[Suggestion] Lets Talk About Money, Want More Of It?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Foxirus, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Foxirus

    "Please, tell us Fox, How can we as a company take your money easier and faster?"

    How about you make all (All as in 5000 SC EACH) the directive guns buyable for 5000 SC. I don't have time to sit here and farm 6000 damn kills for hours on end. I have a very limited time to play planetside 2. I don't want to spend it grinding away at stats that isn't going to make you a damn penny in the long run. Doing it this way gets you MORE MONEY.

    "But it would be too easy to make money that way, People would say its PAY 2 WIN!"

    Why is it that you make it so hard to take your customers money? It is only pay to win if the free to play users can NEVER access it for free. There is nothing pay 2 win about getting a gun faster that would be free otherwise if you trade days and hours grinding for it.

    "What about those who are greedy with their SC?"

    They were not going to spend the money anyways. You have to understand that you only have a limited number of items before the game is bought out and you are no longer making money. At least this way you have a way to make money off those guns that you are basically FORCING people to take for free.

    This is more so directed at SOE for being ignorant and letting themselves lose money that would otherwise be easy pickings. People will disagree and want the directive weapons to only be unlocked for those who spend days grinding it. Why is this you ask? Because it gives them something to brag about that people can't hand money out for. Despite the fact bragging doesn't matter because eventually everyone will have it anyways, some will just take longer than others.
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  2. IvanCGray

    Supported, despite not wanting any of the NC Directive guns. Just make them obscenely expensive, and profit from those with more money than sense/time.
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  3. BobSanders123

    5000 SC is 50 USD. For one gun.

    This wouldn't help. It would only piss off the people who grinded for 200 hours to get that exclusive weapon. This would just look like another cash grab scheme from SOE and further worsen their reputation with the community.
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  4. AlterEgo

    I Goddamn knew you would this, Fox. I just Goddamn knew it!
    I see no problem with this. I mean, I'm F2P, and the only Directive gun I want is the Beetle Juice. Having people using the Brawler or Shuriken via SC doesn't bother me in the least. Plus, extra profit>:]
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  5. Foxirus

    Yeah. I think its pretty much clear that SOE wants money. **** reputation. Reputation doesn't pay the bills or keep food on the plates for your family.

    Oh! And it would help. That would be $50 they got from me RIGHT HERE AND NOW, Versus not a cent when I unlocked it a year from now for free.
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  6. Agamaer

    That's okay, people like Fox don't understand that what they want isn't the only thing that matters.
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  7. Foxirus

    It isn't about what I want. Its about SOE making it so hard to make money off the game when its so easy and so simple. But thats okay, You can keep thinking its all about me and my wants. People like you often don't understand that the game is kept alive by people who fund it.
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  8. AlterEgo

    Sometimes, what may seem to be best for the community ISN'T always best for the community. If someone is willing to pay extra for a certain weapon/object, then why not take the money? There's nothing wrong with making implants worth less, or making weapons cost more. As long as the VALUE is worth the purchase, then anything the game markets is okay.
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  9. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Directive weapons don't really take that long to grind out though. I managed to go from 2 LMG's auraxed to the 5 I needed in the span of about 2 months playing maybe 2 hours a day.

    How they can make money is to actually price things according to F2P models that work (weapon attachments are the actual money makers since they're cheep) instead of just re-skinning the same gun 3 times and charging $7,$15, or $20, not breaking a core element to the game and then going on vacation when your player base will be the most active (alerts), not completely ******* up 6 months of performance fixes because you're trying to port the game to a console and then telling everyone "long term gain for short term pain", nerfing over performing weapons/abilities into the ground only to never touch them again (ZOE, PPA, Banshee), actually delivering new content that doesn't completely suck or take 9 months to fully implement (Hossin, Valkyrie), listening to your player base about what they want for the 2 years they've been talking to you instead of finally asking them after it's obvious you've ****** them over repeatedly, and finishing all three faction so they have more than 1-2 clear choices when it comes to each weapon class.
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  10. Foxirus

    Okay! And you got the weapon for free. But I would hand them $50 right NOW to have the weapon without spending 2 months trying to do it. I work for a living and do not have as much free time as I do money. I want to spend the little free time I DO have having fun and not spend doing boring grinding.
  11. HadesR

    Due to Sony's and SOE track record in which their Security drops faster than a prostitutes pants I'm wary of giving them my CC details ..

    Luckily they allowed mobile payments which are safe and easy ..

    Now I say " allowed " rather than " allow " because in their wisdom a few months ago they removed that as an option for buying SC.

    Result being no more $ / £ from myself and a fair few others I would imagine ..

    It's like they don't want our money ... But they do .. But in weird ways ..
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  12. AlterEgo

    That isn't TOO long. Thing is, I'm in senior year. As such, I have LOTS of work. The household in which I live in is VERY conservative. Not AVOID EVERYONE WHO HATES RELIGION conservative, but DO YOUR WORK AND THANK GOD FOR WHAT YOU HAVE conservative. As such, I don't have too much time to play the game, except on weekends, holidays, vacations, the few rare days in which my parents are not in the house... :p
    In other words, it may be a worthy investment. Maybe just lower it to $30-44 instead of $50, and I'm sure a small little profit could be made.
  13. Foxirus

    I use PayPal. SOE does not get my credit card information.
  14. iller

    Can't support this... it's too heavily weighted on MMO Whales instead of trying to get F2P's to support the game.
  15. Foxirus

    Thats the deal though. If a F2P player is going to support the game, They are going to do it regardless of whats for sale. People are not going to spend money if they don't want to. People who do want to spend money should not be limited by the grind.
  16. BobSanders123

    The point of the directive weapons is to show that you took the time and effort to master a specific weapon type in order to unlock an exclusive version of your empires flagship default weapon.
  17. Foxirus

    Yeah. Anyone who has months to grind can get those weapons, that is nothing special. That doesn't give SOE anything to help their bottom line profit margin. I will drop 5000SC for them to save me that two months of grinding that I don't have time to do.
  18. GoyoElGringo

    I understand pay-2-skip-the-grind, but the directive guns exist solely for people who want to complete the really hard directives. They are meaningful because they are hard to get. If you make them purchasable, then part of the reward for working so hard is lost.
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  19. Foxirus

    There is a difference between being hard to get and simply being a time sink. The directive weapons now are not hard to get, They are nothing more than an extreme time sink. If I didn't have a job that took up most of my time, I would already have them all with SOE making not a dime from it. I can't play for hours on end, so I would gladly just give $50 and be done with it to have my fun. I get my happiness, Soe gets money. The only one who isn't happy about it is the people who think the time sink that most directives really are are the people who think they actually represent some form a skill. Its like people bragging about battle rank. It doesn't mean anything other than how long you have sunk into the game.
  20. IvanCGray

    Side note, not all of the directive weapons are based off of the empire default options, like the NC Moonshot.