Zergfit Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeyGeeMan, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    Just wanted to let all the newer players know about the Emerald server.

    Been bouncing around lately and I have to say bravo.

    The guys running the public platoons and taking time to bring the noobies along has been great.

    Tr : Aod, 382, 1TR, Draugar(whiteworm actually takes you out for training good stuff)
    Vs - ISV, SSGO, M41N
    NC - PHX - sorry I don't know many more...but they are there.

    Big bottom zergfits make the auraxian world go round.

    Seriously. We should be thanking these guys for taking new people under their wing and pointing them in the right direction....dont listen to the haters keep fighting the good fight.

    Again, Thanks guys for making it so much fun to come back to ps2
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  2. Wargrade

    While these platoons can be a bit on the wacky and unruly side, they do serve a purpose!

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  3. Pokebreaker

    A post from Reddit (shown below in my Signature Block) lays it out quite nicely. In war, sometimes numbers beat skill and organization. At the end of the day, a victory is a victory, and that is all that matters.
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  4. Zapon

    I would also like to call out any other dedicated public random leaders who do not run as part of outfits

    No, i'm not talking about myself, i just happen to be one (it's the main thing i enjoy in PS2)

    I dont think i've seen any on VS emerald since the merge, but i hear other servers , like connery , have a LOT OF dedicated platoon leaders who take randoms up who arent part of outfits- wish there were more on emerald...
    /something that hasnt been seen since the early days after game launch- before outfits started becoming all that is left
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    A few Platoon Leads in GOKU run an open squad on occasion... but that's only if you're under BR 20 since they're farming mentorship ribbons.
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  6. Zapon


    lol, still- no dedicated non-outfit leaders though...

    I wish the others of them hadn't all died out.....

    (To be honest, i don't care if im part of a outfit or not- I just always felt that it's nice to have those who aren't tied to an outfit, also having the will to lead large groups)
  7. CipherNine

    I don't know how it is on Emerald but hopefully your platoon leaders don't go zerg a base with 3:1 numbers advantage while we are losing on other lattice lanes.

    I'll never understand people who enjoy capping a base without a fight.
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  8. IvanCGray

    We don't particularly appreciate the label, "Zergfit" being applied simply because we're large, but PHX runs a full platoon at least, pretty much all day, every day, and are always glad to welcome and train new players.
  9. Zapon

    actually, you know what

    I've been seeing that over and over- and something people need to remember, is that numbers can make a difference

    If i'm leading and i decide, hey, i want to throw 40 tanks at a enemy base- I SHOULD be able to pull it off- even if it's easy OR difficlut to do, i should still be able ot use it as a tactic

    what i mean from this- is that sometimes, you NEED large numbers

    now, i know the VS command chat has suffered since the merges, but when you have EVERY major lattice line of a continent in a massive battle, and you're talking 96+, about 50-50 ish give or take, - you know, you need a 3 to 1, 4 to 1, 5 to 1 pop advantage- the outfits(OR full platoons that are NOT part of outfits, like the ones i lead) , are the ones waiting on command or whatever, for you to dial us up, so we can give you 3 to one odds against 96 enemy players

    because, lets face it- you can go to another lattice line- and guess what, it's 96+ there as well. so you can't escape it
  10. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Pubbies get the same waypoints and instructions that regular GOKU members get.

    They just don't get our mumble info since that's the true power of GOKU and why we typically roll everyone.
  11. steverogers

    You just described all the outfits mentionned by the OP.
  12. steverogers

    I love how the OP says: ''pointing in the right direction'' when really zergfits teach how to avoid learning how to play and instead just spamming crutches over crutches until the enemy gets overwhelmed by sheer numbers instead of outplaying them, as any person with self respect would want to do considering they are playing a game, and the journey and how you reached your goal is more important than the ''victory'' message at the end.
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  13. MikeyGeeMan

    Its funny how people who don't participate in the public platoons have the most to say.

    I have run with all of these for the past month. And I can say they are doing the rest if the server a favor.

    But of course don't take my word for it, actually try joining one.

    Or is your leetsauce preventing you from
    Yeah you don't know what your talking about. I've participated with all of the ones mentioned and never had a night without a fight.
  14. FieldMarshall

    Really like zergfits.

    Whenever i go on crazy streaks, i glance over at the killfeed and go "Ah, <insert zergfit name>. That explains it"
  15. z1967

    For Connery:
    NC- ADK, 666

    Thanks for accepting literally everyone and making sure they understand the value of organization, even in the minimal form you guys run at.
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  16. Drowingpool

    Sometimes you have to charge uphill into a gun position, it's nice if you have people with you that think its a good idea =)
  17. Keldrath

    The problem with zergfits is instead of spreading out and contesting several bases, putting good fights out on the map, they'll ghost cap zerg all their platoons into a single hex and make a fight no one would want to participate in.
  18. Zapon

    ...I applaud the ...large outfit (and no noutfit)that is willing to help out a large 96 vs 96 fight, and pour on the necessary numbers to get that 3 to 1 ratio to break past 96+ enemy players-
  19. iller

    108th-S is their latest final form ....just to keep this current & up to date
  20. z1967

    True, haven't fought NC in awhile because of the over-scree making a complete "do not pass go, do not collect 200 certs" situation for vehicles. I guess I need to add 108 to my list of crops for rotation this year :D