Skyguard *Guessguard* needs increased bulletspeed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreez, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Dreez

    At its current stage, Skyguard isn't as much "guard" as it is guessing where to aim when the enemy got
    the skies filled with airplanes. Whenever a target is moving a fair distance away, its more or less impossible
    to kill with a skyguard because the bullets travel so slow you have to ALWAYS lead you targets, and when your
    targets are constantly moving, changing direction and dodging... you won't hit anything - this results more
    often then not that the target kills whatever they want to kill, and then goes after you or goes for re-arming....

    Even at close range, the bullets travels so slow that an ESF flying past you will simply "outrun" all your bullets
    unless you lead the target by ALOT, and even then, if the ESF pitches up, you will miss every shot.

    GOOD AIM should reward you with kills, NOT good luck with leading targets..

    Increase the velocity of the bullets. Also, its a joke that a Gunship can nuke a skyguard with a Dalton,
    since that pretty much TOTALY NEGATES the purpose of the skyguard. I can understand perfectly if a
    tank kills a Skyguard, since they are designed to kill tanks. But even if a gunships equips a Dalton,
    you can't really say its then designed to kill tanks, it kills EVERYTHING...

    So i would suggest giving Skyguards "top" armor... and higher bulletspeed.
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  2. iller

    wat.... I've finished off Libs two Hexes away with it....
  3. Alchemist44

    Cant speak for a skyguard, I havent tried it yet, but if they are as useful at KILLING enemy aircrafts as bursters then maybe I wont bother.
  4. England3942

    Skyguards are basically bullet hoses anyway. The skyguard is, to an extent, a spray-and-pray weapon, but the solution to your problem: lead your targets better. It is not meant to be easy to destroy aircraft at very long distances, and the skyguard decimates any air vehicles at close range. Just practice a bit with aiming, and move with a swerve-pattern when a Dalton liberator comes by.

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  5. TheMish

    I honestly think you just got the skyguard, and you're still getting used to it.

    I felt the same way when I first got it.
  6. KnightCole

    For sure, give the Skyguard about 300ms more speed and it would be atleast mildly useful.
  7. z1967

    I am not so sure about a velocity buff, but if the turret could rotate a bit faster it would make hitting targets a bit easier at closer ranges, and making tracking easier as well. I would certainly love a STK buff for the Skyguard, particularly against Libs and gals.
  8. Prudentia

    dunno, i would like a CoF buff more.
    hunting Infantry is just a bit annoying with all the randomness
  9. asmodraxus

    Give the skyguard a coaxial 20mm or the option of a second skyguard turret then its fine (limited defense against everything else or total air devastation).

    Or increase the projectile velocity.

    Also for those pilots that think that leading a target that can move in 3d space (left, right, up or down and altering its speed) whilst the tank can only go left or right, kind of don't get the idea of the skill / difficulty involved in killing them and staying alive with no afterburner to use when something shoots at us.
  10. BobSanders123

    Guessguard? Skillguard bro. You can lead your targets, you can kill deny air
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  11. Leftconsin

    I've been almost shot down over Mao Southeast by a skyguard I knew was at Galaxy Solar. This is one example of many. I don't know how they do it, but skyguards are still lethal out past one kilometer. No need for buffs.
  12. Archiadus

    I wish the Skyguard would deal 10 times (oke 10 times might be a bit ridiculous but I'm sure that you get the idea) as much damage as normal when your flying target is so close to you that you could throw a rock against it. :(
  13. RHYS4190

    LOL no way dude that would be insane there really good at the moment if you buffed them they be blatantly op. let me mentor you.

    ESF's are very slow they have a after burner but it runs out very quick and is slow recharging, catch a ESF with no after burners left and there dead.
    they are also pretty bloody blind, the mini map even when expanded is still not very good for ESF's important details are often omitted. so lot of the time they will fly right in front of you because they have no idea your there. Sky guard are a ambush predator like a tiger they are not a sniper,

    worst still sky guard looks just like a lighting, when they are spotted they show up as just a normal lightning one of the ESF favourite foods. and they have absolutely no idea what you are until you start firing. the rule of thumb is if they fill your cross hairs that your optimal range. if there that close you can kill them in a split second with a sky guard.

    AA- works best when you co-ordinate with others so bring friends, you don't even need other flak a simple lock on works great.

    Burster max's are good if you use them right, eg with friends, but keep in mind that ESF will target things that shoot at them, and a single ESF can kill a burster if they sneak up on them.

    Liberators- are powerful, they however you need to sink heps of certs into them to make them good, THEY are the hardest vehicle to use in the game, and you need two people who know what there doing other wise they get swatted very quickly.
    if your getting smashed by a lib please keep in mind your playing against a very skilled player and people who can do that with a lib are rare, people like that are going to dominate no mater what just because they are skilled.

    also the libs are designed as more of a counter to air defence, you can bring them down with ground fire though,

    they do need to be like that other wise the air forces have no counters to air defence. and you need a counter because people on the ground don't give a **** about taking down skyguards or flak

    and also there rarity also make them less of a issue.
  14. Copperhead

    IMO the Skyguard is mostly fine. I think it's in a decent spot against ESFs, where it's a good deterrence at range (mind you I see too many Skyguards and Burster Maxs do this, instead of letting them get closer and wonder why it's so hard to get kills) or completely wrecks them if they get far too close.
    My issue with the Skyguard is that it offers no such joy in deterring Libs. I've no issue with a Lib sneaking up on my Skyguard and wrecking me, but if I'm aware that you're lining up for a run on my *** and I react by opening fire and turning to face you with my front, your options should be to abort or get wrecked.
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  15. CNR4806

    Make the Skyguard a Walker-type weapon, with the good accuracy, insane velocity and all.

    It would be much more useful in my opinion. Velocity > Flak explosion any day, because I can hit stuff with the Walker while half-asleep.

    And with the Skygaurd's ability to aim DOWN, it will be much more than a one-trick pony.
  16. DxAdder

    I have no problem killing ESF's with a Skyguard.
  17. zombielores

    Skyguards are mostly fine against ESF and Valkyries.

    Now against libs and gals their a complete different topic.
  18. Tiedemann

    I agree with this. I've used it a lot over the last few weeks and the "good" lib pilots that nearly land on you and still flying away without burning is making me frustrated. I see it as a ridicules suicidal maneuver that shouldn't be any more than luck if I was to decide the balance of things.
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  19. Towie

    The basic problem with the Skyguard (and other AA) is that by themselves, they are not that great - a lone one can kill an ESF with a bit of skill / luck / poor pilot but more often than not, they will just fly away.

    However - add another Skyguard / Burster Max / AA Rocket and they become potent - they scale really well in firepower.

    Even in the Super-Liberator days, you wouldn't see many Libs over areas with heavy AA cover.

    And therein lies the problem - multiple AA means clear skies (and nothing to do). A single Skyguard isn't overly powerful, but they can't make it much more powerful or the skies will be empty. It's a difficult balance...
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  20. Revel

    But its perfectly okay for aircraft to kill ground with impunity at very long distances right?