[Suggestion] Force medics to revive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Onhil

    They are Combat Medics not primary medics their main job is atticking or defending an area and revive people who have droped in the vicinity. Combat first Medic second it's in the class name for christ sake
  2. MahouFairy

    I hope you die a lot to tanks and airplanes and MAXes.
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  3. Mythologicus

    They say you shouldn't give power over life and death, and possibly even more, to one person. Because they get a 'God Complex'. Self-righteous? And who are you to blatantly dismiss an entire class as being 'unworthy'?

    Just saying.

    It makes sense to revive the support classes and MAXes first, but to outright avoid reviving a class for YOUR own petty reasons is a joke.
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  4. Jawarisin

    I look at the map, remember their location, and go kill them promptly on my next life. I feel bad sometime when it's a br 3-5 who probably has no clue he can actually revive people.
  5. Yuki10

    Just shoot them dead. And if they ask WTF - just tell them it was an existential experiment - what do they prefer, dead or alive?
  6. Elkren

    I just shoot medics who are not doing their job. lol I main medic and
    I usually provide heals and revives to those around me. If I see a regen assault running about ignoring wounded they die. It is the TR way.
  7. FateJH

    "Medic Combat" doesn't have the same descriptive ring to it as "Combat Medic."
  8. FLHuk

    You're not in my squad/platoon, no revive unless I can do it without risking the objective.

    You're in a dumb place, your problem so rage all you like.

    The thing or things that killed you are still there, I can't kill them in the timer window.

    You're already dead, I'm far more important than you. You failed already!
  9. H0urg1ass

    In the parade of bad ideas, you're the guy up front twirling the baton.
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  10. DramaticExit

    What if the medic isn't around any dead people for five minutes?

    This is silly.
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  11. Mythologicus

    I challenge thee to a battle of the shock paddles!

    "This isn't Battlefield!"

  12. Copasetic

    Main light assault for a while if you want to know what it feels like to never be revived.
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  13. PrimePriest

    Force infiltrators to infiltrate. If infil doesn't get a hack on terminal/turret/generator in 5 mins and instead camps vehicle terminal with sniper rifle or racks easy kills with SMG cheese, all weapons excluding ability to hack will lock.

    It's pretty easy to come up with half-arsed ridiculous "suggestions".
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  14. sIcGER

    ppl who kill medics because they didnt get a revive are just complete stupid a$ses - when its the only medic around and you kill him because he didnt revive you before, who you gonna think is reviving you then - it could have been the medic you just killed for selfish reasons

    may be he has a reason to not revive you or may be its just a brand new player

    may be he is not reviving you because he is running for his squad mate to revive him in time

    may be he just dont want to revive you because he is going to kill several easy targets

    whatever the reason that you are not being revived is, it doesnt make it less asocial to teamkill the medic that didnt revive you
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  15. FocusLight

    It's called a COMBAT.MEDIC. It's an all-purpose infantry class with THE ADDED ABILITY TO REVIVE AND HEAL ALLIES.

    As annoying as scrub Medics are, why seem blissfully unaware of the ocean of certs you get from not only killing enemies but reviving and healing every ally that needs it, you can not FORCE any players to play the way you want to.

    This would be like forcing Infils to run sniping session every 5 minutes unless they want to get a 5 minute session of having their cloak disabled or something, it's utterly inane and a foolish idea.
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  16. Carl1879

    I revive anyone I can, but you cant revive everyone sometimes you need to try and kill they guy who got them first or you cant get to them because they are in the open etc... my personal favourite are the LA's that jetpack somewhere die then complain about not getting revived or TK medics when they respawn for not going to get them usually 9/10 medics cant physically get to the LA's corpse or it they can it would involve going so far out of their way they would have to pretty much abandon the rest of the team for awhile.

    However I do agree the ones who stand on your corpse are annoying but mostly that's because they don't know how to revive.
  17. quatin

    The most selfish people on the team are medic spammers on prox. If you had to spend 5 minutes yelling for a medic, it's obvious the team needs a medic and you should respawn as one. If you refuse to help the team, then the team shouldn't help you either.

    Those guys get a face full of commissioner, just so they know it wasn't an accident.
  18. Lucidius134

    Any medic within proximity of a body should have their camera automatically snap to the corpse and be unabled to look away like the magazine:

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  19. Ballto21

    Its a support class. If you are playing a support class and not providing such support you are not being useful to the team.

    Its like engineers not dropping ammo, repping maxes, infils not dropping recon, hackingequipment terms, and so on.
  20. Ballto21

    Ive said that im aware that in a hectic area, a medic wont revive me. generally im not even sure i want one in those as i may be instagibbed. Im talking after a succesful push, i got clientsided and was behind cover when i died, or i got tked, or theres many a medic running over my corpse and not ressing me in a danger free zone