tired of this fps

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rapid_Sausage, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Rapid_Sausage

    Ever since the multithreading/multicore patch, my fps has been dropping where it did not before, and to top it off, my gpu is under even more load and shows higher temps than ever before.

    You'd think that increasing the resources available to the client would increase the bottleneck ceiling, not lower it.

    WTF is up with that DBC??, the fps was fine for me before, then you had to come up with your "optimizations" and ruin it all.

    I dont want anyone telling me to "lower graphics settings", i never needed to before, and i damn well shouldn't after an optimization.
  2. Kirppu1

    IKR, i want that 40fps, i just cannot understand why would they make the product better
  3. Rapid_Sausage

    you are totally missing the point.
    It's great that many are getting good results, but there are also who are having bad results, and so far there is no response from DBC.

    Currently the game is pretty much unplayable for me, cuz everywhere where it matters i just don't get the fps i used to anymore (which was higher than now), and there is nothing i can do about it except voice my concern to DBC, which i have, and not getting any response.

    also i'm not talking about getting 70 fps instead of 80, i'm talking about i'm getting about 30~35 instead of 45~55 that i did before.
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  4. Migs

    Recent patch dropped my FPS by ~30

    I can still play but its a mild irritant to not have over 50-60
  5. Flamberge

    My FPS have dropped a tiny bit, but more interesting is that my FPS counter shows GPU-bound, where before it was almost always CPU-bound.
  6. Rapid_Sausage

    that's because with latest major patch, DBC introduced multicore/multithread support, which improves CPU usage, and since the CPU is no longer the bottleneck the FPS counter will show GPU bound.
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  7. Hatesphere

    I noticed after the patch all my graphics settings were messes and I had to set them back. Other then that it's been pretty good for me.
  8. Rapid_Sausage

    right, here's the deal, i keep my settings the same except "Graphics quality", which i change from medium to low, and voila, performance all good again.

    I never ever needed to do that before to get a stable performance, and now the game looks like **** even with everything except "Graphics quality" cranked to high/ultra
  9. Ronin Oni

    What is you CPU?

    Your GPU is probably choking on higher graphics because the CPU is allowing more objects to render at a faster pace than it did before where the limited CPU was throttling the tasks given to your GPU.

    Oh, and they added more rendering of enemies, so there's taht too.
  10. Rapid_Sausage

    CPU is i7 3720QM 2.6ghz, GPU is Nvidia GTX 675M
  11. NinjaKirby

    I get ridiculously amazing FPS in massive battles compared to pre-Multi-Threading optimisation. It's quite surreal, 96vs96 and I'm getting a constant 50+ FPS with Ultra Graphics.

    I didn't have this current Gaming rig back when Operation: Make Game Faster was published, but I bet this is a return to those days in terms of performance (for the majority of us).

    I'm sorry you are having troubles OP :/ Just wanted to share my current experience though.

    Also, my NVidia SLI has been working flawlessly for several patches running (sometimes a patch can trip it up), no more frequent FPS drops during game play, and not for quite some time.
  12. Ronin Oni

    oh snap, mobile... yeah, I bet your problem is actually heat distribution. You should look into one of those laptop cooling mounts to help pull heat away, I bet it'd help.

    Safeguards in mobile GPU's throttle processing when it gets to a certain temp... your CPU now that it's got proper multi-threading is kicking out a LOT more heat than it used to, so your GPU gets throttled to compensate.
  13. Rapid_Sausage

    My temps are actually fine, though the gpu heats up more than it used to, but it still is within normal bounds.

    Before the multithreading patch my gpu temps were 66~67, not it goes up to 70, which is quite unusual.

    I realize that ps2 is not like any other game performance wise, but to have such bad fps even when i lower everything (except graphics quality on med) to bare minimum, and still can't get as much fps as i used to....that's very unnatural.
  14. Ronin Oni

    I believe internal clocking caps GPU @ 70.... You might investigate your GPU to see if that's the case but mobile has much worse heat dispersion so they're more conservative with them typically IIRC

    You might try lifting the laptop up on like an office paper tray, and pointing a fan at it, and see if it has any effect at all.

    Hell, my basic work laptop I keep up on a paper tray so it has 2.5" of empty space under 98% of the bottom of my laptop, and it doesn't even have a dedicated GPU (it is on for 8 hours a day though).

    Heat management is the #1 reason I'd never buy a gaming laptop (but, I have room for a desktop in my home).
  15. Rapid_Sausage

    I dont wanna go into lengthy details, but i assure you that i have done everything you can imagine to assure minimal temperatures for gpu, and as for the underclocking temps, from my experience this will not uncerclock even at 75 degrees.
  16. orangejedi829

    I was getting under 30fps in a biolab battle the other day with an i7-4770k @4.3ghz and two 6gb GTX780s @1.2ghz.
    UNDER 30FPS!!
    Planetside 2's graphic optimization is pretty good, but everything else is optimized terribly.
  17. Rapid_Sausage

    It seems what this optimization resulted in is an increase in FPS for people who have relatively higher end graphics card, while those who have mediocre card just got borked because the CPU is sending much more information than it used to, overloading the GPU, and causing it to underclock.
  18. eldarfalcongravtank

    i for one LOVE the new optimizations. i can finally run the game on high settings and it looks and runs beautifully. even if crashing and occasional hitching (especially when preloading large fights) picked up again, i am more than content with the current performance than, say, the crap performance one year ago.
  19. Cheetoh

    There's your problem. Laptop's are horrible at removing heat, so it's throttling itself to keep from literally burning up.

    Don't blame the devs. Next time buy or build a desktop for gaming.
  20. Rapid_Sausage