front gun Speeds turned the PProwlA's HE into an even worse pre-nerf PPA.


    As I said earlier, the TR is the OP faction.
    It does not win that many Alerts however, because they're too busy with happy farming instead of playing infantry and capturing bases.

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  2. Demigan

    TR isn't the OP faction. It's tank is performing very well though, better in many area's than either other tank.

    All factions have things that really need a few tweaks. Can you deny that NC Raven MAX's aren't overpowered with their accuracy and DPS for instance?
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  3. PasitheeVS


    TR: needs a lot of nerfs
    NC: needs some nerfs
    VS: needs a lot of buffs
  4. Razzyman

    I believe they are looking into changing it again, so that's good news. It is a to effective I would say (though I still enjoy the vulcan more). I hope they don't nerf it into uselessness like they have to other things like the poor PPA and ZOE, the poor VS have suffered with those guys for too long now, I wouldn't wish that on either the TR or NC. The Prowlers strength is range, not up close brawling, so it could really use a better ranged weapon. I think that is part of the reason it's so popular, of course in addition to it's over performing at the moment. Sadly history says it'll get nerfed into uselessness though :(.

    Maybe this time they'll make a smaller adjustment so it sits on level rather than getting trashed, at this point though I don't know if Forumside will be ok until it is completely useless due to the emotional scarring it's inflicted on the VS and NC. Kind of how TR and NC rail on the poor VS that they deserve a useless PPA and ZOE because they were overpowered for so long. (Though for the record I think ZOE wasn't bad after the momentum change, I think it was the sheer numbers that made it so rough on us :p)
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  5. Reclaimer77

    I wouldn't shed one tear if the Prowler got nerfed into so-called "uselessness". That probably means it's actually balanced to the rest of us.
  6. AlterEgo

    It really doesn't need a nerf. Just make it so that the equivalents are better than they are right now. Why make them sad when we can be made satisfied? I'd rather get an improved weapon than see my enemy's crap become a part of infinite uselessness.
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  7. Azawarau

    The issue with this is that the other tanks are more balanced with the rest of the games content so increasing the effectiveness of them would be increasing the effectiveness of other things to match up VS decreasing the effectiveness of just the prowler
  8. Mxiter

    Nice graph to show total kills.

    Now show number of users (uniques) wich is surprisingly proportional.

    Or better: use KPU.

    Total amount of kills show pôpularity, not efficiency.

    Here are KPU efficiency:

    Long range AVsecondary:

    in the same branch:

    BG still OP?
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  9. FateJH

    You're supposed to be demonstrating power through statistics like KPU and KPH and then correlating that with the other statistics reported on Oracle. If you're going to use raw Kills as a demonstration of how powerful something is, you're going to have to proceed one of two routes: first, showing that Uniques is low while Kills is high (don't need many to kill a lot); or, second, showing that Playtime is Low while Kills is high (they don't live long but they get heaps of kills quickly; Uniques can go either way in this case).
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  10. PasitheeVS

    The total number of kills clearly shows how high the (positive for each side) impact on the Gameplay is.
    If I would show KPH or KPU, the problem is:
    1. How is the playstyle affecting the KPH/KPU?
    2. The more people use it, the lower is the average KPH.
    3. KPU is a useless statistic, it only shows popularity.

    The total number of kills is pretty much the best indicator of the weapons power in this case.
    It combines Average KPH and Total Playtime, which are both indicators for OPness.

    Compare KPH of the pre-nerf PPA to the total Kills:

    The KPH was quite normal while the total number of kills was insane. Just like it is the case nowadays with the Prowler.

  11. \m/SLAYER\m/

    no-no, Prowlers were spawns-spam way before tanks nerf, and PPA buff, and not they just raised numbers.
  12. Jubikus

    Wow you have no idea what your talking about. Lets explain how what each statistic represents and how they are effected by the game. Kills shows popularity because that shows how much the weapon kills overall if i have 2 gatekeepers killing armor and the enemy has 1 saron killing armor the kills for the gatekeeper could be 20 and the saron 12 does that mean the gatekeeper in that specific battle is better? NO because the average of the gatekeepers is 10 while the saron is 12 for that battle. This is what KPU is for it is the KILLS PER UNIQUE that means the average kills an individual weapon gets basically a comparison from when a weapon is pulled till it dies comparing each weapon on a life to life bases. Kills on the other hand is heavily effected by the factions population if a server is currently 40% TR then almost every single TR weapon is going to have higher kills at that time because theres more of them on the battlefield killing people.
    Now KPH is effected by playstyle my KPU is much higher than my KPH because when i drive a tank i focus alot on good positioning and getting a good position in a battle can take some time however during that tanks lifespan i could take out a ton of armor. Another example would be someone that runs into groups of enemys kills one before he dies and rushes in as soon as he can spawn this guy will probably have a KPH of at least 60 however his KPU will be 1 while a sniper on the other hand who doesnt get good shots very often will likely have a KPH of 1/3 of that at 20 but his KPU will be much higher probably 10-20.

    If your going to complain about a weapon you should at least know what the statistics actually mean instead of just cherry picking the ones that make the graph look the best and saying OP. No statistic is the best at representing a weapon as a whole but the best you get is the KPU in their designed area. This means that the most relevant statistic to the Gatekeeper is VKPU as its an AV weapon. The same would go for the P2-120 AP but if your looking at HE rounds then the most reliant statistic would be KPU and for a skyguard AKPU.
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  13. AxiomInsanity87

    Great troll post.

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  14. Scr1nRusher

    You really have a Anti-TR Crusade going on.

    Like your posts are mostly "I hate TR".

    Also the Gatekeeper has the same splash damage as the Lasher.........

    So Lasher OP?
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  15. Jubikus

    Prowler isnt over performing at the moment because of the gatekeeper the Prowler has performed better than its counterparts long before the gatekeeper was introduced. The thing about the Prowler is its really not stronger than its counterparts its just really strong at range. The prowler unlike its counterparts gets a permanent buff at the cost of a debuff in not being able to move at the same time its a trade off. This ability excels on Indar its okish on Esamir and Amerish but its garbage on hossin the problem is Indar is where people always want to fight which puts the tank in its ideal element all the time. Just look at the pictures listed in the OP all Indar. IF hossin was popular the prowler and the gatekeeper would both be dog****.
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  16. FateJH

    While there is truth in your statement, the Oracle of Death is not designed to extract a single statistic and then say that's the only perfect image of something. That only produces results without perspective. Each of the Oracle's charts builds part of the tapestry that explains how a weapon is faring up to the point where context on both individual player levels and the collective of players over-all. I could just as easy pull a weapon that used to have high KPU like an earlier iteration of the Trac Burst and postulate how much of a blight it was on the game. (No. It had really low Uniques, just about an average playtime, but really high average battle ranks use. The truth was that people were using the Burst as a Directives-earning weapon and the level of proficiency was related to the general skill level of the individual using it. No one in their right sensibilities would have used the old Burst Carbines as serious weapons.)
    That's the area of context or correlation. Kills doesn't explain that either.
    You're thinking of KPU. KPH is defined by "the longer people use it." To an extent, yes, they are related; but, not unwaveringly so. You can have a weapon with low Uniques but high Playtime - that's a type of weapon you might consider a "cult classic." You can also have high Uniques but low Playtime - that's a weapon everyone goes to to get something done quick and dirty and then they immediately put it back on the dusty shelf.
    No, that's Uniques. KPU (kills per unique) would demonstrate how many kills people are getting per represented weapon. It's a representation of how individual weapons perform which is important because all weapons in this game trend towards being overwhelming when used in massive quantity.
    You're not tugging my heartstrings. I was against changing the PPA in any drastic way. My standing historical suggestion was a magazine reduction.
    (In the same way that there was a lot of PPA death because there were a lot of PPAs in play, there's also a lot of Gatekeeper death because there's a lot of Gatekeepers in play.)
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  17. AxiomInsanity87

    Ok, i'll bite.

    Op.......Go to bed lol.
  18. Razzyman

    Totally agree with ya. Forgive me if I wasn't clear, I don't think the Prowler is over performing, I think it's in the right spot, I think the GateKeeper is over performing a little. Personally I think the combination of accuracy, velocity, and lack of drop combined give it a little bit too much effectiveness, it's a bit too easy to use. I think those are definitely offset by it's low damage per shot, but that is partially offset by the decent size magazine and decent reload speed. Unfortunately I can't say how to balance that, it's a long range weapon, it needs good velocity and accuracy to be what it is, but I feel it is a bit too good. Until then though I'll be more than happy to keep using it as effectively as possible to stop those filthy rebels and loony heretics. :)
  19. Peebuddy

    I can't help but notice that while you preach how OP the prowler is, from all your fly-by pictures I can't help but notice that those are a lot of soon to be dead prowlers.

    Coming from behind on a immobile target who can't mag burst or shield themselves out of it? They'd die before they've unanchored, the only real question is if they can bail out before the inevitable explosions turns their tank into a nanite tomb.

    I fly on all 3 factions and I can't tell you how frustrating it is trying to attack a magrider who realizes it's under attack or having a vanguard press his I-Win-Button. Prowlers are easy targets, especially to liberators. Nice of you to not include that particular stat in your list.
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  20. Jubikus

    Yeah the gatekeeper is in a weird spot of not really being overpowered but being good at what it does and then its greatest sin of being stupidly easy to use. The difficult part about tweaking the weapon is its hard to nail down what exactly makes it overperform many believe it obvious in that its really accurate with good velocity and damage which suits it to be good at range but then you have this disparity between the harasser version and tank version when the harasser version by all means should be worse than the tank version do to smaller mag size yet its the only version of the weapon that even overperforms.

    There is an argument to make that the Prowler version should have more kills because the MBT gets alot of the finishing blows but all the tanks do the prowler maby a bit more so do to 2 round but the weapons VKPU on the charts is starting below its counterparts so even if you add some for this it would only bring it in line with its counterparts and not above them. Theese statistics plus my personal experience leads me to believe that the real issue with the gatekeeper is simply mobility the harasser can get into more places the prowler cant and it can adjust faster than the prowler can which leaves it in the same spot as the old PPA where it always has a shot the difference here is the Magrider and harasser can get into the places they need to where for TR only the harasser can. Which leads me to my final opinion on the weapon as i believe that the Harasser version of the weapon maybe getting a nerf and if the prowler version gets tweaked it would have to be like the .75 ADS removal where it would need compensation buffs in order to stay in line as its only performing as intended currently.