new LMG's?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedArmy, May 27, 2015.

  1. sL360

    Orion to 698 rof. SVA-88 to 652. If that happened I could care less if the .75 ads stayed. Sick of the TR's rof being handed out like candy.
  2. Leftconsin

    I'd expect
    A serious nerf to Orion and Betelgeuse. First to worst style nerf dump truck kind of nerf.
    Buffs to other VS LMGs. Because the only reason to use them is to get the Betelgeuse.
    One TR LMG goes to 125dmg 900rof. Probably the MSW-R.
  3. qiray12

    Ehm wot lmg nerf?? How so? Yes ik .75 ads move speed is strong but its even stronger on carbines and ar but who am i?

    I bet if its a nerf its just to make our hipfire completely **** and adjustments to the cqc lmgs. If they nerf in general i bet 80% of the heavy users are gonna pull a smg and i bet you will not like that.
  4. Taemien

    You got the answer you are going to get. If you don't like it, well there's substances to help with that. There's no emotional attachment here. I don't use the Orion since I play NC.
  5. Pikachu

    LMG coming too? We haven't even got AMR, MAX HMG, rocket rifle or the new ESAV secondaries. PTS hasn't been update in a long time now. :L
  6. sindz

    they prob saw BF4's spring patch which was 5 new guns, fixes for everything and massive improvments and realized their 2 things pr month fix that takes 4 hotfixes to correct wasnt enough.'

    And I hope the LMG changes are major balance pass and then they move over to AR's next.
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  7. FocusLight

    Orion, SVA, BG and NS15 are the only 0.75 movement LMG's. Only one of those are available to NC/TR.

    Removing 0.75 from all LMG's would be a massive step in the right direction and while it would remove a crutch from TR/NC's ability to be more competitive with VS' mobility advantage (as far as HA players using shields go) it will also remove the source of that problem with VS HA's altogether, so there is no problem.

    As for the idea that all other VS LMG's that are not the Orion, SVA or BG is 'crappy' this only holds true in the sense that the other VS LMG's have the same mobility bonuses as the ENTIRE LMG RANGE OF THE TR AND NC.

    In other words, the VS' arsenal of LMG's is not 'crappy' in any way, they just are not as userfriendly as the Orion, SVA and BG is.

    Those 3 LMG's are not being used disproportionately more because all other guns are crap, they are being used disproportionately much because the other guns have the same draw-backs as the competition's whole arsenals. There is a reason that VS use the Orion considerably more than TR and NC use Carv and Ghauss SAW, or why they use SVA far more than TR/NC use their own equivilent LMG's. VS even statistically use the NS15 more than TR and NC does. My only guess at that will be the familiarity with the weapon's largest benefit.

    If LMG's ever lose all 0.75 movement bonuses VS players will almost be alone in complaining, because it will put them on an equal playing field with their opponents. However it will also directly nerf the HA's performance because the 0.75 movement bonus LMG's directly counter the intended down-side of the HA shield - the mobility decrease.

    And yes, we will see a change in how well and how much VS use the Orion and SVA after this happens, if ever.

    First of all the "it was just nerfed so now it's complete garbage" mentality will kick in. Seriously DBG can adjust a weapon's ROF from 600 to 595 and people will refuse to use it because of the stigma of being nerfed.

    Secondly those who will still use it will have to get used to a weapon with the same mobility-cap as everyone else. The VS who regularly used their LMG's like the Polaris, Ursa etc. will be fine. The Orion-HA mains however? Those folks are screwed until they learn to adapt.

    Anyhow @OP Your title is misleading, I suspect intentionally. They are not adding new weapons, you have a rumor they are tweaking existing ones.
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  8. Jubikus

    Yeah ROF amazing so i can bloom and start missing sooner but hay it really shines is in a large foot zerg where your team has so many bullets flying in their general direction it blocks out the sun. In a base its well ok a good control and resetting your COF when needed so that your not completely rolling the rng dice of i hope it hits him instead of flying jsut by his head.
  9. LodeTria

    There was a 900mb patch around the 10th, but no-one really knows what was in it apart from the new icons which got reverted.
  10. Cinnamon

    I wonder how many people would just quit if they nerfed all LMG.

    Heavies still have SMG and Shotguns so it wouldn't change that much also. They will still be the best close/mid range kit by a mile.

    But what can you read into this one line comment anyway.
  11. Leftconsin

    I would not quit at all. I enjoy playing every class but Heavy.
    I honestly can't play heavy at all. I can't stand it. It cuts my KPH and KDR in half when I play Heavy on TR.
    Orion is the exception in that my kills per hour doesn't go down, but my KDR with that is 2.8 as opposed to the Serpent KDR which is 5.
  12. asmodraxus

    Accuracy is not the VS trait, that would be mobility hence the 0.75 ADS, otherwise the T9 Carv definitely needs it accuracy nerfed seeing as the CoF ADS accuracy is the same as an Orion...

    So remove the 0.75 and then reduce the top TR rof to the top VS rof, and reduce the top damage tier of the NC weapons to the top tier of the VS weapons?

    Also all shotguns have the 0.75 ADS including the Jackhammer, fancy explaining that one?
  13. FateJH

    To be fair, you didn't answer Taemien's initial question either.
  14. Xellon

    Ok, now I'm sure the Devs drop these little, vague announcements, which contain no real information at all, just to watch the Forums explode in a balze of unnecessary predictions, unevident accusations, nerf- and buffcalls, flamewar, moans about the urgent doom and death of Planetside2 and the obligatory cryptic stammering of some moron who didn't even read the initial Post.

    I bet the Devs find this quite amusing (as do I)!
    I'm imagining BBurness giggeling like a little girl in front of his Computer, then Smedley storms into the office, shouting "Dang it Burness, you've blown up the Forums again! Do you know how long it will take for those Guys to cool off before we can even mention the word LMG again?!" - "Pfffffrsorry Boss, I couldn't resist! It was all Shermans Idea, I swear!"

    Anyways, I won't say anything regarding the Topic LMG Changes until the Devs thrown out a little more information then "We're going to change something, somwhere."
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  15. Saokeh

    Even though people do not acknowledge accuracy for Vanu it's still there. Only because they don't use silencers. The only faction that can put a silencer on a weapon and not have to aim higher for the head. Snipers are of course were equalized. So yes...their faction trait is and has always been accuracy. The only thing that happened to them is that people have gotten used to redeploying like crazy so it's almost never field battles anymore. All mid and cqc.
  16. Covah

    125 dmg 800+ rof lmg for TR plz

    We need a signature lmg.

    0.75 ads speed should stay on orion and SVA, mobility is a VS trait. Because honestly who ******* cares about no bullet drop on lmg when 80% of the gunfights are from 0 to 100 meters ?

    I absolutely don't play VS that said.
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  17. Ragnarox

    I don't care if they nerf or buff anything, game is dying already. Few changes won't make difference in the end.
  18. prodo123

  19. asmodraxus

    The no bullet drop on the VS weapons is countered by the lower projectile velocity, so no we don't have to aim above the head, we just have to aim at where the target will be...
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    i'd rather have a new NS lmg with 167dmg model, 200rounds belt-fed magazine and 0.75x ads speed multiplier


    bring it, DGC!