Vanu and balancing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grandpa, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Grandpa

    I speak three languages, but English is not my native language. Learn the German language as well as I can speak English. Then come back.
  2. Grandpa

    What has one thing to do with the others? When I look at your posts - well ...
  3. Kulso

    I speak English and Spanish. The only 2 languages I'll ever need in the US. It's not in my best interest to learn German.
  4. Plastikfrosch

    The carv is a solid weapon (and a lot more beginners friendly than the gauss saw. it is a cqc beast like the orion but with 2x the ammopool which will prevent you from getting caught with your pants down so fast.

    the pounders do not work as good against Vehicles as the NC/VS pendants BUT, they are able to kill anything. Why do you think so many 2xPounder maxes are running around ****** maxes and instakilling infantry and they are able to hurt vehicles as well but not on distance. no other AV max weapon can be abused against everything like the pounders.
    And thats why the vulcan is so overperforming compared to the NC/VS equivalents, and imo those VS/NC vulcan clones should never go live because then they have to create a vortex/raven clone for TR.
  5. Plastikfrosch

    the last striker buff was a step in the right direction. the muzzle velocity is higher now, the cof got tightened and i am able to hit moving targets with it BUT the still remaining problem is the "bulletspread". the moment i keep shooting my lancer slowly all shots will go in one line and not spread out like they will when i spam them but while playing the striker it makes no difference if i go full auto or shoot 1 rocket per second, it always feels as if every rocket has a specific angle to start with. The rockets should not have a wide spread but should go in one line at least while shoting slowly.
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  6. CaptAmazing

    Just false. NC/VS is better or as good against infanterie and better against vehicles.

    Do you know how many direct hits NC or VS needs against infanterie with comparable weapons?

    NC: Falcon 2 hits (Raven 3 hits)
    VS: Comet 3 hits (Vortex 6 uncharged hits)

    TR: Pounders 3 hits (Fracture 5 hits)

    The only advantage Pounders have is their splash-damage against infanterie (8 hits if you hit directly! at heir feet - 1 meter away means no damage). You just see so many pounder-MAXes - not because they are so super awesome, but because TR has no other anti-vehicle option.They are defenitly not "instakilling" (a dual Falcon btw can instakill).

    When was the last time you (or any other player) was actually killed by Fractures when you were in a vehicle or on foot ?!
  7. stalkish

    So let me get this right,
    America is the biggest demographic, not europe or asia (you know, where russia & china reside) yes of course it is.........
    Open your eyes man, the world is a lot bigger than you think.

    Noisy on that bandwagon is it?
    Think for youself, dont just copy the drivel you've read on here....
  8. Isokon

    You are either forgetting or intentionally omitting the difference in magazine size between the weapons, which gives the Pounders the advantage because you don't have to be as accurate to get a kill before you are forced to reload. Falcons need to hit both their shots, Comets need at least 3 out of 4, but Pounders just need 3 out of 8.
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  9. Collin

    Pounders need 3 out of 4 shoots my friend
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  10. Zombo

    It explains SO much that a Miller NC player is complaining about Vanu,
    i have an NC alt on Miller next to my Vanu main, and NC zergs are an uncoordinated mess in comparison to the vanu
    the TR have some competence, but Miller NC is just the worst coordination i have come across

    this however doesn't rectify you making posts about "nerf this, nerf that" without any statisical evidence
    that anything would have a direct advantage without disadvantages in other areas

    this "nerf VS" thread has the same reasoning like your "nerf infiltrator" thread, because you don't like getting killed by them

    but of course like every other nerfclown you dont see your own bias
  11. Isokon

    I thought it would have been obvious that I am basing my numbers on dual-loadouts, but it does not change the result either way.
    If we are talking about single arms, Pounders can oneclip infantry, Falcons and Comets can not.
  12. CaptAmazing

    First: I was responding to the claim that Pounders were "instakilling" - which just isn't possible. On the other hand Falcons can instakill (dual-loadout).

    Second: Lets please don't forget pounders are the only ones firing in an arc. Its ok if you are way above your target - but standing on even ground, or even worse lower ground you need several shots to judge the distance. Its getting harder the further the target stands - if it moves - have fun testing the range again. A lot of your magazine is wasted on zeroing in on the target.

    All the other factions are point and click - with perhaps a little drop at extreme distances.
  13. Goretzu

    I think you're underplaying the Pounder a bit there, the Falcon has drop just a lot less, but at 50m if you aim at an infantrymans head you'll still get a direct hit for a 3 shot kill and past 50m Falcon or Pounder you'll only really be hitting stationary infantry.

    The Falcon and Pounder perform about the same against vehicles:

    15001 - M3 Pounder HEG-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 2.12
    16001 - NCM2 Falcon-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 2.27
    17001 - Comet VM2-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 2.64

    But the Pounder is a significantly better AI weapon (and perhaps more importantly suppression weapon):

    15001 - M3 Pounder HEG-Right | KPH | Daily Average: 13.50
    16001 - NCM2 Falcon-Right | KPH | Daily Average: 8.42
    17001 - Comet VM2-Right | KPH | Daily Average: 9.12
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  14. Collin

    ppst not hitting the target with lots of bullets is a TR thing
  15. Alox

    Europe is 711 mil people (EU is 503), North America is 529 mil (USA is 310).
  16. CaptAmazing

    I have no problem agreeing Pounders have a higher KPH than Falcon and Comet. Why that is the case - there can be different reasons. I disagreed with the point that Pounders are the instantkilling TR-wonder which they are not. They are harder to use - and you clearly underplay their arc trajectory.

    But the mainproblem with Pounders remain: They are TRs main weapon against vehicles, because Fractures are terrible - for month now. The Striker has been nerfed to the ground and got a slight buff, but is still underperforming at long range AV.

    So hey, its nice to learn our antivehicle weapon is being used against infanterie, but in most cases TR will use Chainguns for that. Still we don't have a similar weapon as Ravens or the VS ESL.

    Do you know what TR players use if they want to counter enemy vehicles? Pounders and Vulcan Harrassers. People cry about getting killed by Vulcans - its just that we need to use it, or else we will get overun. Yes if we can use Prowlers we can counter enemy tanks. VS and NC don't need tanks to counter our Prowler. A small nest of AV-MAxes and HA can do the job very effectivly. TR doesnt have this option.
  17. Goretzu

    Fractures do need a buff, but equally I'm not sure they are exactly "terrible" comapred to their cometitiors - worse and in need of a buff certainly:

    16029 - NCM3 Raven-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 4.73
    16031 - MR1 Fracture-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 3.21
    16033 - Vortex VM21-Right | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 4.06

    It's certainly no worse than the Prowlers overperformance, for sure:

    3460 - Supernova FPC | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 11.86
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 10.85
    4008 - P2-120 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 13.38
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  18. Stormsinger

    I already wrote a ~5 page analysis of all the actual stats generated in the last 30 days (Current as of 2-3 weeks ago) by every class of weapons in the game for all three factions. If you are serious about the topic, I invite you to give it a read, and get back to me. I have a BR100 of each faction, currently, the VS has a direct advantage with: The Orion, and the Beetlegeuse (the later could use a nerf) - and the Saron is competing on par or slightly better overall (For MBTs, at least) - And that's it - the NC or TR (or both) have an overtly superior lineup of weapons in a number of other categories.

    Here's the link.

    As someone with a BR100 of all three factions (I love all three) I'm fairly unbiased. "Balance" at this point would involve things such as a number of small buffs and adjustments for the VS, ZOE is a voluntary nerf, for 0 advantages, and the PPA is currently less useful then the canister was at it's worst. (Also, bear in mind that the Magrider is the slowest ground vehicle in the game, even the Vanguard is faster.)

    Man-portable long range AV capability for the TR (in exchange for a bit of a nerf vs the Prowler) and slightly higher performance for Fractures would be nice. Prowler deployment is unresponsive (same as the Sunderer) - that desperately needs attention. I wouldn't mind seeing slightly more controllable small arms overall (Horizontal recoil sucks) and the Banshee seems a bit... overnerfed.

    NC maxes have the most potent AV out there right now - For the vanguard, the Enforcer could use slightly less drop (Although it's in an excellent state right now overall) It's lineup of guns is quite good in general, and two of it's SMGs beat out everything either the TR or VS can offer SMG-wise.

    Really, balance is fairly good right now, overall - save for a few blatantly broken / nonfunctional items for the VS (ZOE / PPA), and the gaping hole in the TR's long range (non-prowler) AV options. High Explosive tank primaries are utterly useless right now, due to teeny eeny weeny splash radius - I'd like to see HE redesigned into another item entirely. (ES tank-primary options would be nice - grant them to players that own HE primaries, and up the price once it's released, perhaps) - Since HE seems to be something that Daybreak no longer wants to support, releasing new items that fit with their current development / balance goals would be a good opportunity.
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  19. Collin

    This is only the half story. Now get me numbers of vehicle kills and prowlers secondaries. Prowlers normaly run 1 of 2 cause the lock down and the secondary is boring in a lock down prowler
  20. CaptAmazing

    Lets look at actuall monthly numbers

    Raven right| V. KPH 4,61| Avg. KPH 7,98
    Vortex right| V. KPH 3,99| Avg. KPH 6,25
    Fracture right| V. KPH 3,04| Avg. KPH 4,76

    Ravens vastly outperform Fractures immensly (34% and 41% better). Vortexes "only" 24%

    Now to the tanks

    3460 - Supernova FPC V. KPH 11,07| Avg. KPH 19, 58
    3730 - Titan-150 AP V. KPH 11,13| Avg. KPH 19.95
    4008 - P2-120 AP V. KPH 13,71| Avg. KPH 25,73

    Prowler is better than both VS and NC. Aroudn 23% on V. KPH. and around 30% in KPH. So TR Tanks are better in killing vehicles - the main difference is in killing infanterie with an AP cannon. Thats were the Prowler shines - which no TR player cares, because they want AV options.

    The main point is: TR has way worse long range AV options than NC and VS. The only counter to enemy tanks is.... TR tanks (or Vulcan harrassers, which ironicly can be killed by NC/VS long range options), while NC and VS can pull their overperforming MAXes and their better ESL launchers. They are cheaper can be resurrected and aren't a big target.

    Striker KPH 6,27
    Phoenix KPH 10,37
    Lancer KPH 9,32

    So hey - I get it Prowler is good at killing infanterie and is even performing better in AV as the other tanks. The ESL launcher AND MAX AV capabilities are way more of than the tank stats.

    Edit: Collin had a good point - I didnt even look at the secondaries.
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