If the reverse maneuver bug was fixed, what would change in the airgame?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    On point 1: Never said they were, alot of my friends in this game are ace pilots, even ones I have a habit of disagreeing with.
    On point 2: You assume everyone is social. Tis not the case.
    On point 3: "truces"

    On overall point: Congratz you have friends and/or made friends and used resources available to you. Not everyone does. Im not trying to be a d***, thats just how people are. (if you're wondering yes I have friends lol and they're the ones that taught me to RM)
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    For the record I know how to do the RM, but holy crap is it stupid & the way that its impacted air combat & game balancing & the community is just sad.

    SOE tried to fix it, and the skynights cried so much they created a new ocean, which is why it didn't get fixed.
  3. Ulas

    I was actually talking about reverse maneuver with real helicopters And how it's effective in some situations.
  4. JonesyIRL

    Alright let's call it a bug just to not confuse you or make you argue a useless point. So RM has been in the game since day 1, it was found to be a faster way of turning to engage your foe, it adds a certain skill level to 'dog-fights' in ps2. It separates noobs from scrubs, it's like the recoil pattern in CS, once you learn how to do it you transcend into the higher level of skilled players, or in this case pilots.

    Now, why/how has a feature that has been in the game since Day 1 in anyway, shape, or form disrupted your utopian 'air game', just explain to me how?!
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Then shouldn't the RM be exclusive to the Valk?
  6. Ulas

    NO I get what u mean. This was my story. Also being social is essential to a lot things. People shouldn't complain about it if they are not social as bot only In game but in real life they should be social.
  7. Ulas

    Walk isn't a helicopter. There are A2A helis you know. I can take out jets with them. Especially viper. Ugh I love my viper
  8. Scr1nRusher

    You do know that I'm aware of the reddit post & every single post that you guys talk S*** about me?.

    I also don't forget the ingame harassment.

    Now.... getting back on topic........

    I've said this before many times.

    The Hover mechanic & VTOL I'm fine with. The RM(which I know how to do) completely turns any uniqueness in the air combat into a joke.
  9. Jake the Dog

    I'll share another persons story though;
    Player enters the game seeing that its a combined arms game, he usually plays LOL but thought he'd give this one a try. Player does the horrendous tutorial. He thinks he's got it down. He's going to try aircraft because thats fun, Top Gun stuff and s***. Pulls aircraft plays with it. Maybe buys rocket pods and A2A missiles. Kills a few infantry maybe a tank. Then gets slaughtered by another fighter. No big deal he says, I'll pull another and shoot him down. He grabs his A2A loadout which is needler and tomcats (yes tomcats, but if you think about it having no knowledge of the game makes these a reasonable choice). He gives it multiple tries to bring down that fighter fails every time, because the other guy can somehow move his aircraft in reverse to get around him. Pulls another fighter decides to attack the bigger air targets. Finds an aircraft with a gun on the bottom. Gets a dalton to the face, and a blue message appears on his screen calling him a nub. At which point he quits the game and uninstalls it.

    Not me but true story.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

    The Valk is technically based on Helio's.
  11. JonesyIRL

    But HOW?
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Not just visually, but also skill gap wise.

    Also community impact & game designing/balancing.
  13. Ulas

    I will share a bf story now^^. Player enters bf. He pulls f35 because jets are love jets are life. He then can't kill infantry or tanks because he doesn't know how to approach them. Then he sees enemy jet. What's that enemy jet is be able to turn faster oh gosh enemy is already on his back. Oh gosh someone revive this guy ^^. Fin
  14. Negator

    You never *actually* explained how it impacted anything outside of "its kinda hard". If RM was removed, all that would mean is that once someone gets on your tail, you die. Period. New pilots dont aim well, dont use freelook, dont know when to go 3rd, dont check their map, lack situational awareness, the list goes on. RM is one thing among dozens that new players suck at.

    What exactly is stupid about it? Christ Scrin, what is wrong with you man? "it defies physics" isnt an argument; its a video game, and its a fun part of said video game.

    So pretty much the entire game, not just RM? The average player in PS2 is terrible at all aspects because they come here with a special snowflake solo mindset.
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  15. Ulas

    Skill gap isn't caused by rm. I dont know how to prove u this. But you can dogfight my friend if u want he's a real dogfighting Ace and not just a farmer . Maybe this way you can see why I mean by public server standards.
  16. Ulas

    I agree with u. It's right that rm is a crucial thing to do as well as speed Control In bf. Both cases require you to learn basics of it before u can move on.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    You can dodge & weave & out maneuver them.

    Hover fighting would still exist & so would dog fighting.
  18. Negator

    "i dont want to get better, I want the world to do it for me"

    Can you explain what exactly is ridiculous about it?
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Is RM not a significant part of the ESF vs ESF game?
  20. Ulas

    Can u explain how do you weave an experienced pilot on your tail. Go on detail Pls.
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