List the craziest Newly Increased prices of weapons here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorianOmega, May 19, 2015.

  1. Whatupwidat

    I wasn't boasting - I was pointing out that someone who's not even really trying to do anything than go "weeeeeee!!!" and getting a 0.4 KDR can get to a BR where he's already bought the activatable knife with the 1000 odd certs he made :p

    I mean this is his character (I know, I'm dating a ******* Vanu...urgh)!/8263461174212347377/ So you can see he's not exactly a good player lol
  2. Migs

    Terrible excuse for ramming it down F2players throats, contrary to popular belief, if you're not good at this game, you're not making hundreds of certs a night, you're making like 20-50.
    No those certs aren't spent on purely infantry weapons, some people upgrade nanoweave or flak armor, some people spend it on attachments for their starter weapons. This is a direct hit to the "Average" player

    anyone over 15 before that update? 200%+ cert bump for any weapon, infantry OR vehicular. Some things went from 100-250 certs on a vehicle, to almost everything being 875 certs.

    Also its 1400 certs, not 1500. You start at br1 and 0 certs.

    I see no benefit to actually doing this, I just see everyone using the "Free" 1400 certs as an excuse for DBG to smack F2players into maybe making a few more buy things before the game gets too small

    "But certs are way easier to get since I started at launch!" Yeah, doesnt matter, it still hurts the newer player experience. Once that trickle is gone, they're left "thirsty" for certs and it'll hit them like a wall.

    Also if they wanted people to spend more on the game, lower the prices. I thought of buying some SC cards for 20$ and I thought, that would only get me 2 weapons and 1 camo. Just didnt feel enough
    • Up x 3
  3. Scorpion97

    you think DBG will do jack with money?

    All what they do is making new decals,helmets and cosmetics overall with silly new NS weapons accompanied by annoying nerfs and specific faction amusing buffs

    Simply all what they do with is to MAKE other things to gain money and not improving **** and that's why lots of people lost the interest to spend money for the game

    I also opened a thread before complaining about prices but I thought I was crying for something silly but it turned out that I was doing a right thing

    LOL do you even consider changing the weapon price from 700 to 699 is even a change,I actually consider it a "troll price" and not just a "joke price"

    What you don't know is that DBG is INTENDING to do that,they don't care about making a complete game,they don't care about customers locality,they don't care about balance(unless you agree with the idea that nerfing everything is the right way towards it) and they don't care about any issues,all what they care about is $$,$$,$$ and $$

    Yet,we have seen hilarious bugs,crazy pings and weapons that only function as decoration in the depot that I I wished if higby (the guy I hated most of the time) return
  4. CorporationUSA

    Pay money for a game?!

  5. Necron

    You think PS2 is bad, go check out Mechwarrior Online. All the ever do is release new decals and mechs that they force you to buy with real money... well, you can earn the money in game, but if you want ONE mech that's gonna take you 30 to 40 hours to earn and then that much again to outfit it. PS2 is VERY generous with certs, even without a sub.
  6. o0CYV3R0o

    Harasser has something like 10 passive turbo upgrades you can buy the first is something like 100 certs the second upgrade costs 1000 certs god knows how much each consecutive upgrade costs after that. lol
  7. Atis

    Burst variants went 325 from 100. Probably too much players were getting these OP guns dirt cheap, it was unfair. Superweapon should be expensive.


    On a srs note, 1400 extra certs dont make up for increased prices. Yes, 1 or 2 guns are easier to get now but making basic viable arsenal is more expensive. 2 lockons, cheap AI+AV sets for maxes, BASR for non-NC, LMG for NC, basic auto scout, accurate carbine for LA (noobs are more likely to sit at roof and "snipe" than perform pro jumpjet dance with shotgun), alternative sidearm for stalker, Python AP, replace all Basilisks with something noob friendly and viable against infantry (bulldogs/kobalts), put walkers at gal (only aircaft noob can pilot after 20 mins training), get effective noseguns for lib/esf so you wont constantly fail with Vektor while you learn flying.
    No, thats not too much, thats what you need to try different aspects of game before you decide to drop money on it, 100/250/500 certs tiers covered it well, new prices and 1400 certs pittance - dont.
  8. Scorpion97

    The bonus 1500 certs for beginners is only available till BR 15 which means any old average player from BR 20 to BR 80 (majority) won't have the chance to get these certs,so they are basically forcing people to pay for the game
    F2p players (which are the majority as well) are very likely to quit becouse of such prices,the trick is to convince f2p users to put money in the game
    Let's take a good example for a game treating f2p pretty well:Team fortress 2,once before,this game got the first rank in free to play FPS games,simply becouse they give tons of rewards for f2p users in every event and you always have a chance to get ANY item in the game for free,the only differences between f2p users and non f2p ones is that they have larger pack for more items and gain access to a wide variety of hats and suits(though you can win some cool hats by finishing some achievements)

    You probably know TF2,you know how generous they are,ps2 is pretty hard to get your certs and you have to play engie or medic in order to get them,the only items they give for free is silly decals that are barely noticeable
  9. Scorpion97

    Lmao,don't argue with scr1nrusher,he got sick ideas,have you ever seen someone complaining about air reverse maneuver before? :p he just like throwing some annoying **** in the forums he desire and then lend his back

    Don't feed the trolls
  10. FateJH

    You're complaining that the majority of players aren't low BR players? Don't talk as if people didn't survive without these rank promotion certs and are forced to pay real money now for some indetermine reason. Remember, we came from a system a long time ago where you didn't even get basic Assists (and, even before that, experience earning was halved) and somehow there was a variety of weapons running about all the same. Even if you want to, the argument that all of it had to be purchased with Station Cash is a huge, bitter stretch.

    (Of course, we all know people financed themselves by abusing OP Air, but that's an entirely different gripe.)

    No weapon should ever have cost only as much as or twice as much as a Rail attachment or a Barrel attachment. That's a silly pricing model.
  11. prodavit

    Shut up fan boy, the only reason you're saying that is because you already have all the weapons you want unlock. Think of how boring it is for new players to have to play with **** gun over and over, sure you can kill with them but they're still ****. So new players now have no means to shoot down Air? Yes this game is starting to be pay to win, you want to see a game that not pay to win go look at warframe. Next time think before opening your mouth, think that new players still need to unlock C4, upgrade there powers and unlock other stuff. Playing with one gun is so god damn boring, and they can't specialize. Not to mention they're noobs so they can't really kill so no as much certs. The only reason you're okay with this is because you already have all the good guns and you want other people to be easier to kill. so selfish.

    Oh your complaining about we as a player need to pay to support the game is BS, it would be true if they actually come out with new things offend like warframe, but no they hardly work on the game now and the only thing new things are weapons "give me your money" BS I tell you.
  12. prodavit

  13. axiom537

    You are an idiot...Everyone starts out the same. Or should we just give everything away because a new player joined and he doesn't have all the weapons a veteran player has...New players do not need to have ever weapon in the arsenal, fortunately for them they are playing besides players that do. They will earn their lock-on rocket launcher in due time, until then they should drop ammo, for those that do and earn some certs, so they can buy theirs...
  14. prodavit

    You're so selfish, you're saying that new players are only good for giving you ammo and be target practice. Yeah good luck getting new player to join the game when is so hard to get starter weapons in the game now. These weapon have the same skin as the default gun so why should they have to pay 650 instade of 250 certs? I don't mind that the underboss is 1000 certs but the reble and the empierer should not be so god damn high. these weapons that only cost 250 certs give new players something new to play with and keep the game fun, I know when I first started this game I would of quite if I couldn't get my hands on new weapons.
  15. axiom537

    No, do not be Obtuse...I am saying that new players do not need to be overly concerned with having an Anti-Air Rocket Launcher, because there are hundreds of other players, that already have that launcher, that can provide Anti-Air coverage and that a new player if they do not wish to spend money on the game, then they should do things that will generate certification points for acquiring different weapons and dropping ammo, repairing things, etc. etc. just like everyone else does when they make a new character.

    When you started this game, players didn't get 100 certs for each level up to 15 and they did not have directives and other rewards.

    How am I selfish? I pay a subscription, because I love this game and I feel $10/month is a very reasonable contribution to support it. While you are complaining the freely acquired cert costs for players that do not spend a penny on this free to play game is too high and it's bordering pay2win...Why do you think it's pay2win? Not because it is, but rather you know that it is so easy to obtain weapons and play this game with no investment, but raising the prices challenges that, which in my opinion it should...

    Maybe PS2, should do what other very popular free 2 play games do. And only allow 2-3 classes to be available weekly for free players and rotate those classes on a weekly basis, until they purchase that class, then they can play it whenever they like...
  16. prodavit

    Ahh I see, now it came out, you put real money into this game so you feel that you should have more privileges than people who don't. If you want to look at a game with good F2P model then go look at Warframe.

    P.S. At least Dirty bomb actually works on new game modes and other things than just here's a new gun give me your money.
  17. prodavit

    Of course, as always it depends on what people would call "P2W" - by the "Pay = you always win" defination, there never has been (and likely never will be) a "P2W" game in existance.
  18. axiom537

    Ahh I see you are a welfare gamer and expect everything for free and feel you should have the same privileges as players that ACTUALLY financially supports the game. I don't want more privileges than other players, that's a straw man argument, did it make you feel big and strong when you knocked it over. I do not need to look at warframe, PS2 has a fantastic F2P model that works very well. If you and your friends like warframe, so much then go ahead and play it, it is nothing like PS2, I've played it and was unimpressed.
  19. Liewec123

    easily the EM1, went from 250 certs to 650...
    and to warrant it they dropped the station price from 500 to....499.

    yes, i can't think of a more insulting change between the massive ingame price change and knocking 1 point off the station price.
  20. prodavit

    Yes as free gamer I feel that I should, NO must have the same privileges as you pay to win cheater. We have to work way harder for everything we get and have to play the game longer. It's would not be cool that you have to pay to get access to all the classes, weapons or any abiltiies. Not that I'm saying that PS2 doing that but you want them to. But what they do are giving you guy access to double cert weekend (4X) and faster resources regen. IF they want money so bad I would rather pay 30$ at the door and be done with all these pay to win give me all your money BS.