[Suggestion] this game would be objectively more fun for a majority players if tanks were toned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by [NNG]WillTerry, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. [NNG]WillTerry

    An open constructive conversation of the AV abilities of ESF and the general anti everything power of tanks is needed.
  2. Kirppu1

    Yeah, the only few times i've gotten f by tank is when i rush towards the as an LA, they really don't pose any threat
  3. [NNG]WillTerry

    The HE in its current state is fine. Though I would like to go back to hornets, perhaps tanks have too much resistance to them? We want them to be good at AV, I dont see why they cant be.
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  4. Rayden78

  5. Alarox

    Okay, I lied.
  6. Bujias

    Agreed tanks are anti everything-they can one shot kill esfs thats OP, they should be nerfed. :D
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  7. BengalTiger

    Well, C4 can one shot or one salvo kill quite a few things as well (including ESFs). Thus it's anti-everything.

    Daltons, bazookas (and the Phoenix is even guided, oh the huge manatee...), base turrets and possibly Hornets can also kill ESFs with a single well placed hit (or salvo). They are just as OP as my anti-everything tank. :p

    I as a tanker would not mind if their damage was cut in half - but I'm not sure if it would make the game better.
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  8. Pineapple Pizza!

    Imagine you have a Viper Lightning, only it has a co-axial walker, double-strength fire suppression, and turbo.

    Now, give it wings.

    You can't see our tears from all the way up there...
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  9. Juunro

    In all seriousness, I feel like the people that cry about air superiority in this game must not have been playing at launch. Launch lolpods and Zephyrs were friggan ridiculous compared to now.

    If you don't like enemy aircraft being in the area, shoot at them. It's what I do and by gum, it tends to work! :p
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  10. Rayden78

    Indeed with Zephyr and Night Vision you felt like a god raining death from the skies.
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  11. Parsul

    Just make sure tanks were not able to camp spawn point and cap points, and all is fine. Like octagon... no use of tanks. Let them sit in their tank zergs outside ;)

    But bases with spawn points surrounded by 30 tanks is just lame.

    Tanks were not the problem, just the design of some bases.
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  12. Movoza

    Fun is never objective. There are ways to measure it objectively, but the fun itself is freaking objective.

    The tanks actually need more functionality. Now they are pushing to a base. When they get to the base, they are practically forced to farm. So change that so they have a goal when they are at a base and a lot of problems will be solved.
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  13. KirthGersen

    Hornets underpowered? TOP KEK.
    Not sure if trolling or just stupid.
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  14. zaspacer

    I use Hornets a lot on both TR and VS. I do not have a hard time killing Mags or Prowlers (4-6 hits). Unless they have are near good AA or they can get to cover. In fact, Mags and Prowlers are 2 of my best targets for Hornets, along with Infantry.

    Vanguards are a bit tougher because their shield can delay TTK which prolongs enagement time, which raises danger levels. Also, Vanguards are often in range of other Vanguards, and they pose a serious threat of the Titan-150 AP OHK on ESFs.

    Almost every ESF pilot would love to see Titan-150 AP and C-150 Dalton damage changed such that a hit from them put an ESF on fire, and did not OHK them. ESF pilots using Fire Suppression could pop it, and survive the encounter. Neither of these weapons is supposed to be AA, yet they both are very powerful AA.

    Non-Skyguard Lightnings are in theory not a problem, and feel similar to killing Mags/Prowlers (4-6 hits). However, the problem is it's very difficult to tell Non-Skyguard from Skyguard, which makes engaging a Lightning potentially very problematic, because engaging a Skyguard (especially without knowing it's a Skyguard) can be extremely dangerous.

    ESF pilots would benefit from a cosmetic overhaul of the Skyguard, so that it was easy to tell the difference between Skyguard and non-Skyguard from far away, and from different angles. In fact, the game as a whole would benefit if Loadout differences were more obvious on each Unit: allowing players to be able to use actual strategy depending on what type of specific units the enemy had deployed on the battlefield.

    All Air currently has a very hard time with Sunderers. This is why Sunderers can just sit high up on a giant rock and suddenly become a nightmare for a faction to remove or deal with, typically with opponents often just ignoring them and trying to bypass them. I can accept the ESF not having enough firepower to deal with a Sunderer and the Infantry around it, but having so few other ways to deal with it is making much of the game a joke. Libs can't do it anymore, AV Mana Turret range was nerfed so they can't do it, some factions lack range AV Infantry (and those that do may not have line-of-sight on the Sunderer), etc.

    40+% of ESF deaths are accidental collision. Not only does this frustrate pilots, but it gives kills to trees that should be balanced to go to other players doing AA and who are themselves frustrated because they are not getting more kills. And it also has the terrible effect of making larger groups of ally ESF trying to play together in a group to be a highly suicidal effort. Air collisions are that much worse because Lag often completely distorts where each Vehicle is positioned or what their bearing is.

    Air (and others) would benefit if Collision and Debris damage was tone down. And vehicles didn't flip over, get stuck on terrain, etc.
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  15. [NNG]WillTerry

    I think these are excellent points. It takes almost 12 hornets to kill a sundy, sometimes more. I emptied 6 hornets into a magrider just to get it burning, then it used mag burn or whatever and got away. I wish the hornets had greater reach or damage. Maybe even a lock variant would be ok.
  16. ThuddenBlunder

    Wow, it sure looks like someone got the sky gods' panties in a twist. ...and that's just the pair they wear on their head
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  17. Kirppu1

    The hornets should get a buff i agree(&hornets and the tank would go boom) or at least a more speed to them
  18. Kirppu1

    It seems that you are one of those:"He killed me with a hornet! Nerf plz! OP! Higby plz"
  19. doombro

    Hornets definitely need a range buff. A2G lockon would be a nice thing to have as well, just so we have another reason to get lockons in general reworked.
  20. McToast


    For all those who didn't get it so far: The thread is just a parody of this disgrace of a thread. People who can't fly complaining about getting killed by stuff they can't utilise themselfes. I actually agree with the "nerf-ESF" thread: The game WOULD be more fun for a majority of people. The majority of people are also plainly bad at this game and would welcome everything that dumbs the game down.
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