Why is this game so broken?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolemnSeraph, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Jawarisin

    The reason you get killed by experienced players is usually 1- Vendetta because you did something like roll them over without saying sorry. 2- YOU are really just in the wrong spot. 3- Sometime there's mistakes :/

    I'm on the master server anyways (Emerald). And what you consider an experienced player probably isn't if you say zergfit are crowded with them.
  2. Zeppelin123

    I think I broke it. :D
  3. ElGambo

    Experienced Player = Player with experience. It does not make them good, just experienced.
    And there is the problem. If experienced or not, this game is full of people who kill you for something as "killsteal" or just blind mindless shooting.
  4. Pikachu

    Why servers so broken recently? ;_; Chasing harasser in my lightning and they teleport 50m.
  5. Plunutsud pls

    Yeah that's pretty much what happened here.

    When I started playing a year ago I could stay above 60 fps with all settings on high, now I can barely stay above 30 fps with all settings on medium, plus all the netcode problems, balance, etc.

    But I still love this game, there's nothing like it on the market today... ai crai evri taim

  6. Captain Kid

    Unfortunately this. It was the same with Planetside 1.
    I knew when I started playing this game two years ago it would go like this.
    It was quite weird reading all these positives posts and attitudes for the first year..People really thought this game was going to be epic..

    This game has been on the backburner since summer now. It really started to go down hill when they started the "upgrade now" campaign. This was around the time they introduced missions. (did they even finish the mission system?)

    Right now on Emerald people are having insanely high ping. Mine is fluctuating between 250 and 900.
  7. Jawarisin

    Those with experience usually shoot less their allies. Though if you're NC for some reason, TK is more rampant
  8. FBVanu

    To the OP:
    The idea is that you play a support role, Engineer or Medic.. until you can save up enough Certs to get what you think you need, to then play the role that you want to play. In the meantime, you learn a lot about the game.

    you have to accomplish A, in order to get close to B, so that you will then finally be able to do C... nothing comes easy.
  9. ElGambo

    I am not part of the NC and i am getting teamkilled all across the battleranks.
  10. Jawarisin

    Then you're at the wrong place all the time. Try avoiding to walk in front of friendly fire, don't stand in front of a scoped in sniper. Don't roll over friendlies or say sorry if you do. Don't run in front of AI turret while they are shooting.
  11. ElGambo

    As if i am doing this.
  12. MotionBlured

    You either camp the door with everyone else, or you get mowed down by both sides. Good players will find the alternate route (or a better fight).
  13. Iridar51

    1. Time - maybe. Money - nope.
    2. It's a circle. They fix one thing and break another.
    3. Define "*****". I can't remember seeing anyone being intentionally mean just for the sake of it. There are plenty people abusing OP stuff. Very few obvious cheaters.
  14. Leftconsin

    OK. This just happened to me and I am so baffled... I got into a 1v1 and lost... ok nothing special there I was a bit confused because I was laying down a few headshots. I respawn and after my respawn was when my bullets actually register and he dies.. my killboard shows an 8 second difference. EIGHT SECONDS!?
  15. Captain Kid

    It was quite laggy yesterday, on Emerald at least..lot's of people reporting over 500 ms.