Miscellaneous tips/tricks for... all players?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarII, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. 23rd enigma

    you can spot through buildings.

    Also u can change the reticle color on all sights ( making the small yellow dot sight much better since it tends to blend in with the enviroment) by modifying ( or adding) the line "TintModeReticuleStyle=0" to "TintModeReticuleStyle=1" and "TintModeReticuleColor=xxx" to "TintModeReticuleColor=16711935" in useroptions.ini under [ui]

    p.s 16711935 is hot pink, u can choose whichever color u want
  2. Bearlover

    Pressing F does a lot of things useful for a particular class, besides maxes...

    1. When you press F as a HEAVY ASSAULT, you instantly go cloak
    2. When you press F as a MEDIC, you instantly give an ammo pack
    3. When you press F as an ENGINEER, you instantly have an overshield which acts as another shield
    4. When you press F as an INFILTRATOR, you instantly heal yourself and others around you, or you removed a ***** from your butt.
    5. When you press F as a LIGHT ASSAULT, nothing happens.
  3. Rowe

    While someone is talking, or music is active... + to turn them up.... - to turn them down (num pad)
  4. Armcross

    That is a mix up.
  5. Voross

    If you Q-spot an enemy they will hear it as well. Don't do it while being cloaked and/or trying to ambush someone.

    The cloaking sound is ridiculously loud. If it's very quiet, sometimes it's better not to cloak/uncloak at all.

    When using grav lifts use W to get up faster/fly up higher and spin in a circle so you don't fall out (since it'll move you forward as well).

    Whenever you cloak move a few steps, because turning invisible won't stop snipers from killing you if they already know where you are.

    If there is a fight at the biolab landing pads, there is always a sniper or a LA on the biolab roof. ALWAYS.
    • Up x 1
  6. Gromwort

    1.Don't point your crosshair on the ground while running around, aim for neck/head area.
    2. Limit your exposure - use a terrain to your advantage, it's often enough if you see only a limited part of the area at a time and it increase your survivability.
    3. If possible try to engage your opponent even slightly from above because it will take him more time to aim for your head.
    4. Pay attention to the minimap and try to read situation around you, sometimes you realize soon enough your position is going to see enemies trying to flank it shortly so move a bit behind and defend your allies from getting jumped on.
  7. ModsFreeAreForTV

    PRO TIP!!! I fixed this one for you Tech!

  8. Demigan

    Actually, you can Q-spot any enemy regardless of how much terrain is in front. You can Q-spot through a mountain and 2 bases to spot a Galaxy that landed behind it, or a single infiltrator. But you need to aim exactly at them to do this, which is why it's so hard, just like you can spend 4 Q-spots on a visible enemy without success because you didn't aim perfectly center on them.
    This is sometimes a help when you want to know where an enemy is hiding. If you know he's in the room but don't know where, you Q-spot at the places where they usually hide. It's no guarantee you'll spot them, but it helps sometimes.

    Just do a turn while you are in the elevator, that way you can stay in and keep looking upwards.
  9. Bragg

    Actually you can change the volume on voice chat by numpad + and -. And if you press - enough times it will mute the current speaker/music spammer. No need to into game menus.
  10. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Whenever you're Infiltrator, get into the habit of using your recon tools as much as possible. Spam the darts whenever you're over an ammo pack and always keep moving your motion spotters up as the battle progresses.

    So many people don't realise how useful they're being to the team. A teammate seeing that handy blip on the map or seeing an arrow moving around in real-time is so helpful and it certainly can save lives. Plus the Infiltrator will get a base of 10 XP for every person their teammate kills within the dart/spotter radius too.
  11. Turiel =RL=

    If the name of your TR platoon-leader is "Vennn", type /suicide. Same result, just faster.
  12. Stigma


    step1: Learn to use the map all the time (it really is one of the MAIN differences between "moving targets" and "actual threat" enemies)

    step2: bind the map zoom to sctroll-up and scroll-down on your mouse. You NEED max-zoom as infantry, and most of the time max-zoom is not good enough in any sort of vehicle. Being able to switch perspectives easily at a moments notice is crucial.

  13. Stigma

    That's kind of more of a TR problem. NC have blue (tyical friendly color) as default. TR newbies have RED for friedlies (and against NC - BLUE enemies). Very confusing and non-intuitive.

    Protip: You can change the colors in the UI. I always set blue to be the color of the empire I am fighting for, regardless of if I am playing my main or an alt. The two enemy colors I set to red and reddish-purple. Enough difference to distinguish between. Now my brain can identify enemies faster since everything unfriendly is some shade of red.

    Protip2: you can change squad colors too (but changing them TOO much might be a bad idea as some leaders might call a squad by its color rather than name, so I try to not alter the color to somehing radiacally different). Just make sure that all squad colors are significantly different from enemy colors...

  14. IshootRAW

    You can climb trees - here's how
  15. Lemposs

    Don't put down mines in door openings if it is a building filled with allies. The amount of times I have died to ally mines because of EMPs, is too damn high! :mad:
  16. Turiel =RL=

    Ok, here is a serious tip to improve your gameplay:

    Whenever you are in a platoon press "P". Every squad has a little triangle to the upper right, that's the menu for the color of the squad. Unfortunately the default colors are green (alpha), similar green (charlie). Change one to blue and you will never end up at wrong waypoint one anymore.
  17. Turiel =RL=

    Here is another pro-tip that will make you less annoying for your own folks: Never use smoke if your guys have the population advantage!

    The reason is simple math: More of your own guys will have trouble picking up targets because of the smoke than guys from the enemy. The fact that you "can" use infravision scopes doesn't change much, because on average people don't use them and you will always catch more of your own guys on surprise than guys from the enemy in such a situation.
    • Up x 1
  18. JobiWan

    If you need to jump down from something quickly and there's an up (yellow) elevator nearby, briefly run through it before jumping down, it will make you immune to fall damage for something like 6 seconds.
  19. Armcross

    To conserve power for your implant redeploy after engagement or taken the base.