If the reverse maneuver bug was fixed, what would change in the airgame?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    10/10 best troll.
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  2. Yessme

    LOL thats ur answear? ca`n`t talk now`? u really really a .... guy

    Plz fix that Bug and remove u from that game...

    What if you learned it and stop reffering to it as to a bug? What if i said that rotating tank's cannon tower is a bug and should not exist?
    Reverse maneuver is essential for ESF. So go back to your tanks and stop creating such useless posts, peasant.
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  4. Ulas

    First of all , Only the idea of removing g reverse maneuver would fix the air game crumbles my will to contribute but here I go :/
    This would happen if rm was removed make sure u watch it all:

    Also rm basicly means getting into hover how can u remove getting into hover and keep hover???
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Reverse maneuver is fine, l2p
  6. Darkghostppl

    You said above that you wanted an open minded "discussion" but you've only exposed a senseless idea with none supporting facts or legit information. To begin with reverse maneuver is not and was never considered as a bug (you can confirm that checking the Daybreak Games Issue Tracker) , it has always been a part of Ps2's flying mechanics and DBG NEVER "tried to fix it", I don't know where you got that from, they just modified flying mechanics to "match" them with the console game version and reverse manuever suffered some changes IN CONCECUENCE of that.
    Is always useful to INFORM YOURSELF before creating posts that will lead nowhere that a nonsense discussion. Anyways i know you won't pay attention to anything I said as your priority of creating this post was to release your inner hate and frustation to fly boys and the game in general.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    lol, this is golden.
  8. entrailsgalore

    Who says it is a "bug"? The Devs?
  9. Ling

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  10. cbplayer

    It breaks the laws of physics
    that why it shouldnt exist
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  11. cbplayer

    note this is not the same "shouldnt exist" as something that should be remove from the game

    You see that **** up there?
    that is a disclaimer
    I got to put a ******* disclaimer in this forum
  12. Hatesphere

    except tribes fixed how annoying skiing was and made it also intuitive in further versions of the game.
  13. Maljas23

    Point was that it was a bug that became a feature. -_-

    @OP: Nothing wrong with the RM. Adds flavor to the airgame. Just learn how to do it if you don't know already. It isn't that hard if you take a few moments to pick up.
  14. Goretzu

    To be honest I'd expect the PS4 version to be driving PS2 from now on (arguably it's been driving it for a good year or so now anyway), so it'll be whatever works there with controllers that gets kept, and it if doesn't it'll be changed.
  15. Czarinov

    I doubt you ever opened a physics books in your life. Or had a physics class (or if you had, you probably checked girls boobies instead OR posted duckfaces on the internet).

    It breaks the laws of physics.... HAHAHA... nope, it doesn't.

    Ignorance is bliss, right?

    BTW I didn't see an official statement from DEVs that they considered it a bug.
  16. Ulas

    I always think esf like a helicopter with some extra force vectors/thrusters around it some of which don't have visual indicators.
  17. Czarinov

    Yep. ESF hover mode is nothing more than a furious version of heli.
  18. Maljas23

    I'm not about to link it. You go find it.

    I was around when they fixed it. I was also around when they recieved large scale backlash from the fix. I was around when they went back on it.

    Fast forward to today, and here we are with the RM still intact.

    I'm not about to go search for it just to appease you. If you want to know more about it, do a forum search or a reddit search.
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  19. Scr1nRusher

    Your saying use a bug that is a "feature" because some red barons get over salty when it was going to be fixed.

    I know how to do it, and its so stupid how it screws the "airgame" up.
  20. teks

    It was more then a few. It was everyone who flies. Its one of the best things about this game.
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