[187] 187th Terran Guard Now Recuiting

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by Stormaaron, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. PuppyShrapnel

    Alright I'll bite, what's your mandatory play time look like? I'm usually pretty free on Saturdays but the Marines are a bit erratic with my schedule during the week
  2. Cr4zy Ph4n

    Hey Puppy, we play together and do small ops and enjoy playing throughout the week. Friday & Saturday- We have OPS. We ask that you try to attend one of the two during the weekend. We understand if you are a busy person as so for most of us just don't be inactive. If you have any more questions, ask away.
  3. Cr4zy Ph4n

    [IMG]The 187th Terran Guard:
    Are you an individual looking to serve the republic with honor and duty? To crush the pathetic insurgents and misanthropic cultists through overwhelming tactical superiority? Then enlist with the 187th Terran Guard Battalion.

    Server: Genudine
    Age: 16+ For maturity reasons ( Exceptions vary on a case to case basis)
    Able to participate in weekend operations starting at approx. 5pm CST
    Ready to battle in both special and general warfare.
    A Microphone is required.
    Ready to join a community of dedicated individuals battle hardened from closed beta and ready to share their knowledge.

    To Apply:
    Submit an application here: http://187-terran-guard.enjin.com/enlistment

    Message Cr4zy_ph4n_LV or
    Post below and one of our members will be more than happy to help

    We are a great outfit and OPS on the weekends. We do relax so everyone has their free time to themselves. I have enjoyed the 187th much more with these guys. Have any questions inbox and ask away. Reference: Cr4zyPh4n Re

    ference: Cr4zyPh4n
  4. PuppyShrapnel

    Well I'm a very active player, I just can't promise regular hours during the week, but as long as the big ones are over the weekend there shouldn't be any problem at all. Guess I'll send an application your way
  5. Cr4zy Ph4n

    Sounds great PuppyShrapnel! Send a note that I referred you! I'm sure you'll have a great time with the 187th. ;)
  6. Cr4zy Ph4n

  7. Cr4zy Ph4n

  8. Cr4zy Ph4n

    < New Update video!
  9. Cyrax Servius

    Well done Crazy.

    My blood for my 187th brothers...
  10. Old_Cherokee

    Best alert we've had tonight on Indar destroyed nc and vanu. Great teamwork guys.
  11. Old_Cherokee

    If you run armor or air. Or want to learn then apply today. You can pm Old_Cherokee about armor and avenger1735 about air on psn if you have any questions.
  12. Cr4zy Ph4n

    Thanks Cyrax! OPS was great!.. We were just rolling through :D
  13. Cyrax Servius

    Yeah man, absolutely no stopping that train Saturday baby!!!

    Hey don't forget Infantry too guys, the groundpounders, we got the best and most organized and only gonna get better once we have proper comms and platoon features.
  14. Cr4zy Ph4n

    Agreed! How was the MAX training? I showed up at the wrong time.. My fault.. o_O
  15. Cr4zy Ph4n

  16. Sardunos

    Application was sent. Will also contact individual mentioned in OP.
  17. Cr4zy Ph4n

    Fantastic! Any Questions feel free to ask :)
  18. Cr4zy Ph4n

    bump to the top*
  19. Cr4zy Ph4n

  20. Cyrax Servius

    Keep it bumped Crazy baby, max training was very successful, real good things are coming.

    Maxes running wild!!!!