[Vehicle] inb4 Gatekeeper gets nerfed into the ground

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SW0V, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. lothbrook

    Yet its KPU is still higher, despite all the scrubs demoing it without any upgrades driving its average down...
  2. CMDante

    .11 higher than the Enforcer, sorry but you won't see me weeping for the VS or NC over that. As far as trials are concerned, that's pure speculation. I know a few people that bought it outright, and nearly every one I hopped in to gun had some upgrades to it.
  3. Villanuk

    Beats them by a small amount ( in all of 3 days, yes so much time to give a true reflection !! ). That margin if applied to all the things in the game could never get balanced. Then you say its so EASY TO USE yet the figures do not demonstrate that which would indicate its not that power full ?

    So, you agree, failures need buff. Striker needs buff, banshee needs buff buy your logic?

    Then you would have to nerf the canister, way above the averages you showed and the raven

    I would have no issues with having a drop off but you have to balance the damage to, but as it, its not game breaking, and the fact the VS new secondary is performing better than all 3 secondarys and yet not getting the attention, well the VS must be laughing again.
  4. Villanuk

    I wouldn't say you got shafted as the canister is still a beast on the stats and the enforcer is a top secondary, you have options. The TR had naff all in long range, with either MBT, launcher or max, nothing.

    Having tried the Mjolir, im not sure if their is a good reason to use it, i found it well erm yes, not great, so i can imagine your not going to be happy with that but at least you have something you can use.
  5. Mongychops

    be honest, are you actually trolling right now?

    You deflect my argument about what the GK does in its current form to the Magrider - Prowler balance, and then you misinterpret it completely, then fixate onto a single irrelevant general stat, and now you try and claim I said it was OP and overperforming in general rather than it being poorly balanced for a MBT vs MBT fight.

    Seriously, what are you doing?
  6. Takara

    You can't ADAD in a mag....it does no good. You can stafe behind cover. But that isn't the same thing as ADAD spam of infantry. ADAD won't dodge **** in a mag.
  7. Takara

    Slower slower velocity and rate of fire. Personally I don't think the enforcer fits the NC's empire benefits at all. They are supposed to be slower rate of fire and high damage. I think they should increase the damage a bit and slow down it's RoF myself. But to be honest it's stats are currently pretty close to the Saron so I can't shame it or in good consciousness ask it to get changed.

    The new empire secondaries were not supposed to be better then the original guns they were built to be similar too.....but the Gatekeeper is. The problem everyone had with the Saron was that it was super accurate at range...but the Gatekeeper litterly blows it out of the water in both velocity and the lack of cone of fire.
  8. FBVanu

    I dumped 3000 certs into the Gatekeeper.. zoom, ammo, reload speed etc..

    I have never found a secondary gunner so fast ... ! Thank you DBG. Finally Prowlers can get their gunners excited. Thank you.
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  9. SwornJupiter

    I interpreted all of the "Gatekeeper OP" replies in this thread as:
    "QQ TR can now hit my vehicle at more than 200m range. I can no longer spam my Saron/Enforcer from the next hex safely QQ QQ QQ"

    Seriously, the same result could be achieved with the same number of Sarons and Enforcers. But it's a player issue, not a balance/design issue. For some reason, there just aren't that many Saron/Enforcer harrassers being pulled.
    If it was because you were afraid of the Vulcan, well now you have a direct counter to it (not that we both didn't have exceptional AV options already...)

    For the VS specifically, see my thread for very elementary tips on how to use the Aphelion correctly*:

    *Personal anecdotes used, not representative of any faction in particular - only used to give general basics and point out mistakes
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  10. helicoil

    The only problem I have with the GK at current is that I cant even see it. Its extremely frustrating to die to unknown ghost projectiles... Yes I play on ultra so no its not a graphics problem.

    Other than that Let the TR have their toy, if they abuse it like the VS did with the PPA it will get taken away.
  11. Peebuddy

    If you nerf anything relating to the distance the gatekeeper can engage targets then you better be ready to give it more versatility, a burst fire mode or something.

    Because as it stands now the gatekeeper can't straight up duke it out with any other AV secondary, hell even if a halbert rolls up on you you're dead unless they're the worst shots in the world. It's an extremely niche weapon that only performs slightly better than the sauron/ enforcer because of it's ability to land rounds at range. Something that the Tr has lacked heavily for the longest time.

    If you nerf its range then once again Vs/Nc counterparts will out class it at every distance and Tr will have to contend with a water downed gun.

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  12. Mxiter

    lancer, ravens ,vortexes says "hi"

    It's even more easy to find GK user since vehicles have way longer render range than infantries/maxes
  13. Jolanar

    This is what happens every single time the TR are FINALLY given something worth a damn. Before people have even had time to adjust to the new weapon smell, they come in crying OP and then whenever the devs get around to it, they over-nerf one of the few remaining viable ES weapons for the TR.

    The Gatekeeper CANNOT put out as much DPS as a Saron or Enforcer at range unless you can land every shot. You will miss a shot here and a shot there, unless the enemy is sleeping. The weapon is what you would call a 'slow burn.' Keep that in mind!

    The gatekeeper really is probably one of the most balanced release weapons i've seen in a long time. Just give people some time to learn how to play around it, like how now TR has to play around the new Vulcan-equivalent weapons. I guarantee you I have had just as much trouble with the Vex and Mjolnir as you have had with the Gatekeeper.
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  14. BarxBaron

    So you are saying.......it's time to nerf Lancers/Vortex and Ravens.

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  15. Villanuk

    I think your example of the Saron is a good one. The saron COF should be reduced but as you say the stats show its up their and is not weak. On that basis and logic, the GK what ever people think the stats albeit very early a point people are not taking into account, and proving its not OP.

    What everyone is not saying is the VS new secondary is outperforming everything on vehicles, yet no one is moaning about that as its all about perception, jealousy and no logic.
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  16. Jolanar

    THIS. Personal biases are clouding our judgement. We need to take a step back, distance ourselves from our emotional knee-jerk reaction and look at the actual performance for its intended role.
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  17. Kanil

    It's trivially easy to use, and reminds me of the old PPA in that regard -- no CoF, no bullet drop, mindlessly point and click.

    Give it the same bullet drop as the Enforcer. Make it require a modest amount of thought/skill/whatever and it's fine.
  18. Demigan

    "a small amount"?!?!?
    Check it again, look at the difference between the top weapons alone, then check the difference between the Gatekeeper and it's peers (Saron and Enforcer).
    In the Harasser section, the Gatekeeper kills 1,7 times more vehicles than the Enforcer and 1,45 times more than the Saron. That's a massive difference. It also kills 1,67 times more infantry than the Enforcer and 1,48 times more than the Saron, again a huge difference. Even in the AVKU it scores twice as much, but seeing all 3 don't score a lot anyway (even though 1 aircraft per 2 weapons is huge for a non AA weapon) I'm going to ignore it right now.
    In the MBT section it scores smaller differences... despite being mounted on the Prowler. This one is self-explanatory so I'm not going to. Just do the math, take into account the tank it's mounted on and move on.

    Striker, Banshee, Fractures, current ground-based PPA, current ZOE need buffs. The Ravens definitely need a Nerf, their accuracy and ease-of-use plus their AI capabilities are more than enough, no need to give it that ridiculous damage model. AA needs a whole game change, Tanks need to get rid of AOE for AI duty and get specialised AI weapons, such as co-axial canons and the list goes on. C4 needs to be spit into two parts, and AV and an AI version etc etc.

    You might have missed it, but when the stats clearly show something being OP or UP I support it, regardless of the faction I'm on (Still need to give Jake the Dog a positive reply on showing me things about the Vanguard).

    The Canister doesn't look OP on a quick look, the Marauder is relatively close and mounted on a far better AI platform than the Canister (Prowler scores much more kills than Vanguard main canon), the ground-PPA needs a good buff though. Not to the OP level it used to be, but it needs improvement.

    I have met the Aphelion only once so far, it fired from a Harasser from a mile away in my back. Two hits and maybe 5% damage per hit? Seemed an awefull lot. I haven't made a thread about it myself and am wondering why people aren't making them. But when one comes I'll be sure to chip in.
    As for the damage of the Gatekeeper, it's the accuracy and muzzle velocity combined with it's damage model that make it OP. If you cash out half the damage of the other long-range weapons, but you can hit on average 80% of your hits while the other long-range weapons hit 20%, you still have a much better weapon in the half-damage weapon.
  19. sebastian oscar post

    someone punch this guy....
  20. SwornJupiter

    The stats are only inflated because of the 'new and shiny' effect. By the same logic, Aphelion and Mjolnir harrassers are being pulled wayyyy more than vulcan harrassers at the moment, and its obviously going to inflate their stats. Give it a couple weeks to wear off, then we'll talk.
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