[Vehicle] How would the game change if AMS's no longer had a "no deploy zone" around them?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    The spawn system wouldn't need changing

    There is a thing called Vehicles & Aircraft & co-ordinated Infantry AV...........

    Even if you have alot of sunderers, each spawn matters.

    Light assaults and a organized MAX crash.

    Sunderers never needed the "no deploy zone" in the first place.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Well that brings up another good question of.....

    How would the game change if there were no "no deploy zones" around bases for attackers?
  3. Obscura

    Because both sides would have to think of different strategies, attackers would have to do more to take bases than just "put sunderer in most defensible spot near base and the 90+ infantry constantly spawning at it will protect it while they also capture the base". Again, more options makes people able to adapt to situations, less options causes them to conform to the "best" way of taking a base.
  4. Ronin Oni

    It'd mean even more people would pack in backup sundies

    The reason we don't have as many as before is most people don't want to have to babysit the spawn area to deploy when the current live sunderer goes down.

    If they could just deploy it and walk away... and maybe even get some people spawning on it sooner... LOTS more people would bring them and you'd have to blow up 10+ AMS instead of taking out the 1, which creates an immediate lack until the next is deployed, and generally no more than 3-4 Sundies total to completely wipe them out to start over at last base.

    And now with cloaked sundies?!@???

    Hell to the frack no.
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  5. Ronin Oni

    Attackers would be spawning right on top of points making it even harder to push them back out.

    These are pretty straight forward and easy to answer questions, and WHY the system was developed in the first bloody place.
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  6. HadesR

    TBH the ticket system isn't a bad idea ... 80 is to low though ...

    But I would also tie it to base spawn room also and make the " tickets " for both Sundies and Spawn rooms resupply-able but an ANT type unit ...

    Voila armour have a role in base fights .. Destroying / Protecting Supply convoys ...
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    If the attackers have alot of deployed sunderers....... grab a tank and reap in the certs.

    Really now.

    If you look at the game the no deploy zone around the AMS sunderer has negatively impacted it.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    Would the games fights be alot more interesting and less "cookie cutter"?
  9. Obscura

    Yeah I like this idea, they'd need to finish the ANTs thoughs to resupply the spawns and whatnot, and that probably wont be for a while. But just tweaking the sundies a bit would be a more realistic goal for them

    How are you going to kill all of them before the infantry, air, and or armor kill your tank? you'd have to bring in lots of tanks to kill that many deployed sunderers.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    You do know that it would take a complete gameplay re-balance on a scale that would impact the game negatively?
  11. Scr1nRusher

    You act like encouraging combined arms,counter attacks,teamwork would be a bad thing.
  12. HadesR

    Feel free to explain why a working resource and supply system , that's also tied to ticket type spawning would " impact the game negatively " in your opinion ...

    To me it would add more depth , allow for cut off and bleed tactics , Armour having an increased role in base attacks / defences etc etc etc etc..

    Edit: Don't get me wrong, I think the game is to far along for such a drastic change, but IMO it would have been better for it from the start..

    But it fitted the general theme of the thread and that being unneeded changes ;)
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  13. Obscura

    i'm actually encouraging combined arms, but right now it's easier for 1 tank to kill 1 sunderer from a distance than it would be with this system. You would need more tanks to kill more sunderers.
  14. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, I kinda like the idea really

    Still don't think Attackers should be allowed to spawn right up on the objective or between defender hard spawn and point....
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  15. HadesR

    That's a pet hate of mine .. IMO no-deploy zones should equal the Distance of the spawn room > Cap ...

    If that's 300m then so is the no-deploy zone... If it's 50m then the same

    But places like North Grove where the spawn is like 250m from the cap and the attackers can pretty much park on top of it ..

    It would have helped alleviate some of the " infantry is free and can just keep spawning " syndrome .. Also Kills + deaths would hold greater weight, and Medic get a huge boost in importance ..
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  16. Scr1nRusher

    If you want MORE sunderers to be deployed....... then get rid of the "no deployed zone" around AMS sunderers.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    But defenders can do the exact same thing currently.

    If there were no "no deploy zones" on AMS sunderers or Bases then fights could go either way and be crazy good.
  18. Obscura

    just getting rid of the deploy zone on sunderers currently would be too much for defenders to deal with. thats why there has to be a limited amount of spawns per sunderer, and even then they can't be able to deploy too close, thats to prevent clustering and stalemates.
  19. Regpuppy

    The biggest problem I remember wasn't balance. It was the fact that if you crammed enough deployed sunderers into a small area, something just broke. You wouldn't be able to spawn at the sunderer you wanted and/or you just couldn't spawn at any sunderer in the area, period. Maybe they could/did fix that, but if they can't/didn't do so, I'd rather not experience that again.
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  20. Obscura

    yeah I do remember that, I guess they could just reduce the size of the current no deploy circle around sunderers a bit. along with limited spawns and less resource cost it would be good imo