Why did you quit?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Prudentia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    GTA 5 delayed, and delayed...
    but game was unplayable few month ago, now its much better
  2. TheRunDown

    I'm still working on Quitting..
    This game is unbelievably crap, it's basically CallOfBattlefield Online..
    No Meta, It shouldn't have PlanetSide's glorious name... due to the lack of PlanetSide in it..

    But yet.. I keep playing because I have nothing better or to compare it to.. since PlanetSide 1 is dead and has 4 players on it at any given time.. I'm not left with many options.

    If a game on the same level of players, and was a squad strategical game, I'd be gone and with about 200 players from the outfit/s and friends. (I HATE CHECK POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!)
  3. Ghosty11

    I quit for a long while back in September 2014, due the horrible hit registration problems I was having , then was turned off by the Halloween event and the removal of passive cert gain. So I went and played other games (thanks Steam Winter Sale) and just returned to PS2 early this month (March 2015).
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    been playing since december 2012 and at this point i am simply bored of this game. havent logged in for months

    no new meaningful content since months. the last content patch (which brought the autoturret and knives) was a freaking joke

    and after all the restructuring at DBG we still dont seem to get new good content our way:
    - new weapons were announced but went silent since then
    - koltyr is like a smaller version of amerish, the same old textures, same old bases, same old buildings, same old ways to fight... just boring, no thank you
    - blackhand aka commissioner 2.0, what a freaking waste of time!

    - no new resource system
    - no new objectives
    - STILL no city continent (even though they disclosed they are working on one)
    - no new ground vehicles, instead we got a terribly designed useless air transport

    i would say if you dont happen to be a PS4 player completely new to the game, there's no reason to continue playing this right now
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  5. gigastar

    Resource Revamp. Or lack thereof.

    Before, at least taking certain bases could impact either the enemy or your own factions ability to wage war.

    Now, it doesnt mean **** and the games been reduced to just a 3 way endless TDM with capture points.

    Im counting the days until the first anniversary of the first phase. Thats when i intend to attempt to force the issue and then decide if ill ever come back here.
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  6. Crayv

    I haven't really quit but I play a bit less than I used to. Having what would be many a fun fight ruined by redeployside kinda takes its toll.

    Oh and one faction having both Hossin and Indar... I instantly log off.
  7. taxidriver

    I didn`t stop completely, but almost. It`s maybe 10-20% of what i played the whole last year.

    - the hitching/lag (?) although i got at least 40-60 FPS. ( i have FPS-limiter set to 60) - on Cobalt especially where i got my main NC
    - the ping issues on both, cobalt and miller. Gets better when i`m not in a squad (this sux) or when i play late at night, when most ppl stopped playing (this also sux, i dont want 1-12 fights only..)
    - Something gamechanging is needed (resources etc...), the sunderer was a good start tho
    - an advice! make a symbol above MBT/Harasser etc. that the driver needs a gunner, i´m so fed up driving a well certed vehicle alone.

    Sometimes it works just fine, without any problems but that`s kinda rare. But then i see the potential of this game and it really can be awesome, if everything works. H1Z1 runs fine, why doesn`t PS2?
  8. Iridar51

    Here's how your post sounded to me:
  9. TheRunDown

  10. Boosted

    Funny you mentioned that cause that's what I'm playing right now. Went out and bought a NEW 3DS with "C" stick and MH4U. I'm a MH vet since Playstation 2. Played everyone except Frontier, MHO and MH3U (I hate that effing game).
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  11. AlterEgo

    You mean...
  12. AlterEgo

    Oh, I'm quitting VERY soon...

    Battlefront may cut my Planetside time by 5%!
    In other words, I'm NEVER leaving this game. I don't about anyone else here, but Planetside's battles still make me cry at night. The scale, the intensity, the constant yells in the chat urging the NC to regrow any hopeful signs of military competence, the constant region chats that come with the VS zergs attacking a non-connected base, and the ever so fulfilling tells of telling a person how awesome her/his MCG looks once I've been cut to pieces... Nothing needs to change, because it already has it. PS1 was a military simulator, nothing more. This game... THIS is a war game. No other game is able to do what Planetside does, and with a little bit of advertising, more faction-specific weapons, classes, and general flavor, this game could be three times as good as it already is!
  13. IberianHusky

    I tend to play on and off. I usually quit either from getting burnt out or because another game came out that I wanted. Right now I am in PS2 for the long haul, as there are no games I want that are near on the horizon, and I want to make the most of my heroic boost. I don't plan on quitting again until I reach BR 100.
  14. H0urg1ass

    I quit the first time because I played Planetside 1 for almost two years straight. When PS2 came out I told all my friends how awesome it was gonna be.

    Then I finally got my hands on it and found out I had been sold a lie. It's not Planetside 2 at all. It's some other game that they slapped the Planetside brand onto. I was mega pissed. I had already bought $75 worth of Station Cash for it so I played until around BR 67 and then I couldn't take it anymore.

    I came back when Daybreak took over to see what had changed and to see if the game takes a different direction or not. So far I'm still not impressed, but then again I can't find giant land battles in any other games I play so I'll stick around until the next Batman game drops.
  15. Llamar

    The game needed substantial updates but the community was too concerned with reworking the same, meaningless **** for the 50th time.

    Less and less people played and the chance of an update that would actually change the game kept getting lower.

    Eventually, I stopped caring and lost hope of any big updates.

    It's a shame. This was my favourite game but cert farming and zering got real old real quick. Most of my time played was spent just dicking around with friends, but having to avoid any objective play to have fun just didn't make sense.

    So I quit, and I'm glad.
  16. CrimsonSentinel

    I try to quit, but every few days, maybe a week and I'll play an hour or two.

    When the new Battlefront gets released, PS2 is going to get buried unless they shape up under the new management.
  17. uhlan

    The game is just a shooting gallery simulator with horrible hit detection and server latency.

    Lag wizardry run rampant coupled with terrible resource structure and zero depth has driven the game right into the dirt.

    Sure it's fun to log in and farm some noobs I guess, but that wears off really quickly once you realize all you're doing is destroying another persons game experience because they can't keep up where gear or connection is concerned. Rarely is it ever a pure skill issue in PS2.

    Those folks that drop in to a fight with their squads of fully certed BR100 characters to just farm the noob zerg who are completely outclassed by computer gear and in-game experience are the equivalent to people who have a bad day at work then take it out on their dog when they get home.

    At one point we may have called this an "elite" operation, but now, with all of the problems this game has creating an even (or something like it) playing field, it's just griefing now.

    SOE has bit the dust and I have very little faith in DBG to set things right.
  18. Bernardes

    I cancelled my membership and quit because of the consequences of 30-oct-2014 patch... (Sometime I came back to see if SOE fixed my issues, but not yet...)

    For me:
    - Game takes about 40 times more to load, change continents and redeploy. Due to that I feel I am wasting my time. This is the main reason. (It demands several minutes, like 10 minutes for initial load)
    - While playing in ESF I frequently open the map. In 90% of time it does not open, instead a grey screen appear.
    - Still while playing in ESF If I fly fast I see the minimap does not render and if I continue flying fast world does not render! In the end I crash in an invisible thing...
    - Nerfs applied to all factions is turning this game boring.

    My specs are:
    Intel i-5 3.7 GHZ
    nvidia 580 GTX with 3 GB with latest drivers applied.
    8 GB of ram
    Windows Vista 64-bit with latest service pack and updates applied.

    Hope someone from SOE reads this post and fix this game.

    I would like to go back and play the game, I really like it, but at this time the game is broken and unplayable for me.
  19. TheBlindFreak

    3U was alright enough. It was a nice expansion to Tri. I started on Tri, went back to Freedom Unite, then got 3U when it came out. I'm now more than a little consumed by 4U right now.
  20. CrimsonSentinel

    Well... there's your problem. Don't play on Vista, at least go to 7 or 10 when games are actually freaking compatible with it... Also might be the i-5...