What's the dumbest thing you have done in PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by prodo123, May 21, 2015.

  1. CJLogan

    It was like my third day or something - a max was yelling for repairs....so I took a medic and clicked the hell outta that tool....didn't work though for some reason :D
  2. 0fly0

    First day in planetside i was br1 and received a squad invit so i accept and end up in a liberator start shooting 4 or 5 black mark on the ground, kill half of my squad before pushing the wrong button and get out of the lib in the air.
    I'm still ashame of that day but i was playing NC so i guess it's ok :oops:
  3. Leftconsin

    One of the first few times I was doing platoon leading we had just taken Zurvan Pump. I ordered the platoon to try and take The Crown. This was the old one cap point Crown.

    Actually, I'd say the dumbest thing I ever did was try to get good. It is impossible and you will always feel bad about how you play if you try to get good.
  4. BloodyG

    Believing there was a chance this game would get better at some point.
  5. OldMaster80

    The Striker 2.0.
  6. NinjaTurtle

    Jumping off a very high cliff thinking I was a LA only to find I had switched to something else...... yep I'm sure hitting the ground cloaked will help........
  7. Mefi

    Bought Striker 2.0 instead of second Burster arm.
    Skyguard instead of Burster when SG was crap and Burster was godly, Lightnings could be pulled only at Towers, facilities and WG.
    Probably Walker for Prowler, but I have no idea when I got it and what spent on it.
  8. ciider

    In warpgate i flipped over a friendly VS Liberator like i usually do, the guys then exits like they werent supposed to do (i usually flip them back over) He opens proximity talk and goes "Oooh FOR ***** SAKE.................... You are one sad mother****er" I leave the warpgate in frustration, the NC side is crowded, especially air, i then kill 6 Liberators, 2 reavers and 1 mosquito or more in a row.
  9. JobiWan

    Trying to kill an enemy with recon darts. That always ends badly.
  10. Kronias

    Happened a few days ago. Was about to lose a base, we crashed the point with 10 seconds left and retook it. I died and got revived. I have like 1hp and no medkit (used it during the push). NC is trying to MAX crash up the stairs back to the point. I am an LA and decide "I'll jet across the ceiling! They'll never look up and see me!" died a mere 2 seconds later.
  11. qiray12

    Trying to hack a phalanx turret with the recon tool. First i heard infiltrators could hack but didnt know how so i was shooting darts at the phalanx hoping i could hack it :p
  12. Eternaloptimist

    Pushing F when shot at, having forgotten that I had switched from HA to Medic.

    Saving up 1000 certs to buy a Commissioner as a way of finding out what a crappy and useless pistol shooter I am....then spending more on a reflex sight for it.
  13. Eternaloptimist

    ..................shield regen tool not as good at stopping bullets as overshield (Important safety tip)
  14. ShinKartz

    Apart from the obvious and already stated in this thread (like pressing F), I decided to auraxium the EM1, which I accomplished two days ago. Now, excuse me, but I need to reattach myself to my medical ventilator, cuz there are still Anchor, EM6 and GD-22S to go (only 500-600 kills total). After getting Godsaw, if I even look at my HA, I'm gonna hurl.
  15. Jackplays17

    Joining VCO When it was taken over by aeflic
  16. prodo123

    Oh god save your poor soul. Auraxium every other LMG and you would have had a much better month :eek:
    I did all of them except the 143/bullet ones (NS-15M, EM1). EM1 is horribad, and I don't really see the benefit of 0.75 ADS and good recoil when it has such a slow TTK. Plus if I want accuracy I have the SAW S, which has almost no vertical recoil in practice.

    I was there, I went through the big shakeup, and I disagree with you.
  17. CursoryRaptor

    Tried to stick to low ground and valleys to try and sneak up behind the bad guys in my Harasser. Well, one of those valleys turned out to be one of Indar's bottomless pits.

  18. Eyeklops

  19. Eyeklops

  20. johnway

    Nothing stands out greatly - most of it is human error choosing to be baited into charging forward or push forward and getting riddled with bullets soon afterwards.

    Maybe pressing f as an engineer during a gun fight because i always play HA and deploy shields or pressing e when in a liberator when its about to explode and i'm several hundred metres from the ground and i'm not la.