Are the Devs ********?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 000AmidimA000, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Gammit

    People forget that Harassers were made weak to infantry primary fire for a reason. Between this and lock-on ground launchers, Harassers shouldn't last very long.
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  2. AlterEgo

    We can rely on the 2015 Update to do something. It's all or nothing on that; if it fails, then nothing really happens other than a pop increase that fizzles away in a few weeks or more. If it's a success, then we can call the game PlanetSide 2 once again, because we can expect a few more updates (maybe even game-changing ones) that will add some fuel to the momentum train. Who knows? It may never even appear in our lifetimes, but I'd still count on there being a Planetside 3. It's all good in my book.
  3. Gundem

    Done correctly, A Planetside 3 could very well be one of the most amazing FPS games ever made.
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  4. HappyStuffin

    Forumside are the stomping grounds where we address issues on the minds of the community.

    Meanwhile, you report it because you dislike it. That's fear of debate and suppression of relevant discussion. Won't you let the devs speak for themselves rather than discourage people from writing what they think?

    You know, you have the option of not reading "mindless drivel".

    This thread is far from closed......
  5. Imp C Bravo

    He reported it because this thread is not the 'minds of the community' as you put it. It is one overly emotional person making blanket statements without any support, comprehensible feedback, rational dialogue, or constructive criticism.  I see you are responding from a position of ideological contention and all -- but let's call a spade a spade. It was a poor OP (to speak generously.) It is also against the rules. And more importantly -- if we, as a community, discourage this kind of ridiculous posting, people, like the OP, will write better posts instead of Faulkner style stream of consciousness emotional rants. Image how much more we would get done and how much better the 'minds of the community' would be able to relate to different view points. DBG might even pay attention to us and ask/take our advice! :eek:

    But yeah -- trying to turn this into a 'protect free speech rawr!' is EXACTLY what Kim Davis did in the USA when she refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple. That was not a protection of her freedom (religion) -- it was just plain ridiculousness which you are, unfortunately, obliquely repeating.
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Thanks for taking the time to properly say it... I didn't bother cause they won't read it / care anyways, but I'll just reference this for the numbskulls taking pop shots at my brief post
  7. 000AmidimA000

    I've written serious posts. I've written perfectly constructive posts that applied to the TOS %110. I've been civil in many of my posts. Then came to realize that this place and the feedback we give isn't being heard. It's sort of silly to try to conform to rules that aren't being regulated. Without the devs watching us, I thought I'd push the boundaries of the the forumside box. DBG will never listen to you, no matter the content of your post. Unless you strap a couple thousand hundred dollars bills to your naked body and run in front of their offices shouting "PLEASE NOTICE ME SENPAI", then no matter what you do you're in the same boat as the rest of us regardless of how legit or not legit your posts are.

    I appologize for being emotional. But I love planetside 2. I've played since it came out, and I've seen all manner of changes occur in the game. The last couple of changes have really taken the game in a different direction, and one that I haven't been a fan of. I'm sure my voice would reflect the voice of the community more, if that part of the community had stayed with the game. Unfortunately so many have left, and more are leaving. This game is on a downward spiral. That causes some emotion in me. That makes me want to take to the forums and write posts like the OP. I will shout as the game moves closer and closer to the edge of the abyss, and should the game go into the abyss I'll shout into the abyss at it while it plummets to immenent demise. But no matter what happens, I love and support this game, and will be there for it every step of the way. My feedback is just as valuable as anyone else's, and at this point with DBG at the helm, that value is pretty much the same as fingernail clippings and rat feces.
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  8. Dethleffs

    there are no devs on these forums, stop shouting at a wall and go to reddit.
  9. RIctavius

    Well actually the one who caused the mess was fired, the others left on their accord... FYI Xander was rehired after the restructuring.
  10. 000AmidimA000

    I know there's no devs here. That's why I felt comfortable giving my rant in the first place. It feels good to get it all out, even if it is directed at a wall.
  11. RedArmy

    comfortable or not - these Forums there can be account level repercussions, reddit u can say anything even bomb threats and they cant ban ur account for it. (not that i condone/suggest posting those)
  12. Imp C Bravo

    Well, I dont agree with your final evaluation of your feedback value or some of your opinion on DBG's perception of us...but I can get behind a lot of your post. I understand putting time, and effort and emotion into something you love. And wanting to see growth because of that. Truth of the matter is, though, that's a rare thing (I can't post on forums ******** about how expensive my internet is and expect my provider to change it. I can't complain on forums about how crappy this season's episode of x, y, or z was and expect them to re-shoot or change they way they do the episode.) The fact that we have 'POTENTIALLY' AND effect on design is something unique to video games -- but it also causes us to often build up our own expectations of how we expect things to react to our opinion. Similar to that South Park episode about Yelp. We need to keep our egos in check, enjoy what we can, and -- most of all -- be calm and rational. Simply because that has the best chance of getting any sort of results. I used to be an MMA fighter here in Japan. To stay in shape I still do some old school boxing. When I get frustrated or angry I go hit the heavy bag. Works wonders and I recommend it. Girls like what it does to your chest and back muscles too.:p
  13. Halo572

    My mind boggles that people can't just move on from a pointless and meaningless video title.

    3 1/2 years later it is long past time to accept that what this title is is what it is - a 3D Mark wannabee TDM in tiny maps in a big map with 2002 gameplay, 2012 graphics and no ingame objectives other than TDM.

    This is it, just look at the hotfix to see what 'content' is being added.

    It is now 13 months and 17 days since I was last tempted to login and only come back to see what hasn't happened.

    Guess what? Nothing. In over a year.

    Grieve, mourn, wail and gnash your teeth, beat your chest in agony, whatever, just please move on with your lives.

    Although I am sure that playerbase drops will be attributed to Fallout 4 being released (before that it was Destiny), school starting again, exams, holidays, terrorist attacks and any other delusional reason that will give hope to those still here that the long gone playerbase will be coming back.

    They won't, unlike all of you We have moved on to many, many other better gaming experiences and aren't coming back.

    The 3p33n buffers are maxed out and have nothing left to buff and normal gamers want to have fun from their gaming sessions not this.
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  14. FateJH

    Technically, you do keep coming back.
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  15. DeadlyPeanutt

    rant of the day award ! congrats !!!
