tired of this fps

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rapid_Sausage, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Ronin Oni

    I'm just trying to spitball what could possibly be your problem. Your CPU & GPU seems good enough that you should have seen an increase in performance, so it seems really odd.
  2. Voidz

    I am playing on an ASUS G55VW.
    I have tried to make my fps stable since I started playing.
    Today, I followed this guide and I play on Ultra (which is an important part of transfering some stress from the cpu to the gpu) with 60 STABLE fps.

    I really recommend anyone with fps problems to give it a try.

    does gaming on a laptap and complains about fps

  4. Rapid_Sausage

    just....get off the internet, you're embarrassing yourself.