NC has the most team kills, there's proof, but why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Devilllike

    Who said anything about accidents? :) its just ******** thats all about it
  2. AshHill07

    Quickly put together a list of all the weapons I can confirm I've been TK'd with. Gauss SAW as at the top by quite a bit in comparison.
    Link (Google Sheets)

    Also the fact I'm primarily Armoured Vehicles (Vanguards/Lightnings) probably affected some of the stats, for example, the AV turrets.
  3. Nregroepis

    My deaths show more than 400 teamkills.
  4. TekDragon84

    What a joke thread.

    The difference between the NC and the VS is 1.5%. Statistically insignificant. I came in here expecting a 10-20% discrepancy.

    As for the explanation, it's pretty obvious. NC have 160-200 damage weapons. If you're VS or TR, with your 143 damage weapons, you do a hell of a lot less damage when a friendly walks in front of you and you nail them with a pair of headshots.

    The Air Hammer, as well, with its OHKO AoE damage potential, makes it significantly easier to accidentally kill a teammate. VS and TR, with the Banshee and PPA get some audio cues to redirect their fire. By the time you hear that sound with the Air Hammer, your teammate is likely dead.
  5. Nregroepis

    I see what you did there
  6. GhostAvatar

    As I pointed out earlier, it isn't statistically insignificant when it is consistent on all but one server. The difference may be small, but the fact that it is consistent to such a degree means the difference isn't an anomaly just to be written off as a statical variance.
  7. Casterbridge

    Regardless the difference is slight and no where near as large as many like to imply. In addition it is easily explained, as mentioned earlier, by NC trait weaponary. Strafe in front of a TR and VS weapon you probably live, even a headshot or two, strafe in front of a NC heavy weapon or Max and you die.
  8. IamDH

    So you post insufficient data and call it nitpicking when i mention it?

    I don't really think you can deduct anything from this without seeing the whole picture. Perhaps the TR have the most team kills to population ratio.

    I have a feeling you're going to ignore everything i just said and respond with something meaningless. Address my point, prove me wrong pls
    • Up x 2
  9. JohnGalt36

    I like how people are still addressing the OP, despite the fact that it has been proven to be flawed by the lack of population being taken into account.

    Carry on, I guess.