Extremely hyped for companies! Hope pops don't get lower before then...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zapon, May 19, 2014.

  1. Zapon

    Well, other option would have been to create new threads over time bugging SOE why they keep delaying, and now have put it on indefinite -

    How else to remind people that until very recently this was going to happen?

    eh...maybe multiple threads would have done better...
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  2. Hicksimus

    Relax, you know the SoE alts, trolls and 1 out of 10 people that actually like Planetside(SoE Devs?) aren't going to like your thread. They'll wait until the game doesn't have enough players for companies to be practical and then they'll release them.....typical SoE style.
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  3. Zapon

    Lol , released way later- , hah, aint that the truth

    Then again, actually i'd say it feels more of a matter of how long they work on something ahead of attempting to put it on a timetable, for some features

    More likely, if they are released late, we might end up seeing something where outfits are the only ones that can use them as opposed to non-outfit groups..

    I just tossed a message to muldoon, inquiring about them - i am more sure than not it was the platoon improvements thing that got sidelined due to other projects in PS2- and i think he was working on this, so fingers crossed we can find out where they are at , since there hasn't been an update since they were shuffled off the active roadmap after their due date passed...

    maybe I should bug Radar and see if he's heard anything in the halls of SOE about this......
  4. Zapon

    the other thing that becomes clear is, the other major thing that is supposed to come with this, the chat enhancements - would have been greatly useful....especially the Command Chat functions
  5. Leftconsin

    I'm kind of worried about companies now. Certain times of the day there tends to be one sizable platoon for each faction on the lower pop continent. What then happens is two of those mindless platoons crash into each other at a base that is hard to take, say Regent Rock, and then the other platoon just rolls down a lattice line. And I mean rolls down ONE lattice line while never considering breaking into squads to, I dunno, ghost cap at 4x speed.

    I'm worried that with companies the encouragement to herd up into one giant glob while many contestable bases sit vacant will become worse.
  6. ajma

    I don't care about companies. Fire teams, on the other hand, sound much more promising. It's a shame this ain't gonna happen anymore.
  7. Zapon

    someone needs to bug the devs on reddit about this then xD

    I sent malorn a PM on here, and he did not know about this one, and was working on something else- so not sure...
  8. Zapon


    if nothing else ,they are still in the works
