From a lore perspective, the VS would probably have won or be close to winning the war by now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. wrenched

    because 0.75x ADS LMG?
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  2. Ballto21


    Orion: Almost best in class DPS, but almost worst in class accuracy
    NS-15m, almost worst in class dps, BEST IN CLASS ACCURACY

    Accuracy is a more important stat. Learn2aim
  3. 00000000000000000000

    I havent studied the lore intensively but isn't it a horrible stalemate because of spawntube technology?

    All three factions have about even number (population wise), but regardless of how many battles are won/lost there is no permanence to it.

    From the trailer:
    "Theres no death to free you from this war, no glory await you in the afterlife. Here you just have your steel, your will to endure another day."

    Its talking about how this isnt the first time the narrator has died, hes died multiple times, it doen't matter though because he just going to be resurrected and sent right back in. The war is as pointless in the lore as it is in the gameplay!

    And so no matter how many casualties you cause, no matter how many fights you win and how high the enemy bodycount rises, they're all going to come back.
  4. Ballto21

    >VS set up spawn tubes on a nearby moon, launch orbital strikes
    >VS study Vanu tech extensively,learn warpgate secrets.
    >Disable and destroy TR/NC warpgates
    >Disable their spawn tubes
  5. PrimePriest

    Nope nope nope. TR would kick ***** of both VS and NC. What people seem to forget is that TR is the only faction with regular army. There's no way a bunch of brainwashed cultists or rebellious miners could defeat highly trained soldiers.

    That's why I like to think that NC are hired mercenaries and private military contractors working for corporations and not some miners they're supposed to be in lore.
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  6. Ballto21

    Actually, lore wise the nc are both.

    Lore wise, the lasher literally melts through armor and flesh. It just melts it with one orb.

    with 150 body melting shots per charge, and many a lasher, seems many a melted faces
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  7. CursoryRaptor

    Okay, sure. Meanwhile, the TR has a damn minigun. Miniguns don't melt faces. The blow heads off in a very messy fashion. For that matter, so do giant burst-firing shotguns.

    It doesn't matter how a weapon kills someone. At the end of the day they're just as dead.
  8. Danath

    Implying the lore makes any sense :rolleyes:
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  9. MikeyGeeMan

    From a lore perspective once the worm hole opens back up....any non tr will then be dead. An we will all get medals for defending the republic.
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  10. MuggieWara


  11. Strottinglemon

    Source? None of that is in the official lore.
  12. Strottinglemon

    In-universe the VS are far more powerful, but have far lower numbers thanks to a more radical ideology and TR/NC propaganda (which appears to be in full swing in this thread). The OP says to ignore gameplay for the most part.

    I don't see the issue here, that's how the war and game balances itself out. It's a three-way dynamic.

    That's a big "likely". The wormhole is collapsed and hasn't reopened on its regular cycle, it's more likely that it's just gone, making finding Earth again nigh impossible.

    The TR and NC are about even in pop, it says so here. There's a lot more to war than numbers, though. The VS may be less in-universe, but they have superior technology.

    Even if the old TR were to arrive, I doubt they'd take the TR's side. The lore explicitly states that the new TR are similar to the old TR in name only. The old TR is a transparent democracy, the new one is a military junta.

    That's Planetside 1 lore. We have nothing on rebirthing in Planetside 2, other than this PM that Higby sent me.

    Again, no way of knowing that the Vanu would side with the VS. Why would they kill everyone, anyways? Maybe they're peaceful. We know absolutely nothing about them.
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  13. Strottinglemon

    The VS have to understand the tech, at least somewhat. It's not like they're finding magriders in the ground and strapping guns onto them. It even says in this lore entry that they use the scientific method to figure these things out, not religious mumbo jumbo as the TR character wants to believe.

    I thought we weren't considering gameplay in this thread? Besides, take a look at this. NS fortress gets demolished.
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  14. Strottinglemon

    It's been 220 years since the wormhole last opened. Considering it was on a cycle of 100 years, it's safe to say that it's gone for good. At this point, it's just a carrot the TR dangles in front of their populace to get them motivated. Besides, there's no guarantee the old TR will side with the new TR even if the wormhole were to miraculously reappear. The new TR is a military junta, the old TR is a transparent democracy.
  15. MahouFairy

    "Strength in unity." says that everyone not wearing red will die. :D
  16. Astriania

    We're in a 1984 situation, the interests of the leadership of all factions (and NS) is to keep a continuous state of war so we're all led to concentrate on our enemies and not the power structure of our own faction (which in all cases seem to distinctly lack democracy or the ordinary people having a voice). Any faction that makes itself 'win' too much will attract the ire of the other two and the extra expense it took to get ahead will be wasted.

    But frankly lore takes a back seat to gameplay balance in a variety of areas. If the VS can modify a Magrider into a Scythe, why can't they apply the same tech to something Galaxy sized and put 3 Supernova cannons on it? If the NC power all their weapons with rail technology why don't we have semi-auto 1000 damage high velocity battle rifles? Who controls the space, where do our drop pods come from and why can't our orbital ships attack each other or orbital-strike enemy strongholds? Why don't NS just stop operating our rebirth and nanite-construction vehicle systems, and take control of the planet?
  17. Gutseen

    cuz NS are mostly founded by TR, cuz its TR who ordered NS to build self-building structures. Expedition into the portal was founded by TR and NS, NC gave workmen.
    But some scientist got all scientology BS and gone ape mad with some alien action doll, and started spread'n his lunacy like AIDS.
    by that time, some gaint gaping warp portal sucked two thirds of the space fleet and **** it out near Auraxis, with no s*its given TR started colonizing dat SoB rock with hope to somehow get back to Earth.

    Dem scientology BS eggheads gone AWOL crazy woth finding alien pr0nz mag, completely vaporizing poor SoB's cognitive capabilities.
    Dem miners were pissed cuz they aint singed for suprise-warp-space party and started to strike.
    TR said dat "were all up ur a** in here, so we work in hopes", rednecks got aggressive, so red shotta boyz laid led

    at the end NS are just hanging in spAce with no sh*ts to give try'n to reach Earth, while TR deals woth farmers on acid and space alien wanking science dildos
  18. Zapon

    So, We could make this a 6 way war

    VS, TR, NC, Old TR/Earth/possibly changed Earth, Vanu, NaniteSystems

    Who's up for a 6 way war once the warpgate opens up, the Vanu decide to pay a visit, and Nanite Systems thinks it's time to wade into the fray?
  19. Zapon

    Lol, everyone would have a originator

    VS would have the Vanu(if thye werent fighting them), TR "MIGHT" have the Old TR, and the NC might have NS(weird case here since NS was part of the Conglomerate originally before leaving for expansion reasons)

    Or take out one of the 6, probably NS, and make it a 5 way war
  20. MikeyGeeMan

    Says the terrorists. When the wormhole does open...and one will at some point. Vs and nc will be wiped out by a sea of red.

    There is no new tr. The tr entered military rule by will of the people as they voted for it. Once the republic returns with our reinforcements they will help is rod the world of terrorists and so called intellectuals.