[Suggestion] How hard would it be to make a tank game deeper?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PrimePriest, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. PrimePriest

    I've been thinking how awesome tank game could be if SOE introduced a little bit more complex model than we have now. Here are couple of points that in my opinion would make the game better.
    If you ever played any MechWarrior game you know what I mean. Basically what I have in mind is to rip-off MW damage model and fit it to tanks. For those who don't know....

    1) Get proper hitboxes instead of lame directional damage
    Tanks would have several parts each with own hitbox, let's say front, sides, back and turret. Hitboxes could look something like this.
    Each part would have it's own armor pool. Naturally front would have plenty of armor, back just a little bit, sides somewhere inbetween etc. Additional armor in defense slot would of course still apply more resistance + would actually beneficially alter the hitbox (ie Front Armor would make front hitbox bigger, covering sides more).

    2) Introduce internal health and components failure
    Besides armor components would have internal health, which is exposed once armor is depleted. Tank would be dead when center part has no health (front and rear hitbox would share the same internals). Destroying other parts of the tank would result in components failure. Killing the side part would result in disabled track, killing turret would disable turret rotation. This way you could immobilize tank giving you the edge in combat (backing off behind cover with 10% health....sounds familiar? :p ) When a part is already destroyed and it gets hit again, the damage would transfer into internal of adjacent part, ignoring the armor (for example you have dead side...the damage goes to center internal even though you have front armor intact).

    This alone would be enough to make the game much more enjoyable. On top of that we could have more difference in guns. HEAT being standart all-arounder. AP could be actually Armor PIERCING round, some % of damage (maybe based on how much armor does the target have left? ) ignoring armor and going straight to internals. Then we could introduce different armor types.

    Reactive armor - good agains HEAT, rocket launcers, lolpods (basically everything that carries explosive charge), weak vs AP rounds, Dalton etc

    High density armor - strong against AP (lowers percentage of damage passing to internals?), weaker vs HEAT etc etc.

    Oh...what this game could be if devs were a little bit more creative. So what do you think about this.
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  2. FateJH

    It's work, so it will never get done.

    There was a post I read somewhere, not these forums, that argued that any damage mechanic that results in taking damage making it harder to fight back or defend against subsequent attacks is a poor mechanic that could easily be replaced with simply lowering the shots to kill.
  3. Kristan

    ... can I have LRM 20 installed to my Prowler pretty please?
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  4. Ribero

    World of Planetankside
  5. PrimePriest

    I know...this game is past its development cycle. We'll probably never see big changes and major new features anymore. But a man can dream.

    Only if I can install ECM on my Vanguard.

    Does it work like that in that silly pay2win tanky game? I've never played it.
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  6. DrPapaPenguin

    That's a whole crapload of extra server load though.
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  7. Ianneman

    Well let's first make sure that tanks are no longer XP-Pinatas for pretty much anything that can either instagib them (C4, Liberators, tank mines) or render them totally useless in any battle battle (Ravens, Vortex/Lancers, AV Mana turrets) is balanced out.

    Right now the tank game is absolutely ludicrous and the way things are right now, I can pretty much recognize the name of oppenents/allies in tanks 80% of the time since there's only a small pool of players who love doing it enough to wade through the ridiculous ********.
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  8. OldMaster80

    You mean those things you can easily avoid by adding the radar to the defensive slot and the EOD HUD in the implant slot?

    Tanks are ok as they are. You want them to become more powerful? Great, then increase resources cost and re-introduce again Aquisition Timer.
  9. Halkesh

    I like the idea but it need more work / some improvement.
    -Projet is too big for these lazzy devs
    -Magrider (small rear, no track, useless if he can't rotate)
    -Big battle would make tank totally unplayable
    -Long range AV weaponry will be completely broken

    About tank components failure :
    • Long range AV weapon (Fracture, Reaven, Vortex, Phoenix, Striker, Lancer, All guided RL, AV mana turret) shouldn't be able to break tank component and reduce their effectiveness during battle.
    • A broken tank component should still be usable, but effectiveness should be reduced to 50% or 25%, depending for how many damage it received.

    But I don't think this idea is needed when tank can be wreck so quick. (first, they should improve the tank HP by 25-40%, as they wanted to do).
  10. Tcsisek

    I agree "almost" completly, tanks are fine as they are now... In a half finished system. The recourse revamp needs to be done ASAP before any major buffs to vehicles can be made. Once that's done (along with a bit of tweaking with their cost) tanks should get a system like this, (along with overall more armor/health as well as increased AI abilities (coaxial machine gun) as well as possibly splitting the driver and main gunner (the driver would still get a small (somewhat weak) MG hopefully). Keep in mind that the recource revamp was sopossed to give bases a recource limit not just players, limiting how many vehicles can be on the battlefeild.
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  11. Tcsisek

    Also, possibly be able to add modifiers to each spot, or essentially, allow you to cert into upgrades for each part instead of the whole vehicle.

    Such as Having reinforced armor on the front and sides but have reactive armor that is far more affective at stoping that first shot (but since reactive armor is an explosive) is unable to help any more after that.

    This would alow much more customization for tanks as well as adding a decent buff (again needs the recource revamp to be balanced)

    Also, would it be possible to see how damaged a tank is on a specific spot, for example if my left side got the sh*t knocked out of it, it would look heavily dented and burned by the explosives, or if my front armor got hit by a few stray rounds, but nothing to bad, it would have a dent or two and possibly a scorch mark.
  12. FBVanu

    Great idea, Nice dream.. too complicated to implement.

    Maybe for Planetside 4..
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  13. Sebastien

    In TTRPGs it's called the death spiral. Where taking the first hit makes the subsequent fight harder and harder and there's little to no way out.
  14. NC supporter

    We don't have as good of a physics system as War Thunder. War Thunder is more successful at generating revenue than planetside 2 in the long run. Implementing this would crash the game or it would be very broken. Also we have too much of an established casual gamer base where they are too hard to remove like the bankers on Wall Street.
  15. NC supporter

    Sounds neat but no casual gamer would be interested in this due to it being too complex. The aesthetics of damage on a tank would either lag everyone's computers out or not work entirely.
  16. Haquim

    I think that is pretty much the main problem with this game.

    Instead of doing something GREAT and NEW and AMAZING - they built everything for the "casual" gamer.
    Which, apparently, is a 10 year old that can barely handle basic math.

    And then there is the "it would be no fun" argument for most suggestions like indirect fire support (artillery) or real bombs.
    Yeah but it sure is fun for me to get shot in the face with a shotgun by a guy who isn't even around the corner yet on my screen....
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  17. Tcsisek

    Shouldn't be to complex, you get a picture, click the turret to "modify" it (upgrade armor, weapon, reload speed), click on the front/rear to modify the armor or possibly a MG in the front for the driver (change it from AI only to a AV/AI/AA jack of all trades, maybe a support grenade launcher, ect.) modify the sides with better armor and change the tracks, and then have a genral upgrade (ability, mine gaurd/auto repair, reinforced internals (new), reinforced parts (new (makes parts harder to break)), nanite spair parts (new (automatically starts fixing a broken part)), stealth, APS (new (Active protection system, basically, it has a chance to shoot down rockets and AT munitions, though it can be disabled if hit much)) ect.
    Added a few random ideas for new upgrades to, they may or may not be good ideas though.

    Edit: for the armor upgrades, a reactive armor may be a good idea (a extra layer of armor that explodes when hit with an AT weapon, effectivly negating the damage, but is completly gone after that first hit, could also cause light damage to freindly infantry if they are next the the armor as it explodes.
  18. patoman

    World of tanks is one of the most realistic tank sims yet sort of arcady and fun, with all sorts of stuff like directional armor for both hull and turret. Also penetration based on distance, along with the angle of attack affecting ability to damage a tank, say for example if you do hit the 'weaker' side armor on the diagram above it won't be easy if the armor is heavily angled.

    Though world of tanks, is just tanks, no infantry no aiplanes nothing else. If complicating things means I lose the rest, it wouldn't be worth it.
  19. Sebastien

    World of Tanks is a **** game. As long as the tanks have a Camo rating and turn invisible in plain view because your view range isn't good enough, it'll always be ********.
  20. triav

    What is this?

    Warthunder ground forces?
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