Another Vulcan threat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Evoo, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Huishe

    What, you expect me to talk to you? Learn to write first.
  2. Evoo

    Maybe i will, maybe you should be more considerate. It's not my native language, it's a big world you know.
    No hard feelings noble Tr defender number two!
  3. Huishe

    Well, maybe. It's not my native language either, it's just that your mistakes look more like typical american ones. You know, when people just write words as they hear them.

    Anyway, i could hardly care about vulcan because it's useless on Prowler. It really is. Higby once said they plan to replace it completely, and i'm still waiting for this day.
  4. Evoo

    Way to go noble TR defender number two , now americans?
    Boarding the racist-stereotype train ey
  5. Huishe

  6. Sandi18

    I agree and its clearly right, that is why people are creating this threads (and they need to be created for the developers see this).

    It was wrong before the patch and now its worst to see that some clown thinks harassers/jeep/car needs to be way better then lightinings and heavy guys dont see how stupid is this logic?
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  7. Evoo

    I would say the harraser version was fine before the patch , and the prowler vulcan needed a little buff. But SOE tends to overbuff or vice versa .
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  8. blackboemmel

    exactly. the Vulcan was a very good choice for Harassers before the buff. now even unexperienced Harrasser-Crews - with gunners that can barely hit a MBT with a Halberd from close ranges while moving - can destroy everything with that gun.
  9. \m/SLAYER\m/

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  10. zombielores

    And you ignore literally everything else and clearly don't understand things like KPU. I'll explain it to you. KPU - Kills per Unique, i.e Kills / Uniques. For normal-high usage weapons, this is a performance stat and not a usage stat, as the average KPU is calculated on a per period basis (one day).
    And of course you didn't hear my analogy with the 100m sprint and the 3k marathon, if you know anything about stats, you'd understand that the lower the play time, the higher the deviation that is possible and the more likely a skilled player will drag up the stats [check the KPU average and playtime, now you going to claim burst fire weapons are OP,].

    And then there is the fact that you are more likely to run into another Vulcan and have him kill stealing from you lowering your KPH.

    You can clearly see before that the Vulcan was doing good and even better in other areas like aKPU then things like the Halberd, Enforcer, and Saron so I don't see why it deserved a buff.

    Just because your blind and have some major TR empirical bias doesn't mean everyone else does, please come back to me when you understand stats properly.
  11. FateJH

    That which is driving everyone up a wall is that the Prowler Vulcan and the Harasser Vulcan are already two separate weapons; that, statistically, only the former was underperforming; and, that the other one was performing agreeably within its niche; but, for whatever reason, SOE saw need to improve both models at the same time; and, no one can articulate a sufficient explanation. (I was aiming for as many semicolons as possible so that last sentence structure is intentional.) Did they modify the wrong template? Did the wrong line in XML get changed? Is the inheritance model that inflexible?
  12. Disconsented

    Childish insults get you nowhere.
    Essentially more players provides a greater range of players which means more outliers hence the statistics you have shown
  13. zombielores

    It's showing the same statistic pattern of the pre-nerf PPA, better then average stats and higher playtime then it's counterpart.

    I'm sorry if you got insulted by that but you haven't shown any proof of where he Vulcan-H needed a buff, if you understand anything KPU is average, similar to KDR, so playtime has minimal effects on the stats.

    So please show me where the Vulcan-H needed a buff, it was perfectly fine pre-buff as you can see in the graph it criss cross with the enforcer and saron and everything was about even, so why does a perfectly good weapon deserve a buff even though the other two doesn't.

    Also Higby even thinks it's too good.

    So show me the proof where it's currently fine and doesn't need a nerf, with stats and numbers or else I won't stop campaigning for it to happen.
  14. asmodraxus

    I think the issue is to change one (which needed the change, the prowler) SOE had to change them both, which led to the Prowler being same ol' same ol' (120mm kills everything why bother with a second gunner when (s)he can get their own prowler, just with a slightly better secondary. Its just the Harasser got a completely unneeded buff, the same buff that saw it getting nerfed way back when.

    I'd say that it will be nerfed within a few days, but considering the balance department I foresee this state lasting 6 months or more, but hey if you can't beat them join em (time to dust off my TR alt with Vulcan on the harasser).
  15. FieldMarshall

    The Vulcan cant be threatened anymore.