[Vehicle] Tank Drivers, for the love of Higby...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. JohnGalt36

    Stop hanging out in the vehicle spawns, especially when it's crowded. If you're waiting for a buddy to hop in, wait somewhere else. I'm tired of exploding while jammed in the vehicle spawn because somebody decided to check the map before moving.
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  2. oberchingus

    LOL you should make a video guide on how to pull a tank and park it off to the side.......
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  3. lothbrook

    These aren't tank drivers, these are infantry players that decided to pull a tank, EVERY tank driver knows sitting in front of the spawn is a no no.
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  4. JohnGalt36

    I'm actually going to do that. It'd be hilarious.
  5. Taemien

    Best thing to do is to shout in proximity "Prowler/Magrider/Vanguard straight ahead!" and then start firing straight into the rear of the tank in front of you. Chances are they won't know you're the one hitting them, and they'll freak out and move somewhere.

    They have a chance to move forward, Left, or Right.. or backwards. If its to the rear, shout out "There's another one behind us!" and then fire again.
  6. JohnGalt36


    To be fair, I guess I should have looked at the traffic jam before puling a vehicle. My bad for assuming the average IQ of PS2 players was above room temperature.
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  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    LMAO that was painful to watch^

    you're right though. dont pull a vehicle if circumstances doesnt allow one. Crown is pretty much a bad base to pull a vehicle from anyway since there's only one really narrow road down. yes, sometimes your teammates are to blame. but sometimes you can also blame base design or even yourself. next time simply redeploy to another friendly base and pull a vehicle from there. saves you the trouble.
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  8. oberchingus

    Nah man, this is golden. This is your beginning. You start with a hilarious narrative and use this. Then fade to black and throw some text in of what it should look like. Add some cool elevator or supermarket produce section music to compliment the correct procedure video. Dude - this is genius!!
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  9. Kentucky Windage

    Shoot them and blow their **** up.
  10. CorporationUSA

    I've made it a habit to always look. You should anyway, just in case there are anti-tank mines.
  11. Atis

    Why would anyone be interested in the love of Higby?
  12. XexoVanu

    In another game, there are automated turrets that blow up vehicles loitering too long in the wrong place.
    Maybe something to implement ?
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  13. SanPelicano

    Im sure you mean " the average IQ of NC players..."

    I've no experiance in this kind of stupidity on the Vanu side.
  14. Jake the Dog

    How long did you play vanu? I played for a month or 2 on vanu and saw plenty of stupid.
  15. SanPelicano

    I've played vanu since the game officially started. I never died like in the video.
  16. Dgross

    It would be worth a weapons lock to clear out that mess in that vid. A few tank mines and then a MANA AV turret would do it.
    When you answer the inevitable tells, you say "someone called for a tow"
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  17. Jake the Dog

    I was just saying in general...
  18. Vixxing

    Well there is stupid and there's "NC-stupid"... different things...
  19. Boosted

    It annoys me as well. Many people lack common sense
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  20. Whatupwidat

    Your tanks can just float over each other though right? ;P