Best sidearm for stalker infiltrator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zhengy4, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. iller

    LA's are pretty teed off that we can draw and activate it while cloaked. .... Y'know that's kinda the infiltrator's whole purpose though, to do things more methodically from relative hidden safety, and we pay for that by not being able to easily get onto roofs or over walls without a squad beacon or some crazy parkouring. They're still beefin' on the fact that we got their Adren pump which most people still never use.

    Oddly enough, I've been Lumined / Chainbladed a lot more often by LA's than by Infs :confused:
  2. Weatherchild

    If you are a VS then go with Spiker and the Lumine edge. Spiker with laser sight is just pure fun and very very good when you learn to control it. The Lumine edge is your own personal light saber to have.

    Here is my video with that setup:

    If you are from other factions then I dont know. Except for the fancy new knives. Those things were made for the stalker :D
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  3. FieldMarshall

    Repeater. Because reasons.
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  4. BobSanders123

    Repeater. It's free and as long as you generally stay on target it is a guaranteed kill up to 10m.
  5. Syphers

    NC magshot : not too bad all around
    desperado : better dps but ads is quite mandatory and really close range with a silencer

    TR repeater : best burst pistol, decent range
    inquisitor :good dps, accurate, large mag, better range

    VS cerberus : better rebel higher dps, nice sight
    spiker : burst goodness, more accurate than the desperad, VS pistols require closer effective range overall

    Revolvers : powerful, good agaisnt heavies, no suppressors
    underboss: more dps more spammy
    commissioner: slower to shoot, more range, devastating headshots
  6. FrozenCustard

    Commishner all the way. It's always a 3 shot kill at close range and can head shot body shot combo for a quick dispatch. Also OHKs infils to the head up to 10m.
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  7. Zapon

    Very impressive,
    Plus, the max getaway Lol,
    and especially, the infiltrator fight

    So, the spiker rather than the beamer can work- i'd suspected as much, and will probably grab it in the near future, since even though i can click pretty fast, i still feel the burst of the spiker makes it the only actual contender, in terms of having any serious damage
  8. Rhumald

    Knife HitBox Is Too Small.

    I have actually tested them, extensively.

    For starters, their range is small, small enough that you cannot swing down past your mid section, unless crouching, which inexplicably extends the range to where one would expect to be able to swing when standing.

    Secondly, it only works on stationary targets, or targets confused enough to move towards you. Literally the best counter for this knife is to face the infiltrator, and walk backwards, the knife will never connect due to it's range limitations and hit detection.

    The fact that your actual 'swing' only registers on the little dot in the center of your screen is frustrating for practically everyone that attempts to use it, assuming it doesn't generate a false positive when it does land home. I've had the person I was trying to hit message me saying "I heard that hit me, did you hit me?" confirming that it wasn't just an issue on my client's side of things.

    And finally;No, it can be left activated. In case anyone here hasn't noticed, they make noise when they're active. Outside a battle (like say you're a little **** sitting on a point in the next base over with it out) it's loud enough to hear, zero in on, and shoot. TR makes a distinctive chainsaw whir that I'd argue is too loud, NC makes an electrical hum, and VS sounds like a light saber Just keep that in the back of your mind and you'll start to notice it.

    Don't get me wrong, for all it's faults I still loove it, because you can sneak up behind a large group of ennemies and run them all through with it, so long as they're all mostly stationary (you know, Infiltrating), and it makes you feel like a king when you do, but it needs a fix before we start calling for changes.

    Just to clarify again, you need to draw, then activate the weapon (both actions make a very loud sound, activating after each cloak for a stalker is not feasable, the action alone will get you killed) for it to be one hit kill. If you don't, it's just a normal knife with ****** hit mechanics, and if you get into trouble by getting spotted, you're not going to have time to pull your secondary.
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  9. REZistance

    The Immortal :cool: