What is up with VS helmets SOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsonix, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Kirdra

    Honestly the only cosmetic item I've ever had a problem with was the NS Analyst helmet.. don't you remember the backlash when an NS helmet was considered way back? It was for this very reason. It destroys the outline recognition many people including myself use. You can run around covered in pink and I wont even bat an eye to double check who you are because of the model outline. But I'm still 50/50 on shooting someone in the head because of the yellow (Why put an NC color it for everyone?), and same outline that NS helmet has for every faction.

    I hardly care what you guys do with cosmetics and nerfs to weapons most of the time, but having payed full price for camos back before they were combined into one low price purchase for all items, it's enough to offend me more than a bit.

    If you want to make them a cheap novelty, fine, but I didn't pay a cheap novelty price they have become now, considering the circumstances it'd be really swell if you guys could compensate those of us in this situation, but I wont hold my breath.

    The only reason I'm not fully enraged and screaming for a refund is because they still look semi decent on my TR character.
  2. Xasapis

    If it wasn't for doritos, today I would have shot a VS that was wearing a camo that was screaming NC. And I've been playing this game from launch.

    I'll see if I can find it, but it was patches of yellow with what looked like a blue grid.
  3. Arklancer

    Then let me ask this question: Why offer camos that allow you to do so in the first place if that was never intended then penalize everyone who bought camo weather or not they fell under that category? This is like trying to use a hammer to kill an ant, this "solution" is much too general for a small issue.

    Also I don't even know what people are talking about, the only camos that can be faction confused are the all faction ones which are faction neutral and can't actually be used to make you look like a different faction.
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Pumpkin Patch camo with the gold trim armor.

    Not that I own that or anything.
  5. Zapon

    ...so, what about blending in with the environment? Maybe not the enemy faction, but a good chunk of the camos are for enviroments...

    SOE never wanted one to mistake factions- but camos are for environments by design, not masquerading as another army
    • Up x 1
  6. VaIhall

    Then there should not be same camos for all factions just that some got their faction specific colour. each faction should have unique camoflauge.
  7. NoctD

    There's still a HUGE problem with the VS MAX - the breastplate is just totally overdone/hideous. Anyone that can't IFF a crab-like MAX from the other MAXes in the game must be blind.
  8. Foxirus

    Simple fix. Put an * next to every camo. Then at the very bottom of the screen in the tiniest of letters, Put "* Camo coverage subject to change."

    In all seriousness though, You guys don't have much to work with editing up the camos. You either break them completely and make people solid colors (Lost sales because camos suck now) or you fix the Doritos system to function better. Quite frankly, I believe you guys brought this problem on yourselves by allowing other factions to wear camos that can be mistaken for other factions (That red pumpkin camo for example).

    I personally have no issue what so ever telling who is friend or foe and I do not need giant faction colors on infantry to tell me who my enemy is, I can see simply by looking at the armor type. Some of us are not the ignorant players you guys seem to think we are.

    On second thought, I am serious about the * comment. Put one next to every camo so players know 'Hey, This might change in the future, I will have no excuse to be upset if it does because they warned me'.
  9. vanu123

    What about breaking your silhouette and blending in to backround terrain like trees, rocks, hills, etc.?
  10. Arklancer

    Lots of great ideas/points here.
  11. NoctD

    Breaking LOS is actually sadly a condoned exploit... it causes issues with lag compensation, so one can actually exploit LOS to your advantage, over your opponent. It provides someone that understands how to exploit this with quite an edge over someone that doesn't. Slicing corners as Wrel states is a legit in game exploit... it will never get fixed though. And you will always die even after getting behind cover at times, cause on the other guy's screen, you didn't break LOS yet.

    Yeah I guess its too much to expect SOE to actually work on improving lag compensation, because that's just too hard for them. Yet it has far greater in game implications that any of these camo changes.
  12. eldarfalcongravtank

  13. Outreach

    Hell with camo, I want to know why some of those VS helmets make it to the market place. Weird for the sake of being weird is not and should not be the VS visual theme.

    Meanwhile NC are running around in some of the most advance looking helmets in game...while wearing flannel shirts and cargo pants.
  14. Goldmonk

    How I see people looking at helmets in the depot