Why am I so bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirpainFood, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. AirpainFood

    Title says it all really. I am extremely bad at this game even though I have been playing for over a year.

    I was wondering if anyone would watch some gameplay I have recorded and tell me how much I suck what I am doing wrong and how to improve.

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  2. ShineOut

    Well, an fps increase can generally help. But if that's out the question it's just your reaction time. You don't suck, you play the objective. It's just you have a lower reaction time than others. Your aim can use improvement to, so you go to VR and practice snapping on to targets and getting head shots / chest shots at the same time.

    I'm not one to comment on how some one plays though, I just play aggressive and get in and out.
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  3. Xiad

    The first thing I checked? Your framerate. Even before I finished reading what you were saying, I was thinking "he has terrible performance. I can just sense it...".

    I was not wrong.

    At your warpgate, under NO load, the highest FPS you got was about 35.

    At other points, I saw it go as low as SIX.

    I'd argue that anything under 30 will noticeably affect anybody's performance in an FPS. I'd also argue that you might as well stop playing when below 20...but SIX? There's very little that you can do effectively in this game, in terms of combat, at that sort of performance.

    Now, that might not be all that's holding you back. It depends on how you fare in other similar games. My advice will not touch on any of that, because this is a glaring problem. First and foremost, FIX YOUR PERFORMANCE. I'm willing to wager that it's the biggest issue keeping you from doing what you consider to be good in this game, or at the very least seeing a noticeable improvement. Get back to us when you have at least 30 FPS in an average battle.

    In terms of getting that performance, it depends on your hardware and your settings relative to that.
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  4. 0fly0

    Damn that video look like you have such bad fps it's too much lag for playing well, i can understand that, i'm not the best player in the game but i can do really decent score when i haver good fps but the weekend i have to log off because i just can't play:


    that's my killboard before i log off, i just see people move extra speed, getting one shot against full auto weapon, need to shot 2 meters next to the guy for touching the hitbox... My best fight is always the morning when we keep it to 24-48 max fight.

    You should start looking your setting, lower the render distance and stuff like that.
  5. AirpainFood

    ^ Settings are as low as they can go.

    I do play on a toaster, however, I will be getting a new PC 4 years from now :)

    Well like allready mentioned, the performance seems to be your problem, so maybe try lower settings, medium or even low. For the beginning you could try to set shadows on low or off, this alone can sometimes do the trick with the fps, and try if it's better.
  7. CNR4806

    Ground vehicles are about the only thing that you can play with horrible performance.
  8. Leftconsin

    I'm just going to list a lot of things.
    -Stop flying stock reavers as a HA. If you want to move around the map to get to a fight you can jump into a platoon just to spawn at a base and then you can leave the platoon right away if you want to keep soloing.
    -Your framerate is bad. My old computer had a framerate slightly higher than that. When I got my new one in January my average KDR went from 2 to 3 and my kills per hour went from 30 to 50. Also my headshot rate gained about 5-6%.
    -In the middle of the video you are spawning at a sunderer that is getting badly over run. You should have looked at the population imbalance after your second death (time11:39) and seen the 62-38 underpop. Spawning at that sundy again was a mistake. Same goes for Takkon.
    - Burst fire at long ranges. Your weapon actually does become wildly inaccurate even to the scope if you just hold down fire.
    - The Warden is garbage.
    - Laser sights on your weapons might suit you better.

    So I suggest getting a new computer. With your graphics settings that low, and minimum render range I can't imagine how old your current computer is.

    pick fights that are more even population, hip fire more, burst fire more, when you start taking damage: find cover because your framerate is so low you can't possibly react properly.
  9. AirpainFood

    Its a 5 year old HP laptop lol :p
  10. The Rogue Wolf

    Good Lord. With masochism levels of that magnitude, you should've been offered a cameo in Fifty Shades of Grey.
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  11. Xiad

    I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but that's not the sort of hardware that can be expected to do this game any justice whatsoever. I'm rather amazed that you have put up with Planetside 2 for so long. I personally would have given up, but that's just my sentiment. With that being said, I'd wager that you would enjoy this game far more if it weren't for the performance bottleneck.

    Sadly, it's not that easy for everyone to just up and get a new PC. I built my first about 3 years back, after years of hamsterwheel-powered doorstops and it's just about starting to show it's age. It was a pretty modest budget, too. Either way, getting to the point, even entry level gear these days is capable of great things, so if your heart is set on Planetside 2, it might be more within your budget than you expect. If not, perhaps it would be better to leave it for now. One of the most engrossing and enjoyable games I've ever played was FTL, and you could probably run that on a calculator. In fact, they released an iPhone version not too long ago. There's good stuff out there that doesn't require hundreds of bucks worth of electronics to function.
  12. AirpainFood

    I do have that game :) I play it and make mods for it!
  13. QuakerOatsMan

    I have a near-identical play experience to yours, and maintain a consistent ~10-15 fps during battles (I'm also using a ~3 yr business laptop that's not supposed to be able to play PS2, but of course, I have enough fun anyway). My aim is similarly "poor" with that fps which also makes it especially hard to know what's going on when your fps drops when someone's just shooting at you. However, there are a few things I'm noticing that you could improve.

    One of them is burst-firing, which I notice that you tend to just hold M1 down (It is hard to properly aim with slideshow fps, but burstfiring helps). It's fine if the target's within maybe 15m or so depending on the weapon, but often unreliable past that range.

    Another is map-awareness, and I'm noticing that you tend to just go wherever you see allies on the map, even if you're surrounded. For me, because I've been stuck with low FPS, I gradually adapted to pay much more attention to the minimap and environment sounds to prepare for targets or dangerous areas (I also often check the map menu (M) quite often to check incoming enemies or to rough-scout). Some of the fights in your video showed very few recon darts or motion sensors around for your side, which makes the fight a big disadvantage (I also don't have the best reaction time, but these scouting tools easily compensate, giving a lot of preparedness). A lot of players ended up flanking you as a result (especially because you were rushing into enemy lines in out-popped battles. Sometimes it's better to just sit back and support or redeploy).

    And laser-sights with SMGs or other strong hipfire weapons such as some carbines are a godsend for me. Because of my low FPS, my aim is horrible against moving targets in ADS, for whatever reason (LMGs are my least favorite small-arms, for now). My most-auraxium'd weapons are those with good hipfire and laser sights, or at least those are which I now perform best with.

    And mostly, I tend to avoid Hossin and Amerish for gunfights altogether with such low FPS, as the cluttered terrain makes it even worse (especially Hossin, I avoid that as much as possible. Playing there becomes frustrating for me, and the overly-complex building designs don't make it any better), UNLESS I am sticking to some support role such as a repair sundy, engy, or medic and I'm minimalizing gunfire play (planting mines around isn't so bad either).
    Also, it's true that using ground vehicles will probably allow you to offset a lot of that negative experience. Finding good positions and opportunities to flank has netted me auraxiums on several vehicle weapons. With such low FPS, operating ground vehicles is much more forgiving than the low TTK playstyle of an infantry.
  14. AirpainFood

    I get the best FPS on Esamir, but there is either no one there or its locked.
  15. Konstantinn

    OMG, you probably aren't even bad, I'd do a lot worse than you with constant 15-17 FPS like that. It's just your computer (although you're recording so you probably get somewhere in 30s when you're not). That's still a really serious handicap.
  16. Illucidator

    I havnt looked at your video yet. (Im on my phone and am almost over data) but from everyones comments it seems its your rig holding you back. So can you post a screenshot of your graphics settings? Also any information about your current laptop. Idk if theres any parts you can swap out but there might be some hope instead of buying a whole new pc. But you probably can build a 500$ pc to run ps2....probably.
  17. Drasilov

    At least you can fly. I cant even do that. I get decent frames but I also suck - mainly because there's no time to react. If I hear one bullet hit me I am already dead. Thats how quickly I die. That can be at any range as well and not from snipers. I can pump nearly a full mag into an opponent with no kill.

    As a result I almost always get assists - getting a kill is rare. I'm also too tired when I play - coming in from work my brain is mush so my reaction times are about the same as the stopping distance of a large container ship. I'm amazed I even have a positive KDR.
  18. Keldrath

    You are sub 20fps at all times.

    No one can make that work.

    There's more than likely plenty of other things you'll need to work on, but you can't work on any of it until you start getting a much higher stable framerate.

    So you gotta fix that before you can start fixing anything else.
  19. CazadorDeLaBruja

    if you get less then 30 FPS stick to long range vehicle combat... if you get 60 FPS or better you can hold your own in infantry CQC. Run with a a couple Friends *not a big plattoon...

    Dont Fly *your FPS is too low to gun or fly... it will cause your screen to wobble and often the enemy will be on top of you before you can light up a shot...

    if you really must do CQC... drop your render distance down to 200... you wont be able to enguage many aircraft or any vehicles that are a great distance but you can then fight in bases infantry if you come at the msideways and they are wearing max Nanoweave... use LA or HA with Rocket/Shotgun/Pistol/Knife <- in this order... you cant sustain a shoot out... Faster PCs shoot their weapons faster then slower PCs and a Faster PC will Render your avatar before your PC granting them a considerable edge... Also when enguaging an infantry target... Feint them by poking your head around a corner then juke back to your side of the passeageway behind cover... when they run around the corner you will get the first couple shots before they can snap to you.

    when you go up aganst a BR 100, Just be thankful of the experience... the only players better then BR 100s are hackers and they never reach that rank... i sometimes curse when a BR 100 rounds a corner and i die instantly, often only able to fire 1 shot in their general direction... they have the finest equipment the most MAXed gear... and insanely wicked skills... and they earned every bit... Try going after the BR 30... they are mostly compatent but the match is more evenly balanced based on your experience level.

    If you are still having no luck but still want to continue the game, try helping newbies get their first ranks... what you lack due to skill or equipment handicap, your long dedicated experience can make use of a well organized team... many new players want intense action and would value your expertise on what battles they should fight or avoid. who knows you might make some new friends along the way. i feel the Valk & Sunderer are the best chariots for this task.
  20. VulphluxTR

    because you attack sundees with esf stock noseguns