Bring back the Coaxial MG's on MBT's!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    Fixed it for ya

    You whined in around about a dozen comments in another thread about tankers that want the stuff they were told they were getting ( but arent sadly). Spouting complete crap about tank play in this game and cried about tanks that farmed you. You have no bearing in this discussion as you've no experience on either side. Also, its stupid easy to counter tanks. I do it all the time tank or no.
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  2. Jake the Dog

    Even so, (yez ive fought recursion before) before and i know you guys are (were? you dropped pff my radar awhile ago) good. BUT, it really didnt evem take thar long for my outfit (which we mess around alot in) to figure out how to counter that. Sometimes you guys do have to rely on sunderers to help take a base. Which is where people like me come in and drop rounds on target from 400m.

    Another point. You can't say tanks are useless on base defense when most outfits nowadays can barely pull off that kind of coordinated assault amd still have to rely on sunderers. Besides the games meant to be fun, not a bunch of elitists that want the game to be just infantry. Besides what else is going to instapop recursion esfs rocketing pubbies? I like that part alot. Warms the heart gud.
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    DBG this would help MBT's and make them useful in combat.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    I wonder if DBG is reading this.
  5. Jake the Dog

    Flip a 37 sided quarter and hope it lands on a blue 8.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    I laughed & then cried abit.
  7. TrashMan

    And they aren't in PS2?
    Infantry costs no rescources to pull. Infantry can get in buildings. Infantry caps points.
  8. Acceleratio

    Lol same here :D gotta write that one down for sure
  9. patoman

    Not supported, for one if you want a secondary gun to use inbetween shots of main gun, just switch seats and the top gun can be whatever you want.

    I do it, primarly because aircraft could allways be a threat and the main gun realy can't hit them reliably.

    Of corse if for some reason you hang around people long enough one will get in the turret and start killing things on their own and that means you can kill stuff in the main gun while they can do the same role or a totally different one, like say keeping the skys clear of anything including and up to galaxies.

    Only thing that would be a coaxel gun good is if you could shoot both at same time in rapid sucession, and even then if giving tanks for killing power is whats needed the main gun could allways be buffed against infantry to be more in line with its actual calabier.

    Of course the repeated argument of just get a top gunner, why not, usualy go to big battles anyway because more kills and fights, having someone on it shooting it gives you more certs and directives. I certainly am not turning down certs and experience for doing nothing myself and just having the top gunner get aircraft kills.

    Another thing that is not talked about for dealing with infantry is just using main gun, that's what I do. Even the anti armor one is good for prowler because the damage is just enough to one shot infantry with direct hit.

    Or... in addition to that just maneuver the tank, c4 farie almost above you to drop it just race forward or back up, you can just roll away, leave them floating in the air not killing you. Going with that the main gun can still be used after assuming someone hasn't already killed them.

    Of course high exposives shells work too, and more spammable where you don't have to realy worry about direct hits as much.

    Vanguards of course don't have a anti tank gun that's two shot and perfect for one shoting infantry, but then again they got the shield which is a instant I win, or get out of jail free card that is usefull in all situations compared with the prowlers anchor for sniping and making you a sitting duck, or not as good defensive heal button.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    You definitely missed the point in alot of areas.
  11. ColonelChingles

    They are those things in PS2... but the problem is that at the same time they're also incredibly lethal.

    That's the problem. In real life infantry are "balanced" because they are inexpensive and plentiful... but also fairly weak and vulnerable. Not to mention they do have limited quantities.

    But in PS2 not only are infantry inexpensive and plentiful... they also:
    1) Are unlimited
    2) Have access to indestructible cover
    3) Have access to extremely powerful AV weaponry
    4) Are opposed by very weak AI weaponry

    In combination this creates an unbalanced situation where infantry collectively are far too powerful compared to vehicles.

    Think about most RTS games. Infantry are usually the "basic" unit that you start out with in the early game, but are soon completely outclassed by heavier vehicles. In the late game, infantry may have very specific roles as scouts or spotters or in limited cases ambush, but generally they are helpless against heavy air and land vehicles.
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  12. ATRA_Wampa-One

    They already have it, it's called the Kobalt.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    A Coaxial MG is different then a top gun.
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    It's a trade off.

    Either you get increased AV power, or you get increased AP power, or you get increased AA power.

    One vehicle shouldn't have a counter to everything.
  15. ColonelChingles

    So... ESFs?

    Heavy Assaults?
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  16. Scr1nRusher

    MBT's are SUPPOSED to be heavily armed weapon platforms.
  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I've posted elsewhere that ESF's should have their AI weapons removed and those weapons given to the Valk. Not to mention that in an ESF you either go A2A or A2G... well unless you have the Mustang since that works way to good for both.

    HA's needs the head shot modifier to apply while the shield is up and there needs to be a few second cooldown on medkits.
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    It already does.
  19. ATRA_Wampa-One

    That's fine, but a tank should have to choose between being anti-infantry or anti-armor.

    Why should a tank that is specialized for anti-armor also have a dedicated effective weapon against infantry?
  20. Scr1nRusher

    Because its a MBT?

    Coaxial MG's come in 2 options. Kolbalt or Basilisk.